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You could get her pregnant, that's a decent S.

But in all seriousness, when have supports in FE reflected actual relationship depth. A support A between Wallace and Vaida is essentially a recognition of skill. What the hell is that? :/

Another problem is most people, Kai especially, think you're using the support system to boost your characters as quickly as possible. I was slightly suspicious too I'll admit, but your constant compromises are reason enough to let that go, and focus on the real issues concerning supports. It's not really about DamianxAiya, it's about all the support relationships and finding the right balance. I think the problem you're having with it is how it will effect the current supports you already have.

@ Luclock

Viveka doesn't have enough back up to take the whole group. She's cutting her losses and hoping that capturing Iso and Chase will keep the group in line somewhat.

I don't think trying to fight the Demon King pregnant is the best idea...

As for Wallace and Vaida,they live on battle,contests,and skill.So acknowledging that they seem equal is massive for people like them.

For the issues of support themselves,I just cannot see them as a B or C support with their relationship.it's not just my own characters either.If any other characters in the RP had a relationship as deep as theirs and weren't at A already,I would propose bumping them up from whatever they had to an A if I noticed it.

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^Pretty much what I was gonna say. Ambush/resistance would be suicide. There's somethingteen of us and an entire army of them.

I also find it ironic that everyone seems willing to face an entire army in rp combat, but not in stat combat where there'd actually be enough exp to go around :/

@ Ether

I agree ... but ... the stat bonuses are the catch here. If we had minimal bonuses(which is impossible due to the low numbers used in the rp) then it would be less overpowering. An easy fix would be expansion:

Supports: G,F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS :lol:

Or a numbers overhaul which ain't happenin -_-

Technically they are A or close to it, but that coming across as huge combat bonuses this early in the rp is ... pissing folks off. I'll leave it at that -_-

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I also find it ironic that everyone seems willing to face an entire army in rp combat, but not in stat combat where there'd actually be enough exp to go around :/

I never said I was willing. Speaking of EXP, I need to go calc mine. How much was a kill, again?

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I never said I was willing. Speaking of EXP, I need to go calc mine. How much was a kill, again?

Actually Cynthia wants to do exp so she can f*ck over whom she will XD

I meant that people prefer rp combat to stat combat as a whole.


@ Kai

Ninja'd :ph34r:

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It would be moronic unless the maker takes off their own character. I'll do it without Chase on it though.

-No arguing your own guys.

-No flaming

-Join time is irrelevant: it's based on a percentage of usefulness

Top tier:



High tier:

Mid tier:


Low tier:

Bottom tier:

Round 1: Suggest spots for characters that aren't your own.

Go go go!

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I'm aware of that. I still want to calc it, to make her life easier. >.>

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A kill is 10 EXP,a hit is 5,and you get 5 for existing.

And,as I said,if the mod people do not object,I am willing to give the 30 Exp that Damian/Aiya gained in this fight to others,since I originally planned on not joining it anyway...

As for the bonuses issue,it would be inconsistent for the support to be at a low level due to the depth of thier relationship,and you seem to agree.The thing with the bonuses is that they will equalize over time,so for now,why can't they just act as a Jeigan of sorts.And again,once people start leveling,the gap will close a deal.

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@ Ether

The gap isn't going to close ever unless we address the fact that there isn't enough exp to go around. We ALWAYS outnumber the enemy. Do the math. The only way to level the group in any way that resembles an equal spread is to keep high exp characters out of combat until others catch up. That will look inconsistent in the rp. We just need more enemies to fight in general.

@ Lightning

Why do I take pride in the fact that I was not the first to ask? :/

Edited by Phoenix
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Morgan high tier for Miracle

Kelas and Chase Low tier for being unable to counter during enemy phase

Isotov under Helios for screwing us over

I forget other

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