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lol that quote again.

Anyway, I'm making a motion to retcon Psych's most recent post which is quoted below for convenience.


Enough. Pary quickly took a flower out of his bag, crushing it to a powder in his hands. "Guard! There's something wrong! Come quick!"

The guard opened the door, before stepping inside. "Oi! What is it?"

Pary blew the powder into the man's face, knocking him unconscious. "Well, about time I got out of here." He quickly dressed in the man's uniform, and wrapped his things up. He hurried to the library, taking a map, before heading into town, mailing a letter to the King and Queen. He picked up supplies from town, beofre heading on the road. He could meet up with the group that left early.

I suggest it be retconned for the following reasons:

1. Psych took control of one of Snike's guards (and it may very well be a safe bet it was without permission which is a godmod in and of itself).

2. The guard was godmodded into opening a cell door for the sole purpose of giving Pary an exit (there is no guard in this rp stupid enough to do that short of Pary already being dead or seeming to be grievously injured).

3. The guard was rendered unconscious by flower dust (which I call bullsh*t on until Psych links to a flower that actually causes INSTANTANEOUS KNOCKOUT when blown in the face)

4. This scenario is NOT covered in Kiryn's previous motion.

I'm requesting that this type of scenario be added to Kiryn's motion since I can't do it and neither can she according to her. Nobody should be allowed to OOC, godmod, and bullsh*t their way out of a bad situation they were too stupid to avoid in the first place. If you're too impatient to wait for bail, you shouldn't have Pary act like a criminal in the first place.

Probably could have saved time but just calling Psych an insane godmodder and rallied people in IRC but I wanted to handle it more professionally for a change :/

In other news:

Sprite progress(es)

Ixion: 99.99% (don't ask)

Arrin: 15%

Mana: 30%

Mystery chick: 1%

Current request queue:




<--->(Place holder for FREEDOM)

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Henry? >_>

So, you know how they have that Sleepy-time tea? Go with that.

Pary could have simply taken the keys off his belt. And when did we decide that all guards are under Snike's control? <_<

Snowy even said to bust him out.

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@ Sleepy time tea


@ Keys off the belt

That's grounds for being stabbed through the bars

@ Guards

If you spawned a new guard and played the entire event out in one post without giving the "real" guards time to react, then you're speed modding for convenience which is also a load of bull. You expect me to believe Pary would be guarded by one idiotic guard instead of two like he had been up until that post? Pary knocks out one guard via a godmod and the other just happens to not be around for any of this?

@ Snowy

He gets like that when the group does stupid shit. I'm still pushing for the motion. He can veto it if he wants or not.

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Let's put it this way, Psych: I'm going to give myself your "permission" to have Chase see Pary, think he's a jailbreaker, and kill him by shooting him in the neck unless you retcon. :)

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Well til the motion's passed I'm taking my own measures to not concede to this crap. Pary's presence won't be acknowledged in any of my posts til something remotely realistic happens concerning him. Once we get GM ruling on this, we'll work from there.

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Well til the motion's passed I'm taking my own measures to not concede to this crap. Pary's presence won't be acknowledged in any of my posts til something remotely realistic happens concerning him. Once we get GM ruling on this, we'll work from there.

I could not agree more. Only acknowledgment he might get is telling more guards that he is out of his comfy cell. Either that or flinging pointy objects at him.

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What Psych did was godmodding to an extent, but you also cannot hold another Rpers character in prison indefinitely just because you don't like him. If you want a retcon, you should really think of a way to get Pary our of prison logically.

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For the record I have no desire to see Pary killed off or held indefinitely, but impatience is no excuse for godmodding. Psych's not willing to work with us on helping Pary so there's been no time to consider our options for getting him released realistically.

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Because you just keep going "He can't pay bail" "If he gets out, Alex can just throw him in again" or "What Priest?".

And then, when Snowy and Cynthia said to get him out, you get mad when you see why I have to ignore all the guards. I mean, Kiryn made that rule, and you all seem to be ignoring it. Appearently, it was only made for me.

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Pary ending up in jail doesn't break Kiryn's motion. I also don't recall Luna telling you to godmod your way out of prison. Snowy already retconned you so if he told you to bust out before, it doesn't even matter now.

As for getting out of jail, you never once asked for advice or other methods. You just kept throwing up horrible excuses and made the situation even worse. If you want Pary to get out of this scott free, then work with us, but don't godmod til sundown.

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You all keep saying there's no way to get him out, cause you don't want him out. Why do you think I wouldn't want your help? >_>


What I want is for Pary to shape up. Not being able to make bail for a set time does not equate to eternity in prison. You just got paranoid and impatient again. As annoyed as I am even I'm willing to help you if you just stop the bullshit, but apparently you think I'm being bias here.

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Jailing isn't physical incapacitation, but it does make traveling with the rest of the group impossible and pretty much limits the character to no interactions. And the jailing was done without Psych's permission. So I would say it actually does break the motion myself.

Here's a quick solution. Charlotte claimed the group as her entourage, which places any crimes they committ under her jurisdiction (that was the whole point of the entourage claim guys). Thus, the judgment for Pary's crimes lie with her, not the Septimian government.

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I like your solution, but I don't agree that imprisoning Pary breaks Kiryn's rule. There were exceptions such as warranted response which arrest clearly was awkward timing or not. After he was arrested it was cemented with the assault on Alex.

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Jailing isn't physical incapacitation, but it does make traveling with the rest of the group impossible and pretty much limits the character to no interactions. And the jailing was done without Psych's permission. So I would say it actually does break the motion myself.

OK, so, I'll admit that technically, that breaks the rule. I've admitted that since day one. Can I just recap the events that led to it?

-Cal finds Pary, and begins to stop him, in a possibly misguided attempt to bring him to justice for at least graverobbing.

-Pary calls over guards, one of whom recognizes Cal. He freaks out, and holds Pary at spearpoint while the other two restrain him. You could say they'd be biased regardless, because Cal is a veteran, versus this shady priest.

-Pary, statistically weak, breaks away from the spear, and calls all four of them idiots and threatens them, before walking off in a show of disrespect. This isn't that bad, but technically, he shouldn't have been able to walk off that easily.

-Guards go and, under direction of Alex, arrest him again, each of them holding him by an arm. Now, this screams of opportunism on my part, but I could have just as easily made the captain NPC order him arrested for the allegations, anyways. And it could have been where diplomatic immunity kicks in.

-Pary, held by two armored, physically fit soldiers, breaks free of them, and goes and assaults Alex, removing her helmet in an attempt to ruin her life, which could have led her to have been incapacitated, without my permission. There's also the fact that Alex is right behind said soldiers, and they are trained.

From there on, I took the gloves off and threw him into prison. Now, what Pary did may not have been under our definition of ridiculous, but, under any other definition, it is. Unless his strength stat is that of a fighter, him breaking free should not be happening. I am of the opinion that if he wants to pull things like that, there has to be consequences. Otherwise, it degrades the RP.

Now, I'm just going to stand by and watch the Septimian justice system be made into a complete joke, though. Carry on.

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Here is a better solution. Your character has been jailed for legitimate reasons and lacks the power to escape on his own. At least, not without showing some serious skill on the part of the roleplayer. GO. TO. JAIL! Then, find some way to slowly work your way out that DOES NOT involve you using a one-post-gimmick to escape. There are ways. Most are probably not obvious, but they are there just the same. Work with what you have. One thing I hate most is 'rule bouncing'. Ergo, finding a loophole or using a rule intended for something else entirely to take an easy way back in. Do not rule-bounce Snike. It's poor in sportsmanship and does not get you a sympathetic ear at all.

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