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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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So, I basically have to get an A-rank support by the end of this chapter? GREAT. -.-;

On another note, Technically, Iso could help, if he knew where Chase was/accidentally sets the prison on fire.

Edit: Solution found: I'll just pass her to Damian. Problem solved.

Edited by Snike
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But Iso's unconscious now :(

Let me update the Iso's injuries and incidents list:

Grabbed by collar

Slammed onto the ground from collar grip


Chained up on several occasions IIRC

Injured in battle against a wyvern rider with an axe

Beaten down

Struck by lightning (headshot)

Dream Choke held

Dream KO'd

Literally choke held

Karate chop KO to the back of the neck

CPR'd by own sister


Thrown more than a total of two hundred feet through the air

Fallen five stories from a building

Harassed by magic students

Attacked by Sage teacher

Slammed into walls several times

Tossed into the air by a wyvern

Smacked with aforementioned wyvern's tail

Punk'd by Kiev

Cock blocked by Kiev

Thrown through window

Stepped on


Telepathically tossed aside

Scolded repeatedly

Thrown to the wolves(figuratively speaking)

Mentioned as idiot far too often

*whew* :mellow:


@ Nady

Exactly what am I protecting Iso from? :/

Edited by Phoenix
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Gone for the night. I screwed up today, so, only one hour a day of comp time, until the end of school. >.<

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Query: Is the church that all the Isotov-chaos is going down in anywhere near the gate Tessa and Arrin entered through? Does it matter? Does it matter that it matters?

Yes. It matters, and that church is the closest to the gates on the side of the city they entered on.

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Define "they"? (Trying to work out whether Arrin and Tessa are about to walk into the chaos.)

How many churches does the city need? It's not like here in Vegas where every casino has a chapel ... oh wait Snowy said that Ilyphina is exactly like Vegas ... well ... damn ....

Anyway, I'd imagine Arrin and Tessa are about to find Iso unconscious in the church.

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Ether has appeared!

Damian's past is...interesting...

Both of his parents are dead,as is his Grandfather,now.He was essentially a guinea pig for CW research in Halton,and it was painful,he was mentally scarred for a time,and his parents thought he was completely insane for a while.This lead his mother to suicide,and these things combined caused a decline in his father's health,until he eventually died.His life turned around when he met Aiya,so to speak.

When his family took Aiya in,he finally began to go back to normal.He wanted to show his father that he could carry on his work,but the damage had been done,and Bethold died.

Plus there are the countless injuries from his time in the military,losing many friends in bandit raids...His life isn't all flowers and sugar,although he hasn't had as much negative stuff recently,Elyisimia deal aside.

As for Tessa/Arrin,she seems to have the beginnings of a crush on Damian as well,or atleast finds him attractive and approachable.Damian'll likely be the one who tells her what that stuff means,and in the end,will probably be a catalyst for them actually hooking up at all,or getting anything started...

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~insert running gag about Arrin challenging Damian to a duel and losing~

@Phoenix: Oh, right then.

...FFFUUU must get Kelas there first, to stop the pony...

also: re number of churches: I'd imagine there's a lot of them. I mean, look at your average big city, there are dozens...

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Arrin: I challenge you to a duel!For honor,and what is love...apparently...


Arrin:You just impaled me through the chest,didn't you?


Arrin:Thought so...*dies*

Tessa:Arrin!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!...Damian,why did you have to thrust into him so hard?Y-you killed him!

Damian: *chuckle*


Damian:Oh,nothing...now then,Tessa,let me show you what a 4-way is...

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@ Lacuna

I'm in Vegas ... there's close to ten thousand chapel/churches total IIRC

Should I add "Stomped by Amari" to the list of Iso incidents? :mellow:

@ Ether

That's more like it.

EDIT: Ah maybe only half that. Don't know cause I never keep count. Oh look! Another chapel just sprung up!

Edited by Phoenix
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Should've quoted this earlier.

*Is worshiping Cynthia right nao*

Your petty worship cannot please the Cynthia! She does not care for your trivial idolatry!

Only tithes, incidents ending in Helios being harmed, Kamilla being mind raped, my crazy posting format, objective reasoning, and excellent one liners can please the Cynthia! HAHAAAAAH!! XD

@ Lacuna

Amari needs her own spin off after this.

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