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that is totally gonna help you get back to the channel

It did. We're just having technical issues over here... Something about being unable to undo a 999H ban...

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I always sort of wanted to say it and occasionally I had, but I was worried about sounding like an ass.

You'd be amazed how liberating it is to be able to say what you think without worrying about the repercussions.

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Can't be screwed learning D&D, and youtube.... meh, I'm not into spamming forums of hosting sites with crap that no one cares for.... well I did it here, but that was a special exception. As for interesting reads? Suppose I could go get a few books from the local library.

From the channel? For being an Psych.

Please don't insult the donkey :( And if you meant it in the derogatory sense, then that's an insult to all ass's out there :/


I actually have to agree with you. (Unfortunately) Kiryns come off as too sensitive, or intolerant to certain issues for me as well, but in your case you often go too far. You're like me, only you make a lot less sense and have an inferior brain. (Not being elitist, a dog chasing its tail has a superior brain to you sometimes)


Saying what one wants if fine and all (and usually my preferred method) but there's seldom point in it when the people you're talking to don't want to listen. Snowy for example would have been useless to convince regarding such a matter. Phoenix... well he'a a brickhead, so I don't know, depends on how he feels regarding the issue originally. But it's been proven before that he doesn't accept criticism or challenges to his authority well at all.

In all honesty? If I was Psych, I would have gotten the hint and left the RP by now. (Mine was more boredom then irritation). But it's quite clear that he's not wanted here by the majority.

@Magister again

If the majority hate your target, it's usually safe to bash them. In grade... 10? I fractured a guys neck and got off with a 1 week voluntary detention. (Was asked to come in to placate angry parents) which I complied with due to it being in an air conditioned room XD. *One of her greatest achievements*

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Can't be screwed learning D&D, and youtube.... meh, I'm not into spamming forums of hosting sites with crap that no one cares for.... well I did it here, but that was a special exception. As for interesting reads? Suppose I could go get a few books from the local library.

Please don't insult the donkey :( And if you meant it in the derogatory sense, then that's an insult to all ass's out there :/


I actually have to agree with you. (Unfortunately) Kiryns come off as too sensitive, or intolerant to certain issues for me as well, but in your case you often go too far. You're like me, only you make a lot less sense and have an inferior brain. (Not being elitist, a dog chasing its tail has a superior brain to you sometimes)


Saying what one wants if fine and all (and usually my preferred method) but there's seldom point in it when the people you're talking to don't want to listen. Snowy for example would have been useless to convince regarding such a matter. Phoenix... well he'a a brickhead, so I don't know, depends on how he feels regarding the issue originally. But it's been proven before that he doesn't accept criticism or challenges to his authority well at all.

In all honesty? If I was Psych, I would have gotten the hint and left the RP by now. (Mine was more boredom then irritation). But it's quite clear that he's not wanted here by the majority.

@Magister again

If the majority hate your target, it's usually safe to bash them. In grade... 10? I fractured a guys neck and got off with a 1 week voluntary detention. (Was asked to come in to placate angry parents) which I complied with due to it being in an air conditioned room XD. *One of her greatest achievements*

thank you for making my day

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Saying what one wants if fine and all (and usually my preferred method) but there's seldom point in it when the people you're talking to don't want to listen. Snowy for example would have been useless to convince regarding such a matter. Phoenix... well he'a a brickhead, so I don't know, depends on how he feels regarding the issue originally. But it's been proven before that he doesn't accept criticism or challenges to his authority well at all.

@ bold: You really need to stop using that word.

@ underlined: And that's why you need to stop using that word. I'm getting the feeling you think you actually know what you're talking about here.

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Man, Kanami for "don't mess with on a bad day" tier.

Well done.

Wasn't a bad day, It was during the beginning of term4. The guy'd been pissing me off since day one of the school calendar :/ So he sort of had enough enemies around the school for people to understand my side XD Was seriously disturbed when the school nurse told me "good job" after she made me apologize to the guy and made me say sorry. (Away from the victims ears)

That said, just want to point out I'm not super strong/fast or anything. *Doesn't want to come off as the "I'm a black belt, with lightning fast attacks and can beat you all up" types*

Though just to illustrate what kind of guy he was, there was one incident early on in the year when he licked the teachers chair during class (to be funny?) another where he smashed open the container of mercury after being told not to drop the container (he tossed it at a group of girls nearby. And another time he threw potatoes into the deep fryer from three feet away because he was scared of the oil spitting on him......

Psych? Are you really 14/15? Or did you go to my school?


Your feeling it is correct? Read the underline again. And then your comment XD

Edited by Kanami
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Though just to illustrate what kind of guy he was, there was one incident early on in the year when he licked the teachers chair during class (to be funny?) another where he smashed open the container of mercury after being told not to drop the container (he tossed it at a group of girls nearby. And another time he threw potatoes into the deep fryer from three feet away because he was scared of the oil spitting on him......



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Your feeling it is correct? Read the underline again. And then your comment XD

No, I'm feeling that you should stop using that word. Also unrelated, but wtf @ neck guy ...

I should start giving out little surveys instead of trying to hint at handling criticism well :lol:

Relevant: There's going to be a new chapter soon, not tonight soon, and probably not tomorrow night soon, but soon. Sometime in the next thirty days guaranteed.

Then you guys well find out what the hell happened to Altenau

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I really don't need to know this Phoenix, but are you sticking to Snowys fail plot, or is there going to be a more decent ending? I'd ask if the ending makes sense, but it's been proven before that our definition on "sense" and "logic" are at times contradictory.

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The proper anti-LoAF religion (I.E.: The one that actually works) is 'Lunaism' which believes that there is a benevolent goddess residing on the moon; watching over humanity. The priestess hero (the only one not corrupt) is the patron of this religion. However, it's wildly unpopular since it preaches some things like the goddess and Lord being husband and wife and both having humanities best interest at heart... just the Goddess being willing to coddle and send divine protectors while the Lord desires people to be strong and self-sustaining (Path of the open palm vs. path of the closed fist if you've played Jade Empire).

I see... The main reason I don't want them running around is because of Lunaism. The demons are the LoAF's minions, but since he's not actually evil in the traditional sense of the word, neither are they. Instead, they are more like... robots. Focused on their task and aspect and unable to truly be anything more.

To clarify, has this been overturned? Or are you sticking to it? The post is old, but regarding the "robot" like Demons, Shanice was already approved and in play at the time :/

PS: I have no intentions of removing this post, so the ending just got spoiled if the later XD


Apparently, he had a conclusion planned, just no events planned in between. Resulting in deviation. Don't know how tight-knit the plot is now. But I have to assume Phoenix is doing better. If not... well.... he sucks XD

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Demons are robots- Well that's overturned definitely. Lunaism being true might be out as well, I don't think we've actually decided the ending yet tbh. We also overturned the "Big 3 are friends" deal, the whole continent is basically at war now.

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Recap for Chapter 20: Bait and Switch

Will state the doings of General Richard, General Punch, and all other relevant NPCs in actual posts later.

Wakes up early and leaves the room before Reika and Aiya start fighting. Heinz goes outside to the stables to feed Ralf apples, not nearby injured Aiya and Co. Does not pay attention to commotion until he hears Ulfhrahn roar, sees Luc dealing with it, goes back inside.

Warps with Morgan and the rest of the main group via Stephanie to where Petros is. Attempts to attack the demon, who retreats underground before Heinz can do so. Aiya finds the tome, Arrin is rebound to Daranau. Heinz dodges random bolts caused by the rebinding. Notices Isotov screaming in pain from his injuries and ignores it in favor of helping others with plot vulneraries.

Takes note of mountain wyvern (Namid) and rider (Tas), but does not approach. Hangs around in vicinity and listens in to Tas's talk with Irina, sees Arrin enter with priest (Beau). Watches the dark energy be released from Stephanie, withstands blast. Lurks some more, and picks up red (un-burnt) one of Megae's twin swords after Kelas picks up the other.

Mulls over demons and current situation, makes list inside head of notable events. Sees various people talking to each other, looks more closely over sword. Warps back via Stephanie with the rest of the party to the courtyard. Observes General Alex take Rita away. Hears mention of rot from a distance.

Notices fight break out between Alferis, Kelas, and Isotov, ends before Heinz can get within throwing range. Is suspicious, ignores argument and goes back into castle. Eats food at the kitchen, saves some for the journey. Leaves with the rest of the party+General Alex-Kamilla westward. Encounters Jace troops, plot fights them (see spoiler below), is separated from the rest of the group.

In the chaos, steals a number of small valuables. Realizes what is going on from the insignias: a fight between Septimian loyalists and Jace's followers. Debates internally what side to choose himself. Not saying which for now. Eventually finds the rest of the group somewhere outside the city gates after hiding stolen items on Ralf. Sees argument between Arrin and Kelas, stays out of it. Heals wounds, sees strange bard (Sadie). Leaves with the group once everyone is found.

[spoiler=Average Battle Exp] Petros Demon Battle Mostly on Link and the page after that.

Viveka +10 exp, Aiya +10 exp, Luc +10 exp, Derek +10 exp, Morgan +10 exp

Average: 10 exp

Jace Revolution Staring from Link

Viveka +5 exp, Isotov +10 exp, Irina +5 exp, Morgan +10 exp, Kelas +10 exp, Arrin +5 exp, Alferis +5 exp, Reika +10 exp, Eric +5 exp, Derek +5 exp, Alex +5 exp, Pary +10 exp, Esphyr +10 exp, Altion +10 exp, Viveka +10 exp, Irina +10 exp, Isotov +10 exp, Kelas +20 exp, Eric +10 exp, Alex +10 exp

Total Exp/Number of attacks= 175/ 14= 8.7

Average: 9 exp

Woo done with recaps! :lol:

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