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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@The actual RP: Oh wow. I see. Very nice. (And yeah, giving the bow to Kelas would not have worked well, regardless of Morgan's motivations for not doing so.)

That's part of the reason Morgan didn't give the bow to her, though if Chase refuses for...some reason. Kelas is the backup plan.

Chase getting the bow also provides Conrad a good reason to let him out of jail.

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And my panic attack has ceased entirely. I'm back to normal :awesome:

Okay, nice posting, Evil Red One. I think I'm done for the day though. Will pick up stuff tomorrow.

Goodnight, ladies :D ... Cuddles -_-

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Yes, Nady is causing more trouble trying to "fuck up everyone at every goddamn turn" again.

Unlike my usual chaotic streak, there are several benefits for the group in this attack. Which I've discussed with Cynthia. So I sort of have permission :/

It was planned for the next day but I figured I'd launch it during the night, to make visibility poor and disadvantage Elysimmia. (Bandits kill anything, soldiers need to make sure it's bandits) And since Reika's objective is to pillage it works better if I execute it at night.

The bandits are split up into the

-Main group: Around the main gate, consisting of bandits that have no real relevance, their objective is to keep the military occupied while the Crimson Brigade (Kai's Naming sense, not mine)can take out the pillaging groups.

-Sub group Jones/Reika

-A group of bandits who are inside pillaging the place. Consists of (X) amount of bandits, Dalton, Jones and Reika.



I've come across several issues when putting this into effect.

-The timing of the bandit attack is not random, but due to the loss of the general(Upson) and casulaties at Selizara.

-The soldier sent to Conrad was a fake :P And Conrad kindly dispatched soldiers to the now unoccupied Vaorin front XD

-Reika doesn't like bandits: She didn't, but has decided to ally herself with them to cause the "If I suffered they should too" mentality and is attacking Elysimmia (not Halton) because she wants Elysimma to suffer the same way her home city did.

-Bandits can't get in that easily: Right, there was a point to arguing with Ether and the CBrigade can. Eric/Helios forced their way in easily.

-Bandits would get noticed once they were inside: Perhaps, but I counter this with the fact that the military is on the lookout for bigger fish at the moment (Chase and his friends) and bandits look no different from a few ruffians if they're not being bandits

I can already sense complaints heading my way, but I have been hinting at this for awhile now :/ If you have any complaints (with points against) I'll happily answer them :)

@Cynthia: You're already with Chase, so you might end up actually being his defense attorney and convincing Conrad.

@Lacuna "Fffffffffffffffffffffff" back at you :P

@All, Sadly no fire this time :( And before you yell at me for causing shit again, you've all been sleeping/resting since the afternoon (Or it wasn't night before Cynthia's imp post) and we were deprived of an actual Exp battle in the last chapter. (Despite being up against the Bolivian army)

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Actually the only thing about this that could maybe cause me to call bullshit is if after the threat becomes apparent, the Elyisiman military does not involve itself on a very large scale, and involve itself effectively. I mean, somethingteen criminals roaming around got plenty of attention; a horde of bandits attacking the capital city of the country should damn well get attention. Also, (supposedly) trained soldiers (and likely also academy mages) versus untrained bandits, etc etc. So I'm assuming you've just got a truly massive (i.e. about all the ones they could find in the entire country) bunch of bandits to use as a zerg rush, apart from the core containing Reika.

Doubtless we'll get stuck with the portion of bandits containing Reika and a few that can actually think, so we won't have the easiest time of it, but if the military and mages have problems with the others (besides sheer numbers) things will be a bit more suspect.

It would also make sense if our lot were involved a bit after the fighting has already started; TISME's shielded, so it's not a matter of when the place catches fire, more a matter of when they start to muster people.

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Crimson Bow sounds awesome. Do I get to rename it? Should I hand over controls for Conrad to someone else to avoid controlling 2 peeps with Crimson weapons, or is it perfectly okay to keep them both?

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The names are compeltely arbitrary so far, so I don't see why not.

I don't see how being a wielder or not should limit how many characters you can control, it just means that neither one can just drop off the face of the earth. You can try controlling both, if they're getting underdeveloped I can take one.

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Morgan probably used a candle, torch, Katie's amulet or some other light source I didn't mention directly.

If you're talking about how you visit a prisoner at night, I think I covered that in the previous post.

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Oh yeah i see now

Hey is it just me or does Isotov have Co - Dependency issues?

That is probably the reason he needs to surround himself around others

Hence the reason Phoenix has so many characters might be explainable

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We are allowed to post in whatever threads we have before they get moved guys.

Where is Conrad atm?

I think you may have timeskipped too far Ether, since events may be occuring tonight.

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Did I?Oh well,Damian/Aiya didn't really have too much left to do,and several characters are on the brink of sleep anyway.

If it comes down to it,I'll retcon it,but I'll leave it for now.

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Go go topic rename!

Anyways, need to figure out if Eric's actually sleeping, or off doing something else.

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Maybe we can use the Feedback forum for specific issues and use the Chat for general purposes?

Eh, feedback should be from readers, really.

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