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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Jerk ;_; Chase was, uh, protecting Morgan from her because he's trying to get her attention or some other ulterior motive! Yeah!

Also I can't get the last kill right now because I'd have to wait 2 more combat posts.

Edited by Lightning
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Nah, it happens in phases anyone can kill this last knight.

Sorry Balcerak, you're going to have to retcon because Ether posted before I finished.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I know I have 25 EXP from this fight (2 Celeste attacks, 1 regular enemy attack)

Also 5 for existing... making his total 55 already. Sweet.

Edited by Lightning
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20 for me.

5 for hit, 10 for kill, and 5 for existing, IIRC.

Side note: I love Wrath.

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Kelas 20

Arrin 30

Aiya 15

Morgan 30

Irina 10

Isotov 15

Chase 30

Eric 20

Tessa 20

Damian 25

Kamilla 15

Esphyr 5

Mark 5

Helios 5

I apprecia the effort but I tallied it up myself before I saw all your posts lol

Edited by -Cynthia-
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*sees that total is fixed*

Was about to say... Also, if anyone has a problem with the critical hit, I can edit it.

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Use them for meatshields?

Seriously though, tier one units better be scared of Damian. He's a Lightning Bruiser, now.

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