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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Maybe we can use the Feedback forum for specific issues and use the Chat for general purposes?

As Snike said, feedback should be from readers who are currently not participants. Participants may answer any questions they can in there though, just try not to turn it into a chat like this one.

By specific issues do you mean something like character relations? I would guess stuff like that would have to be seperate threads in the chat forum but that'st not certain yet.

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I got the Crimson Bow B)

I was there for that part ... then I went to sleep.

As Snike said, feedback should be from readers who are currently not participants. Participants may answer any questions they can in there though, just try not to turn it into a chat like this one.

By specific issues do you mean something like character relations? I would guess stuff like that would have to be seperate threads in the chat forum but that'st not certain yet.

I doubt people not in the rp would post anything in a feedback thread, but if they do, then I guess having one would serve a purpose. In the mean time, I have reading and posting to do.

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Maybe we can use the Feedback forum for specific issues and use the Chat for general purposes?

I was actually thinking something quite similar actually. Anytime a discussion about particular mechanics comes up (like it has in the past with hit vs evade, healing formula, etc.), it could be in the more official Feedback, that way it would be kept much smaller, and the actual decisions made would remain easier to keep track of for reference or potential newcomers (if they fail to make it edited into somewhere else official).

Eh, feedback should be from readers, really.

But then, Snike also raises an interesting point. That said, I'm not really sure if there is a reader-base for this, so I'm not entirely sure how relevant that is. I present a small example of what I'm talking of, though I have no idea whether or not the opinion is general or specific to the person in question.

A-san: how is your RP thread

A-san: i tried reading it...then got confused

Watashi: Confusion can quite easily spring up, actually

Watashi: Only half of the people in it actually seem to be any good

Watashi: But, working with them is rewarding, so it's fun enough

A-san: hmm, i use to RP when i was younger

A-san: then i grew out of it

A-san: plus phoenix is there

A-san: and the group is too large.

Watashi: phoenix is... yeah... interesting

Watashi: And things have gotten a bit too large

Watashi: To be perfectly honest, I have trouble working with Kai, I can't seriously expect much of anything from Lightning, and while Ether can be good, he's been somewhat hit and miss lately.

Watashi: Snike is still too new for me to tell

A-san: kai is like 14

A-san: expected

Watashi: yeah, it shows

A-san: Rein is rein. i don't really like him either

A-san: ether...haven't talked to him for a while...hmmm

A-san: spike. *kills spike*

Watashi: not spike

Watashi: Snike

Watashi: He's new to the forums

A-san: ohh

A-san: my fault *halo*

Watashi: Easy mistake, could've happened to anyone

Watashi: But yeah, -Cynthia-, Kiryn/______/Darth Lacuna, and Snowy seem to be pretty good, and while Nadesico can be somewhat troublesome at times, she at least seems to have a pretty good head on her shoulders

A-san: i will stay out of your domain

Watashi: You're more than welcome to read it if you want, but yeah, it's likely a giant mess of confusion for an outsider, and not particularly enjoyable

A-san: ;__;

Watashi: ?

A-san: :sob:

Watashi: *patpat*

Watashi: I'm not trying to exile you or anything

Watashi: I hope you're not misunderstanding

A-san: O.o

A-san: the :sob: was due to the headache that reading the spaghetti might cause me

Watashi: hahaha

Watashi: Oh, yeah,

Watashi: you'd need a bottle of aspirin, easily

A-san: and you my friend, generally give me headaches too

A-san: i'm already on an bottle of ibprofen

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What did A-san mean by "plus Phoenix is there"? :/

Never mind <_<

Anyway, I've decided how I'll resolve a few things, and my new post'll be up shortly for critical review.

Edited by Phoenix
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The RP is a ton of pages long, and tbh probably not the most interesting reading material, especially with all the OOC posts and stat battles and whatnot.

But hey, I could be wrong. Maybe there's a ton of guests/invisible users watching every post of the RP with great anticipation.

"I love it when you set things on fire! Go Nady!"

"I wanna be just like Helios when I grow up!"

"More sex scenes Ether, they make me so aroused!"

etc. They also make little personality quizzes like Which LoAF Character are You? and Which LoAF RPer are you?

*sighs* While that would all be very amusing, I find it unlikely.

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@ Cynthia

Wait, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the support bonus for thunder affinty characters better evasion? Are support bonuses applied differently than I thought?

I just have to clear this up really quick before I go back into managing my supports.

If Iso(Fire) supports with Irina(Wind), his(Iso's, not Irina's) bonus would be which of the following?:

Fire: +0.5 MT per level

Wind: +0.5 Hit per level

All of the above

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Thunder gives +0.5 eva, which rounds up.

Both of them receive +1 Hit, +1 Mt at C and B stages.

Thank you, that helps. Now I've just about figured out every number problem I've had in the rp :D (thank God for manage notes tab)

@ Whoever

Are those guys going to break into TISME somehow?

Edited by Phoenix
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I assumed the awake people would hear the bandits smashing the capital (they don't really have reason to go to TISME), then we would go and stop it. It's really Nady's call what she wants to do with them though.

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What did A-san mean by "plus Phoenix is there"? :/

Never mind <_<

Anyway, I've decided how I'll resolve a few things, and my new post'll be up shortly for critical review.


Rein is too

Don't shoot the messenger guys. I didn't do much censoring, because I figured, it was said, it was opinions, it was feedback. Maybe I should have though.

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Support bonuses round up?

Also,I-I'm...hit and miss...

That means...I'm boring you! ;_; Putting you to sleep!

I thought you all enjoyed having me around...but this!This revelation,now that I know I am naught but a bother...how can I go on?! :sob: ;_; :sob:

If I am but a boredom-sleep-inducing nuisance,then what purpose do I even have in remaining?! ;_;

*Throws self off of Cliff*

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Naddy, you are aware that attacking TISME is a suicide idea, even with the weapon, right?

Anyways, when we want the timeskip to be officially done, Katie will return... WITH SCRAMBLED EGGS AND BACON!

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I love how 90% of the time we are talking about BS and the rest is actual RP crap :awesome:

@ Snowy: Dont warn her. Let her die for once

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Keeping on track, anyone want to go and just time skip to the morning, with the soldiers taking care of the bandits?

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I took too long quoting this :facepalm:

What about my reasoning for Phoenix having too many characters? :sweatdrop:

I'll just explain it so that everyone knows what to expect from these legions of characters I've amassed.

Isotov: Proxima wielder, and likely to burn your sh*t to the ground at a moments notice.

Irina: Wyvern girl, and tomboy. Expect to be stabbed, not cuddled.

Viveka: Victoria's Secret model gone Elyisimian army Captain. Run.


Ivanko: He only exists when I tell him to.

Ivan: Do you guys even know who that is?

Lev: Strange how everyone and their grandmother remembers him.

Ixion: He'll f*ck your day up ... but you won't remember.

Stephanie: She's just as likely to hurt you as she is to heal you. Nice girl.

Shanice: WTH?! A purple pegasus?! :blink:

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That would be lame. Nady has set up that most of the army is out fighting the bandits, so this small group is for us to take. Besides, you'd be killing all of Nady's NPCs at the hands of nameless NPC soldiers.

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Hey is it just me or does Isotov have Co - Dependency issues?

That is probably the reason he needs to surround himself around others

Hence the reason Phoenix has so many characters might be explainable

This, Phoenix

Edited by Kai-Sama
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