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He might have been in war is what i meant

Well, uh, he was recruited for his archery, so somehow I doubt that...

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Eh, who knows, Kai. Stranger things have happened.

Off topic: Lightning, how does Chase have an A in axes?


I'd have to do it over again if I wanted to fix it (it's not saved on my home computer since I usually use my laptop) so meh

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Lol, sorry.

Anyways, Nade, stats on those guards? Or Cynthia, because it's fight tiem!

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No stat NPC's, if you're going to fight them, just beat'em up and run through. (Aka Plot enemies, not stat enemies) Might want to make it quick though, since more guards = pain.

You didn't specify how many guards, so I just it made

2 Guards

1 Commanding man

As for recognizing Aiya's armor, Celeste did it earlier and there was no qualms so I'm assuming there's distinctive marking or design in Haltons armor.

Reasons for no stats

-Too much effort

-Only three guards

-We outnumber the guards, and them being wtf strong doesn't make any sense,

-I'd rather hold out for the big battle Cynthia/Snowy will do sometime later in the chapter

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The only thing recognizeable is the Officer's crest,which Aiya had kept hidden for obvious reasons.

Also,no frilly dresses,Aiya would have given her a combat dress,probably a light leather or rough fabric of some kind.It's not that far off from what she might have worn.

I was wondering why you people had so much trouble with the outfit...it's not some frilly thing...

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Alright then. I can have one guy down, right off the bat.

Also,Nade, I think he sort of did care, due to back story. See Character controls in profile.

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Nady needs a better reason,and it needs to be retconned at the very least.

Kelas is wearing a leather combat dress,in a brownish colour,and and indication of Aiya being a Halton soldier is hidden.

EDIT: Brash morons >_>.Can you not wait a minute before killing?Do you know how bad it is for us to kill guards here of all places?

Edited by Ether
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@ Snike: Esphyr is not here <_<

@Ether: Helios will not stand being captured again

What in hell are you talking about?

Edit: Leaving them alive means witnesses. It was a forced kill.

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Hmmm, could have sworn I read somewhere in Lacuna's post that it was more a "frilly" type thing, but then again, it might of been something else in the past 4 hours :/ Ah, well, as Lacuna said, Nomad lineage written on face, looks like a man-woman and wearing non-nomad clothes,

Changed "frilly dress" into "decent clothes."

As for officers crest, wasn't mentioned, and when not mentioned I connect it to the RP'er forgetting. Obvious or not, people are prone to mistakes, and getting in was a stretch without a proper check anyway (Security is tight, criminals escaped less then a few hours ago). Getting past should be easy, no? ( ̄ー ̄)

@Ether, It was the fastest way, or would you prefer I have the soldiers search Aiya and have them discover her crest?

Also, offering a bribe, is more then enough reason for suspicion :P

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I mentioned the crests before,Aiya used it against the first town guards.There was never any indication given that there was anything else indicative about her,and hiding the crest is simply common sense,I figured you would have got that.Or would you like me to add in "Aiya breathed" in every post? :facepalm:

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What in hell are you talking about?

Edit: Leaving them alive means witnesses. It was a forced kill.


To my understanding......

You said that Snowy cares about stats based on the character controls for Esphyr

According to her character controls, she hates being called a criminal

Esphyr is not here and therefor the soldiers dont need stats

That is my understanding though

If otherwise please do expain

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I asked for stats based on the fact that they were about to arrest the group. I thought it was the beginning of a major scrap.

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@ Ether

You haven't specified that Aiya was breathing this entire time. I guess that means she's dead. Damian's a free man? XD (I kid I kid)

@ Nady

You can retcon anything.

@ Gate goers

Did you guys actually think Nady wouldn't find a whole in your scheme? Well either way, nice try.

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If you want me to retcon'ing it, I wouldn't mind. Will still lead to the same result considering there's other stuff me to pick out on.

Regardless of anything I put forward, with the stuff Snike came up with, they'd need to see a higher official, with more guards around to deliver the message (Since the guards need to leave their posts to do otherwise) The argument would be that they send them off and trust them to deliver the message. :/ But considering how criminals are running loose I'd have thought all guards would be on edge. (Nevermind that they're armed travelers XD)

As I said above though (in an edit) would you have rather had the soldiers search Aiya?

PS: Phoenix, I thought it was a typo, but you're doing it way too often, isn't it a "hole in the roof" and a "hole in your scheme"?

Extra: I've also foreshadowed the gate might have someone who recognizes them positioned there. (Border town is now occupied by bandits, so the guards there are dead or at the capitol) Phoenix has established this possibility at Selizara with a guard recognizing Irina as the wyvern-flagpole girl.

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The guards eyed the group suspiciously, the man wasn't making any sense, there weren't supposed to be any soldiers situated at Istample, furthermore the man who had put forward the note seemed to not really care about the incident and his tone and choice of words emphasized this. This wasn't a man who was seeking aid, but just a typical mercenary delivering a message.


Looking back on this, how do they know about the criminals, and not that they were pursued in Istample, then arrested back in Selizara?

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@ Nady: I think he was trying to imply that you already know the whole scheme

Fails anyways <_<

@ Snike: Oh i thought you meant if Snowy cared about the guards having stats

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I never mentioned Snowy... :/

Anyways, someone wanna go and advance them, now?

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Don't know what happened, but it looks like the town's done for. Anyways, here's the note,"

Seemed like he didn't care to me :/

Curious as to what that edit is for as well :P

Addy, there was a battle right at infront of the main(?) city gates less then a few hours ago. Under normal circumstances, they guards wouldn't be so edgy and suspicious, of everything but having a military convoy attacked one sidedly infront of the capitol isn't a normal circumstance in my opinion.

Again, Bribe = More suspicious.

Finally, I'm not going to argue my case with Eric v Guards, since the guards let them through initially. If there's a problem it's with Kelas's attire (which was apparently my mistake) and Aiya's crest.

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