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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Yeah sorry about that, but there were a couple of issues there. One, we can only stall for so long without letting the rp slip into a coma(we had our first 36+ hour with no posts this holiday season IIRC XD ). Plot-wise we stalled that battle for an entire day, and RL-wise we stalled it for an entire chapter. Fortunately now that this particular battle is over, the group should be able to actually relax and recover before planning their next move and getting ambushed yet again

Okay I have to be honest here. Sage. This sucks.

Meanwhile, running away, Dimitri was caught by the gunky mess that was Pary. Drawing his sword, he sliced at the neck of the zombie, but Pary pulled his guts out, before his head came off.

Gasping and falling off the horse, Dimitri felt his life draining away. Last time he saw him, Alf got breathed on by a dragon. It was no use, he wouldn't be able to complete his mission.

Another lich stepped on his neck, killing the man instantly.

I won't make a big deal of this but it could have been done in a few dozen different ways and turned out better. Just saying.

Edited by Phoenix
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I won't deny there's group politics at work in at least small levels, but it's not like people's lunch money is getting taken and overlording is going on. Though ... that overlording bit might have fixed a few problems sooner rather than later. Eh who cares it's over and done with >_<

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Yeah sorry about that, but there were a couple of issues there. One, we can only stall for so long without letting the rp slip into a coma(we had our first 36+ hour with no posts this holiday season IIRC XD ). Plot-wise we stalled that battle for an entire day, and RL-wise we stalled it for an entire chapter. Fortunately now that this particular battle is over, the group should be able to actually relax and recover before planning their next move and getting ambushed yet again

Those of us without finals weren't pushing the gun to get things done when everybody was like "We must delay, don't act now."

As for a 36 hour lull? I fail to see how that's a problem. Like, at all. But that's perhaps just me. Clearly if me Lightning and Ether were the only ones actually going out and making use of the holiday season, then the rest of you all should be enjoying your time as you see fit as well.

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As for a 36 hour lull? I fail to see how that's a problem.

Oh that wasn't a problem since I found time to get better at spriting. Didn't mean it like that, but I will point out little things here and there of interest when I see them.

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Ok, as you know, I've garnered a reputation for being overly critical and annoying with that. The most recent example (if you were on IRC chat), was the Esphyr staff thingy. So I'd like to apologize for sounding obnoxious. I just want to make the RP fun and make sense for everyone and what I am doing is clearly working against that. From now on, I will hold back some if I see something wrong and be more diplomatic if I have a complaint.

However, I'd appreciate it if you would tell me when I am beginning to get out of line regarding criticism so I can stop before it goes out of control. Thank you.

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However, I'd appreciate it if you would tell me when I am beginning to get out of line regarding criticism so I can stop before it goes out of control. Thank you.

Watch out for replies like "We know". Very good indicator that you're getting into "whiny" territory. Other than that I'm sure someone will speak up if it's really becoming an issue.

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This occurred yesterday when an unknown entity going by "Ecchi" joined #LordOfAzureFlame. He was causing a bit of trouble, but not past the point where I'd rather kick than annoy him away, soI left the channel and rejoined under a... particularly recognizable nickname.

Jan 25 02:35:42  You have left channel #LordOfAzureFlame (enough of thisss)

**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 25 02:35:42 2011

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 25 02:36:05 2011

Jan 25 02:36:05  Now talking on #LordOfAzureFlame

Jan 25 02:36:05 * Topic for #LordOfAzureFlame is: Rule Zero: Don't be a jackass. THE TRUE HERO OF THE RP: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/238/e/4/Ratz_by_hoschie.jpg shut up I am Lady Gaga

Jan 25 02:36:05 * Topic for #LordOfAzureFlame set by Kiryn at Mon Jan 24 12:50:25 2011

Jan 25 02:36:07 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Actual difficulty?

Jan 25 02:36:12 <Utsuho_Reiuji> There's plenty of difficulty

Jan 25 02:36:28 <SlaveBlade> And then they ramped it up by bullshitting the player.

Jan 25 02:36:32 <Psych> HEY EVERYONE I GOT AN IDEA

Jan 25 02:36:33 <Ecchi> Utsuho have you ever played Well mof Souls?

Jan 25 02:36:38 <Utsuho_Reiuji> No

Jan 25 02:36:41 <Utsuho_Reiuji> What is it, football

Jan 25 02:36:45 <Ecchi> nope

Jan 25 02:36:55 <Psych> utsuho you're not even in the game

Jan 25 02:36:56 <SlaveBlade> No?

Jan 25 02:36:59 <Psych> phoenix why do you let her in the channel

Jan 25 02:37:06 <Psych> anyway anyway

Jan 25 02:37:07 <Psych> idea

Jan 25 02:37:08 <Psych> so

Jan 25 02:37:16 <Ecchi> http://www.synthetic-reality.com/wosHome.htm

Jan 25 02:37:19 <Psych> you guys should let me bring Rita back

Jan 25 02:37:25 <Phoenix> >_<

Jan 25 02:37:29 <SlaveBlade> Psych, shove your dick in an outlet now before you start speaking.

Jan 25 02:37:49 <Ecchi> Wait

Jan 25 02:37:55 <Utsuho_Reiuji> "Well of Souls is Synthetic Reality's FREE multi-player online Role P--" No

Jan 25 02:37:58 <Psych> phoeniiiiixxxx why do you let people in here who aren't in the game

Jan 25 02:38:02 <Psych> ...who is echhi

Jan 25 02:38:05 <Ecchi> so your RPG is an FE game??

Jan 25 02:38:06 <Phoenix> I dunno

Jan 25 02:38:12 <SlaveBlade> Yes.

Jan 25 02:38:16 <Phoenix> Utsuho's welcome here though ^_^

Jan 25 02:38:17 <Psych> like

Jan 25 02:38:22 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Of course

Jan 25 02:38:25  Utsuho_Reiuji sits on Phoenix

Jan 25 02:38:32  Phoenix looks up at Utsuho

Jan 25 02:38:33 <Psych> this is supposed to be our channel

Jan 25 02:38:42 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Shut up football

Jan 25 02:38:48 <Psych> you can't make me

Jan 25 02:38:53 <Utsuho_Reiuji> I can

Jan 25 02:38:55 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Technically

Jan 25 02:38:56 <Utsuho_Reiuji> See

Jan 25 02:39:01 * Utsuho_Reiuji sets mode +m #LordOfAzureFlame

Jan 25 02:39:06 * Utsuho_Reiuji sets mode -m #LordOfAzureFlame

Jan 25 02:39:20 <Psych> phoenix why is she an op

Jan 25 02:39:52 <Phoenix> Because Utsuho

Jan 25 02:40:07 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Exactly.

Jan 25 02:40:09 <Psych> >_>

Jan 25 02:40:17 <Phoenix> XD

Jan 25 02:40:17 <Psych> anyway

Jan 25 02:40:20 <Psych> what about my idea~

Jan 25 02:40:30 <Phoenix> >_>

Jan 25 02:40:38 <Utsuho_Reiuji> It sucks and so do you

Jan 25 02:40:39 <Psych> phoenix you said I could have one character

Jan 25 02:40:43 <SlaveBlade> Ecchi, whatever you do, DONT BE THIS KID

Jan 25 02:40:49 <Psych> pary died so that means i get to bring rita back

Jan 25 02:40:55 <Phoenix> That was before the ban ... also RITA? Are you out of your mind?

Jan 25 02:41:01 <Ecchi> what kid?

Jan 25 02:41:06 <SlaveBlade> Psych.

Jan 25 02:41:11 <Psych> she'll be great, come on phoenix

Jan 25 02:41:12 <Ecchi> how come

Jan 25 02:41:16 <SlaveBlade> Just.... Psych...

Jan 25 02:41:21 <Psych> they're all jerks and hate me that's why

Jan 25 02:41:33 <SlaveBlade> not my fault you aren't human.

Jan 25 02:41:44 <Psych> phoenix why is HE here D:

Jan 25 02:41:44 <Phoenix> Great as in jumping Kelas? If so I don't think so

Jan 25 02:42:00 <Psych> hey kiryn's not here to object to that >_>

Jan 25 02:42:09 <Phoenix> I'm sure she would

Jan 25 02:42:14 <Psych> how do you know~

Jan 25 02:42:14 <Phoenix> also Slave's cool

Jan 25 02:42:21 <Phoenix> attacks randomly but still cool XD

Jan 25 02:42:22  SlaveBlade dons his shades.

Jan 25 02:42:25 <Psych> no he's nooooot D:

Jan 25 02:42:28 <Psych> he's mean

Jan 25 02:42:31 <Psych> you're all mean

Jan 25 02:42:37 <SlaveBlade> And green.

Jan 25 02:42:37 <Phoenix> I'm not mean

Jan 25 02:42:44 <Phoenix> I pride myself on not being mean :(

Jan 25 02:42:48 <Psych> then why can't i bring rita back

Jan 25 02:42:53 <Ecchi> you don't even know me and you're calling me mean

Jan 25 02:42:58 <Phoenix> Rules and regs, man. Rules and regs

Jan 25 02:43:04 <Psych> why is there some random person in our channel D:

Jan 25 02:43:06 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Phoenix is like

Jan 25 02:43:09 <Utsuho_Reiuji> The most chill person

Jan 25 02:43:11  Ecchi repeatedly stabs Psych

Jan 25 02:43:13 <Phoenix> ^_^

Jan 25 02:43:16 <SlaveBlade> We know you, bro. As soon as you logged here, we STOLE YOUR INTERNET

Jan 25 02:43:20 <Psych> phoenix!

Jan 25 02:43:27 <Phoenix> :|

Jan 25 02:43:28 <Psych> >_>

Jan 25 02:43:31 <Phoenix> <_<

Jan 25 02:43:34 <Psych> okay can i bring cess back?

Jan 25 02:43:43 <Phoenix> Err ... no

Jan 25 02:43:45 <Psych> or or or

Jan 25 02:43:56 <Psych> the vera that died was really a demon in disguise like i said earlier

Jan 25 02:44:01  Phoenix shoots Psych

Jan 25 02:44:01  Phoenix puts away his shotgun

Jan 25 02:44:03 <SlaveBlade> Ecchi, QQ here, ever played Shadow Hearts?

Jan 25 02:44:32 <Ecchi> Shadow hearts is sad only faintly happy at the end when you realize the entire game is a cycle

Jan 25 02:44:41 <Psych> ...phoenix i'm shocked that you let someone with such a dirty nick in the channel >_>

Jan 25 02:44:45 <SlaveBlade> ._.

Jan 25 02:44:52 <SlaveBlade> I haven't finished it...

Jan 25 02:44:55 <Ecchi> FUUUUUUCK

Jan 25 02:44:56 <Phoenix> Why?

Jan 25 02:45:00 <Ecchi> why didnt you tell me that man

Jan 25 02:45:03 <Ecchi> >_>

Jan 25 02:45:18 <Psych> because >_>

Jan 25 02:45:20 <Phoenix> lol spoilers

Jan 25 02:45:25 <SlaveBlade> Well my question was pretty much yes or no....

Jan 25 02:45:32 <Ecchi> Yeah......

Jan 25 02:45:33 <Ecchi> my bad

Jan 25 02:45:39 <SlaveBlade> Eh, it's fine.

Jan 25 02:45:51 <Psych> ...phoenix i think killing pary falls under that rule kiryn made

Jan 25 02:45:53 <Ecchi> yeah i played them except fpor the third one

Jan 25 02:45:54 <Psych> she broke her own rule

Jan 25 02:46:05 <Ecchi> which one are you playing

Jan 25 02:46:09 <SlaveBlade> If I like 1, would I like two?

Jan 25 02:46:12 <Phoenix> That was a modkill

Jan 25 02:46:20 <Psych> she's not a GM D:

Jan 25 02:46:22 <Ecchi> if you like one you'll love two

Jan 25 02:46:30 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Neither am I

Jan 25 02:46:35 <Phoenix> Snike modded you, I modkilled you, and then Kiryn killed you again

Jan 25 02:46:35 <Utsuho_Reiuji> But I can kill you, Psych

Jan 25 02:46:39 <Ecchi> thats lkike saying if you loved FF7 would you play FF7-2?

Jan 25 02:46:53 <SlaveBlade> Weeeelll........

Jan 25 02:46:54 <Psych> utsuho is mean and horrible and weird and doesn't belong in this channel

Jan 25 02:47:10 <SlaveBlade> I mean, I like Legend of Legaia 1, but LoL2 sucked hard...

Jan 25 02:47:12 <Psych> all the weird people don't belong in this channel

Jan 25 02:47:16 <Ecchi> O_O

Jan 25 02:47:20 <Phoenix> XD

Jan 25 02:47:21 <Ecchi> you kidding me man?

Jan 25 02:47:35 <Psych> no

Jan 25 02:47:39 <Ecchi> LOL2 was vastly improved from the first oine...well in my opinion...

Jan 25 02:47:44 <SlaveBlade> I am not, unfortunately.

Jan 25 02:47:48 <Ecchi> what didnt you like about it?

Jan 25 02:47:54 <Psych> phoenix D:

Jan 25 02:47:58 <Phoenix> Psych you were already banned =_=

Jan 25 02:48:01 <SlaveBlade> I dunno, it just seemed somehow too simple.

Jan 25 02:48:07 <Psych> and yet i'm here 8]

Jan 25 02:48:13 <Phoenix> >_>

Jan 25 02:48:18 <Psych> obviously you just don't know how to get rid of me

Jan 25 02:48:19 <SlaveBlade> Defend for teh triple damage boost then spam everythign you got.

Jan 25 02:48:22 <Ecchi> Hmm. you're right...lol1 was hard as balls

Jan 25 02:48:27 <Phoenix> Don't push it >_>

Jan 25 02:48:52 <SlaveBlade> I mean, as a game it wasn't 'bad', it was just too easy comparatively.

Jan 25 02:49:09 <Psych> 8]

Jan 25 02:49:11 <Ecchi> Yeah.

Jan 25 02:49:15 <Phoenix> B|

Jan 25 02:49:18 <Ecchi> whats your favorite game of all time?

Jan 25 02:49:26 <Phoenix> EaW is my favorite game of all time

Jan 25 02:49:30 <script0> ...

Jan 25 02:49:36 <Phoenix> but only cause I managed to hack the tar out of it

Jan 25 02:49:36 <Ecchi> EaW?

Jan 25 02:49:40 <Phoenix> Empire at War

Jan 25 02:49:43 <SlaveBlade> Off the bat I'd say Devil May Cry.

Jan 25 02:49:43 <Phoenix> it's a star wars game

Jan 25 02:49:46 <Phoenix> kinda old though

Jan 25 02:49:50 <Psych> ...okay phoenix

Jan 25 02:49:56 <Psych> since he's the most boring character i had

Jan 25 02:49:59 <Psych> can i bring cess back

Jan 25 02:50:07 <Phoenix> No

Jan 25 02:50:12 <Psych> D:

Jan 25 02:50:16 <Phoenix> You already got kicked from the rp, dude

Jan 25 02:50:17 <SlaveBlade> Cess sounds like cesspit, I say no.

Jan 25 02:50:33 <Psych> ...i wonder if the forum moderators would disagree

Jan 25 02:50:41 <Phoenix> They wouldn't

Jan 25 02:50:44 <SlaveBlade> Oh that's rich.

Jan 25 02:50:49 <SlaveBlade> Rich with FAILIUM

Jan 25 02:50:57 <Psych> you're discriminating against me D:

Jan 25 02:50:59 <Phoenix> specially not after that sign up spree in RoTE

Jan 25 02:51:01 <Psych> i didn't even do anything

Jan 25 02:51:08 <Phoenix> lolwut

Jan 25 02:51:11 <Psych> and then you're being nicer to people who don't even belong in the channel than me

Jan 25 02:51:25 <SlaveBlade> That's because I'm LIEK A BOSS

Jan 25 02:51:28 <Psych> random person has ops, i want ops

Jan 25 02:51:28 <Ecchi> aah you're more into action games?

Jan 25 02:51:33 <Phoenix> lolno

Jan 25 02:51:38 <SlaveBlade> Yeah, love me some action games.

Jan 25 02:51:47 <Psych> no no no i got an idea

Jan 25 02:51:51 <Psych> give me ops, i'll be good

Jan 25 02:51:54 <Phoenix> Oh here we go

Jan 25 02:51:58 * Utsuho_Reiuji gives voice to Feldspar

Jan 25 02:52:00 <SlaveBlade> Howver, RPGs are probably my next favorite genre.

Jan 25 02:52:00 <Phoenix> No no ops for you

Jan 25 02:52:03 * Utsuho_Reiuji gives voice to Script0

Jan 25 02:52:06 * Utsuho_Reiuji gives voice to SlaveBlade

Jan 25 02:52:10 * Utsuho_Reiuji gives voice to Snike

Jan 25 02:52:24 <script0> Still ...

Jan 25 02:52:28 <Psych> D:

Jan 25 02:52:30 <Psych> can i have voice then

Jan 25 02:52:36 <Ecchi> yeah

Jan 25 02:52:37 * Utsuho_Reiuji gives voice to Psych

Jan 25 02:52:38 * Phoenix removes voice from Psych

Jan 25 02:52:43 <Phoenix> XD

Jan 25 02:52:43 <Psych> phoenix D:

Jan 25 02:52:44 * Utsuho_Reiuji gives voice to Psych

Jan 25 02:52:47 <SlaveBlade> Ouch.

Jan 25 02:52:57 <Psych> ahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahaha

Jan 25 02:52:58 <SlaveBlade> Utso giveth, Phoenix taketh.

Jan 25 02:53:03 <Phoenix> I was trying to take voice away from him before Utsuho added it so it would look funny XD

Jan 25 02:53:04 <Utsuho_Reiuji> This is like

Jan 25 02:53:05 <Phoenix> ^^LOL

Jan 25 02:53:09 <Phoenix> *^^^

Jan 25 02:53:12 <Utsuho_Reiuji> The opposite of how it should happen

Jan 25 02:53:28 <Psych> okay okay now can i have ops, i'm being good with voice, see

Jan 25 02:53:38 <Phoenix> It's easy to be good with voice

Jan 25 02:53:39 * Utsuho_Reiuji removes voice from Psych

Jan 25 02:53:42 <Phoenix> just look at Feldspar

Jan 25 02:53:45 <Psych> phoenix D:

Jan 25 02:53:48 <SlaveBlade> Not true, your voice is crackin all over the place.

Jan 25 02:53:48 <Phoenix> XD

Jan 25 02:53:51 <Psych> feldspar isn't even a person

Jan 25 02:53:56 <Psych> shut up slave

Jan 25 02:53:58 <Phoenix> How dare you

Jan 25 02:54:05 <Phoenix> Feldspar's good people

Jan 25 02:54:07 <SlaveBlade> COME AT ME BRO

Jan 25 02:54:22 <Psych> i can tell the mods on YOU slave, you're not even supposed to be in the channel

Jan 25 02:54:36 <SlaveBlade> ^ hi pot.

Jan 25 02:54:41 <Phoenix> SF mods have no reach here

Jan 25 02:54:46 <Psych> yes they do D:

Jan 25 02:54:52 <Phoenix> not atm

Jan 25 02:55:06 <Psych> yes they do, they did when people were posting to annoy snowy

Jan 25 02:55:30 <Phoenix> That was on SF primarily >_>

Jan 25 02:55:44 <Psych> yeah so is this

Jan 25 02:55:51 <Phoenix> What?

Jan 25 02:55:57 <SlaveBlade>

Jan 25 02:55:58  Utsuho_Reiuji prepares the Psychpunting shoes

Jan 25 02:56:05 <Psych> phoenix D:

Jan 25 02:56:12 <Phoenix> What? B|

Jan 25 02:56:30 <Psych> she's not even supposed to be here, don't let her kick me D:

Jan 25 02:56:46 <Phoenix> lol

Jan 25 02:56:58 <SlaveBlade> Make an honest plea to be forgiven, psych.

Jan 25 02:57:05 <SlaveBlade> I wanna heeeaaar thiiiiiissss....

Jan 25 02:57:05 <Psych> i didn't do anything D:

Jan 25 02:57:17 <Phoenix> That's what you always say >_<

Jan 25 02:57:21 <script0> You really didn't.

Jan 25 02:57:21 <Psych> it's true D:

Jan 25 02:57:27 <Psych> see script agrees

Jan 25 02:57:30 <SlaveBlade> Oh contraire, you did EVERYTHING

Jan 25 02:57:40 <Psych> you don't even know you're not in the game >_>

Jan 25 02:57:47 <Phoenix> *rp

Jan 25 02:57:53 <SlaveBlade> I've heard enough to know.

Jan 25 02:58:44 <Ecchi> H8UUUUUUUUUURR

Jan 25 02:58:51 <Psych> what are you all accusing me of

Jan 25 02:59:11  Ecchi places a hand upon Psychs shoulder

Jan 25 02:59:18 <Psych> who the hell are you

Jan 25 02:59:23 <Ecchi> it's better you than me Psych.

Jan 25 02:59:25 <script0> I'm not accusing.

Jan 25 02:59:25 <Psych> you're not even on the forum are you

Jan 25 02:59:25 <Phoenix> lol

Jan 25 02:59:25 <Ecchi> Because, I.

Jan 25 02:59:28 <Ecchi> I...

Jan 25 02:59:32 <Ecchi> Don't even matter.

Jan 25 02:59:34 <Psych> phoenix D:

Jan 25 02:59:39 <script0> I was hoping for Love you.

Jan 25 02:59:47 <Psych> >_>

Jan 25 02:59:53 <SlaveBlade> No wait, Ecchi... I...

Jan 25 02:59:55  Ecchi leans in and kisses Psych

Jan 25 03:00:00 <Psych> PHOENIX D:

Jan 25 03:00:06 <script0> Yay!

Jan 25 03:00:06 <Phoenix> Whaaaaat

Jan 25 03:00:13 <SlaveBlade> I accidentally the whole plot

Jan 25 03:00:15 * Script0 is now known as Cupid-Script0

Jan 25 03:00:17 <Psych> phoenix get him OUT of here he is HARASSING me

Jan 25 03:00:22 <Psych> D:

Jan 25 03:00:26 <Phoenix> lol XD

Jan 25 03:00:54 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Ok

Jan 25 03:00:56 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Enough

Jan 25 03:01:05 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Ware wa Utsuho Aku wo tatsu tsurugi nari and all that shit

Jan 25 03:01:16 <Ecchi> if this is my Fate...then come at me.....DEUS!!!

Jan 25 03:01:22  Utsuho_Reiuji has kicked Ecchi from #LordOfAzureFlame (チェストォォォォォッ!!)

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 25 03:01:28 2011

Jan 25 03:01:28  Now talking on #LordOfAzureFlame

Jan 25 03:01:28 * Topic for #LordOfAzureFlame is: Rule Zero: Don't be a jackass. THE TRUE HERO OF THE RP: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/238/e/4/Ratz_by_hoschie.jpg shut up I am Lady Gaga

Jan 25 03:01:28 * Topic for #LordOfAzureFlame set by Kiryn at Mon Jan 24 12:50:25 2011

Jan 25 03:01:28  Kiryn (orangecat@dm-29921.WV.CC.CMU.EDU) has joined #LordOfAzureFlame

Jan 25 03:01:29 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kiryn

Jan 25 03:01:30 <Cupid-Script0> Oh my.

Jan 25 03:01:30 <Phoenix> :/

Jan 25 03:01:31 <SlaveBlade> lol ecks dee

Jan 25 03:01:35 <Phoenix> XD

Jan 25 03:01:36 <Kiryn> good LORD that hurt my head

Jan 25 03:01:43 <Cupid-Script0> I bet.

Jan 25 03:01:49 <Utsuho_Reiuji> Oh

Jan 25 03:01:49  Kiryn has kicked Psych from #LordOfAzureFlame (and then the act was dropped.)

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