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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Snowy's remark

"Or she could be captured. Or she could be in the opposite direction."

Makes me think he wants us to leave her behind, I suppose we could run through the forest and down the hill to escape, probably would be able to cover the most distance if we're running downhill.

Running past a naked Esphyr though might be too much for people like Helios to handle though.

@Phoenix, and I haven't even set the inn on fire yet

Edited by Nadesico
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He would flee in the opposite direction to preserve his virginity.

I guess Damian and Esphyr can have quirky adventures.

I got mooned by a horse :lol: Well played.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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1."We don't have time to put your clothes back on,we just gotta go,now."


3."Well,we lost em...whaddaya mean you lost your clothes in the rush?"



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Chase ... no surprise. He can change his name once he's done chasing Morgan

Conrad ... sounds Russian. Stereotypically, he like Lev, is expected to score with at least five different women a year.

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You know saying anything like that in front of her is going to result in a world of pain curses wish they could inflict, right?

Anyways... Possible C for Esphyr/Daiman(and/or Aiya) or for Katie/Iso?

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That's why I'm saying it in OoC and not in the RP? XD Adds action to list of future actions

Esphyr probably has established enough with Damian

Probably still a bit to go with Aiya

Katie/Iso, depends on what the result wsa with the "C" from before, if that was cancelled, then possibly,

I'd choose one of the two, and then leave the other until a bit later in the chapter though. (Possibly when we're not in a hurry to get out of here) XD

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There is a time and place for everything,

But imminent death is not the right time to be getting all emotionally clingy >_<

Next there'll be rustling bushes and the sound of a crying infant.

Edit: No I'm not telling you to stop, just felt like it had to be said.

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I don't even have any plans for supports XD Since I can't maintain peaceful relations with anyone for very long.

Just out of curiosity have we got any plans to ditch the packhorse in the near future, once Viveka arrives I'm sure we have more mounts then we actually need. And the packhorse is pretty obsolete Isn't needed


Katie is.... I'm not sure, Phoenix hinted at her being left behind.


Feeling really sorry for Morgan at the moment, Kelas, Helios, Mark or Chase.... seriously, ouch XD

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Just so you know, having the pack horse around is a good idea. Viveka's mainly a scout. Like having a really fast flying person around. Attempting to have her fly people around as passengers would immediately make her go into a Morgan style tangent.

Snowy said Katie got left behind, then he said she was following the group. I'm confused too.

@ Lacuna

Sorry about that. Although Iso doesn't hear everything, he would normally hear a ride offer. I guess it's retconned since Irina ordered him to ride with her :unsure:

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