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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Erm, School starts 3 days from now. Im not sure if I will even be active. Might be able to drop by on IRC from school but other then that, I dont know :/. Would really appreciate it if someone can take over Helios for the time that I am gone. Off the top of my head I can think of two people that I would ask but really dont wanna kill him because there might be a slim chance that I may be able to get online.

Edited by Kai
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I forgot their element. Sue me.

And *sigh*

Name: Overcast

Activation: At the start of your turn

Effect: Before rolling your attack,you may choose to lower your Skl by X amount,and for that attack,you will gain X Mag.

Now, you're thinking of

Class: Sage

Name: Arcane power

Activation: At the start of your turn

Effect: Reduce X amount of any one stat except for STR, Luck, and HP to bolter your MAG until the end of your turn.

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My issue is that you're neglecting your characters already, even if Pary is temporarily leaving. Work on Cess and Rita (and Pary) more, before trying to tackle 4 characters at once.

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More like leaving, leaving. But he'd still exist in the even we go to Jerdon/some other random thing.

And it's called school >_>

That makes me feel sad. I dislike Pary, but he's easily the best-written of your three mains, ATM.

@Edit: Yeah, uh, Work, football, school, for me.

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No need to kill Helios. Bal's almost never on and Tessa's one of the most popular characters we have. Helios will just be at Tessa's level of activity. Nothing major, and there's always the weekends.

I respectfully ask that no additional characters be dumped on me though as I'm obviously bogged down.

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Right-o. Sage, in case the timeskip or whatever happens while I'm away, feel free to have Reika wander about without feeling guilty or somesuch. We can have a talk with Luc through FLASHBACK or something else, maybe, I do not know. Feel kinda jerkish here, hmm, interesting.

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Well, Sage ... I think I can explain why in the form of a song ^_^

A Song by Phoenix

♫ Started with a joke about offin Rita and maybe Ceeeess

♫ Then you got all defensive and it started a big meeeess

♫ You won't get rid of characters who's writing truly suuuucks

♫ The new ones will suck as bad I'd bet a million buuuuucks

(Turns to face the other rpers

♫ And if you wonder why Pary would even have to leeeeeeave

♫ It's probly cause he stole enough for his plan to succeeeeeeed

♫ We know the excuse is lousy but at this point I don't caaaare

♫ Psych's f*cked up so many times now he's no longer awaaaaare

(Turns back toward Psych)

♫ If the only decent written character is about to gooooo

♫ I guess that just tells us somethin we should already knooow

♫ You are silly and not quite sane to think Rita > Paryyyyy

♫ It's worse than I'd expect from you and I was here for Verryyy

♫ I'll end this little song now with a warning and a cluuuuue

♫ Everyone here thinks you're nuts so be careful what you dooooo

♫ Stop pullin dudes out of your ass and improve what you've still goooot

♫ If you can't even do that much at least don't wreck the ploooooooot

So yeah. That's how the Phoenix feels.

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