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Psych. Pary has just been voted to be modkilled. The actual modkill will be posted soon, but you have been warned multiple times and now you pay the price.

And since Pary was your last allowed character and you're not allowed to make any new ones, you have just been banned from the RP as a result.

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I see no posts between Sage's and Mine that involve Reika.


The stranger cursed as his bow shattered, sending splinters flying everywhere. Without missing a beat, he ran into the house he was on, down its' stairs, and into the midst of the fray, ignoring monster and fighter alike. He managed to get down there just in time to see the knife wielder fall, and grabbed her along with the bandit. The man then pulled back, carrying the two of them to the back ranks.

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Regardless of whether they were moved or not I said Pary walked over to her. It doesn't matter if she was moved.

Actually, this seems very relevant since I've done nothing wrong.

Edited by Psych
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Regardless of whether they were moved or not I said Pary walked over to her. It doesn't matter if she was moved.

Actually, this seems very relevant since I've done nothing wrong.


The stranger cursed as his bow shattered, sending splinters flying everywhere. Without missing a beat, he ran into the house he was on, down its' stairs, and into the midst of the fray, ignoring monster and fighter alike. He managed to get down there just in time to see the knife wielder fall, and grabbed her along with the bandit. The man then pulled back, carrying the two of them to the back ranks.

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I don't belong here, but as Whistler said, there's a difference between

A priest tying up a thief.

And a thief tying up a priest.

Pretty much, what you're doing is doing a pre-Damian, (Ether seems good now) where you overload your character with skills and abilities to get out of every situation. Considering what Pary's like, and the attitude of the other Rp'ers in this RP. It's a miracle you haven't been modkilled earlier.

Just move on Psych, you're not wanted here, and I don't see how being in an Rp full of hostile people is fun. Unless you're trying to screw it up. In which case, it's fun, but not arguing to remain a part of.

Edited by Kanami
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Still went over to them.


Except for the fact that Pary has no skills or abilities that would do anything anywhere except in battle. Having rope and money and tomes is apparently outrageous.

Edited by Psych
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LoAF lacks any logical flow anyway, it apparently got better with good Rp'ers like Script, but people complain about your action nearly everyday you make a post XD

LoAF'ers are therefore actually pretty lax with idiocy, unreasonableness and illogical actions. SO for them to have constant issues with you indicate you do in fact have a problem. Done "nothing wrong" is humorous, even to someone like me who left a good while ago XD


You(LoAFers) can argue that it's logical and your actions are reasonable, but I've got more then once person I talk to via PM's that have indicated their in this to see how bad it gets/screw people over/only staying with it because they want to finish it/think it's degraded into a shitpile, etcetc

Though most of those comments come from around the time period Snowy passed on power, so things might have changed a fair bit now, unlikely, but nyeh

Edited by Kanami
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Kiryn's biased like that, she's got an obvious agenda with you (not that I can blame her in your case).

Two proverbs

Fighting fire with fire: If they're disregarding the rule, should have brought it up opposed to countering with similar actions. They're in a higher position then you, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who wins.

Chicken or egg?: Which came first, you going crazy and doing what you wanted, or them being mean and evil to poor little Psychie?

Kiryn insulting aside, it's obvious Kiryn has more friends here then you do, or should I say less enemies here then you do? Either way, people are more likely to go with their friends here then listen to logic, and even if you do argue your way out of this one, it won't be long before they try to get rid of you again.

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Motion made earlier on IRC:

To ignore any player who acts in a ridiculous (defined below) manner, and treat their posts as non-canonical, until behavior improves.

Definition of Ridiculous:

1) Any action taken by a player character without permission of the other involved player that would cause death, incapacitation, or serious injury to a character (excluding retaliation for attacks of similar levels), any theft of another player character's major belongings (except in retaliation), any sexual attack on another character that passes the line of clothing removal. Further additions to this definition may be made only by GM. That's right folks, Kiryn can't add any more to it.

2) Any action taken by an enemy character that:

a) would result in the attacked character's death (this does not include stat battle) or permanent incapacitation, or the severance of a Crimson weapon, without player permission (this does not include stat battle)

b ) harms the attacked character in such a way that that character's player AND multiple others find it unreasonable, and protest it

Current votes:

Yea: 6

Nay: 1

Abstain: 2

The motion passed, there is a section in there about theft of another player character's major belongings. It's not like the rule just came into play now.

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What was "Major" about Reika's gold?

The post's been editted so I don't know if it was something else before but it just seems like Psych being his usual idiot self to me :/

Also, I laughed at the latest page of the RP. People are falling all over the place and Pary decides to start looting mid battle XD The manner in which they killed Pary of was a bit... silly, but you really can't complain about getting killed there XD

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What was "Major" about Reika's gold?

The post's been editted so I don't know if it was something else before but it just seems like Psych being his usual idiot self to me :/

Also, I laughed at the latest page of the RP. People are falling all over the place and Pary decides to start looting mid battle XD The manner in which they killed Pary of was a bit... silly, but you really can't complain about getting killed there XD

He also stole Reika's daggers and attempted to steal "family heirlooms".

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XD Sounds like Psych alright, stealing the daggers was probably his attempt at humor, though it also looks like Sage baited him into doing it :/


As Reika's your character I'm not complaining, but how sis Reika get a hold of "family heirlooms" anyway? Or is this Psych being Psych and conjuring up valuables?


Trolls are usually intentional, Psych's actions..... seem to be results of his genuine beliefs.

Edited by Kanami
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XD Sounds like Psych alright, stealing the daggers was probably his attempt at humor, though it also looks like Sage baited him into doing it :/


As Reika's your character I'm not complaining, but how sis Reika get a hold of "family heirlooms" anyway? Or is this Psych being Psych and conjuring up valuables?


Trolls are usually intentional, Psych's actions..... seem to be results of his genuine beliefs.

Baiting. It wasn't a definitive thing. Pary was "looking" for them and didn't outright take any.

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I have waited way too long for this.

... In other news, I missed yet another battle due to sleep. Wheeee. I'll have to PM Phoenix about this one.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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