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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Regarding the recap topic: I'm trying to get one of those out a day. However, I am kind of busy, and there are kind of nineteen chapters (probably more by the time I reach that point) so if someone is bored and not busy and wants to help out...?

(Also I've got Ch. 3 up next, this worries me.)

clarification: I will do Ch. 3, but if anyone wants to do 4 or somethin...

Edited by Kiryn
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Snike should edit this into the chapter topic:

Chapter 1: Kiryn (done)

Chapter 2: Kiryn (done)

Chapter 3: Kiryn

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:

Chapter 13:

Chapter 14:

Chapter 15:

Chapter 16: Script

Chapter 17:

Chapter 18:

Chapter 19:

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Cool. Anyway Mystery Chick should be easy...heh heh heh.

Hardly <_< (Mystery chick is not who you think it is btw)

@ New Chapter

I vote for the title "And Then It Got Worse"

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You win, LOAF. I'll be back tomorrow at around 7pm EST. I just want you to know that I hate you all, especially Bal

We hate you too.

Good to know. See you an hour or so after that.

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Can I still act like I hate you all when in fact I actually love you all except Psych, Sage and Rein sometimes because Psych is Psych, Sage raped a dead body and Rein reminds me of this little azn kid that bitches a lot.

Edited by Gary Oak
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It cant get any clearer then that. -_- Pfft, you normal people

I need to shut that damn wind mage up. Dani will never be mentioned again kthanxbai

He was waiting..... but for what? He heard footsteps approaching near him and yet he couldnt raise his head up. Then the person snatched the letter out of his hand and started to read it. Helios, startled, jolted forward and started to chant a spell which caused a draft to form. He stopped chanting the incantation when realized who it was.

"The girl you were with last night, thats Dani isnt she?" Queen Tora asked. Judging from the lack of response from her younger brother she determined that it was true.

"Its not like that." Helios replied sullenly. "Why doesnt Derek go after her? Derek cared about her enough to save her life and yet he doesnt plan on going after her........ Derek, her own brother." Looking down at her brother, the queen sighed. "Listen Helios, you wont understand this yet but do you think Derek feels nothing? I had a fool of a brother that left home too..... Lets see.... how can I say this without seeming too cheesy...." She pondered standing in place thinking for a moment.

"Fine." She sighed. "When you left I remember locking myself and my room and crying. I mean, Derek might not be doing that but I guess I was a little sad. Point is, Derek is stronger then I was..... He can control his emotions while I couldnt. He might not be showing it but I am pretty sure that he does miss her just like I missed my idiot of a brother............"

Helios, finally making sense of her lecture stood up straight. "You're right, that did sound cheesy." He smiled finally realizing that there was someone left in the world he could trust.

"Shutup." She retorted suddenly. She expected a snarky response but instead he embraced her. "Thanks, sis. I really needed that..... Um shouldnt you be gone already?" T

he queen, breaking away looked at her younger brother with a blank stare. "Oh my, I seemed to have wasted quite some time here havent I? Listen Helios, I had to give you something. It was your favorite tome back home which I still dont know why you didnt take it with you." She said producing a tome from her pack. "Fimbulvetr if I recall correctly." Helios, taking the tome in his hand felt a great power rise up in him.

"G-graH!" he winced as a dense golden aura engulfed him and drowned out his yelling. The queen took a step back. What had she done? "Helios!" she yelled out. The aura died down and Helios emerged unscathed. It was still him and yet he felt so different. Excess Mana was surounded his body serving as a visible aura.

"Helios?" The queen stammered fearing that it wasnt her brother before her. Helios, catching the worriness in her voice didnt look phased. "This wont do." He said examining the palm of his hand. "The group may think of me as some kind of demon......" "Suppress." The queen responded offering her hand. Helios took it and the aura vanished.

"Thank you again." Helios said. "I was using the wind tome all this time and it limited my abilities. You have heard of the life sap havent you?" The queen smiled. "I have, its also one of the reasons I brought it with me." Looking up her expression changed. "Oh no, I'm late. Well, Helios nice meeting you here of all places but I have to run." Helios sighed a little dissapointed she was leaving so soon. "Well, farewell I guess." He said.

Oh man, that was way longer then I thought it would be. Text wall tiem!

Edited by Gary Oak
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Starting to catch up on the chapters, but given time constraints I might not be able finish that till next week. I did however, get to look at the updated exp spreadsheet, and I went back through the OP and added in stats and skills, please edit those if my sleep-deprived brain screwed them up. +1 boosts for every 3 DEF or RES were added for some, add the rest yourself. :lol:

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Hate to be a burden, but school has been taking up a lo of time. I'm not quitting forever or anything, but I will be pretty darn inactive. If my characters are needed, Phoenix or Cynthia can use them.

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