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Lord of Azure Flame Tier list

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There's only 3 of them (I don't see anything in Lacuna's post about reinforcements) and we're right outside TISME. There's no reason to surrender other than to indulge Phoenix, who wants us all captured for some reason.

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@More enemies, @Phoenix pretty much

How does more enemies help? You're addressing the problem as if there's not enough enemies to go around. Everyone (pretty much) is getting a good few shots at the enemy, it's the exp distribution that people are talking about. Making more enemies will most likely increase everyone's exp gain, note how I said everyone, some more then others.

For example, using Ether's characters and.... Cess was it? Damian will most likely have 3 kills in 3 attacks. While Cess may only get 1 if he's lucky 2 kills in the same number of attacks.

More enemies is going to increase exp gain, but the problem isn't lack of exp, but the power gap, exp gap, which will most likely only increase in the event of more enemies.

I'm also not sure if more enemies is a smart idea, looking at the Pegasi and Bandits this time around, half the group, or at least a good portion was knocked out. And the challenge factor was high enough IMO (Though I do agree on higher spd for enemies)

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Damian is ORKOing because he doubled those bandits.Against things he doesn't double,he would likely leave them in "OSHI- I'm nearly dead" range,so it is an easy kill for someone else.

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I finally have food so I can relax now.

@ Cynthia

I don't care if the group gets captured or not. Having Viveka just throw in the towel would be a reflection of me not caring and out of character.

I refuse to believe that the entire city was defeated by bandits. I outright refuse to believe that.

@ Ether

You realize that going after them makes you actual criminals right? (Like that wasn't already the case ... -_- )

@ Cuddles

There's a balance that we need to find here. We tend to never notice a problem until we're already in it. If we increase enemy numbers, we can get the opposite side of the spectrum and find a balance in all of this. Besides, more enemies doesn't mean same stats, and it especially doesn't mean that they won't retreat early if the boss get's KO'd.

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I should've forgone Wrath for the extra 3 stat points... -.-;

Damian's ORKO'ing because he has capped speed, STR, a Crimson weapon, and he's pretty much impossible to hit, unless you roll a 6. Then you have to with his 9 defense. The issue is, I guess, he's never near the verge of death, while everyone else crumples in one hit. The meatshield idea could work, but that would require coordination, a luxury in this RP.

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Higher Spd hurts everyone though, not just Damian/Aiya. They're still unkillable and hit harder than everyone else. I personally would have made different caps for different classes and such, but it's too late to fix that now.

WRT support strength, I would argue Iso/Irina have about a strong a bond as Damian/Aiya, but it's C compared to A. And no, I don't think they should be moved up to an A. For a FE based reference, let's look at Roy's starting group.

Marcus- Spent his whole life protecting Roy(after protecting his father of course) no auto

Lance- Whole purpose in life--protect Roy. No auto

Alan- See above.

Wolt- Raised as a milk-brother to Roy. No auto.

While it makes a lot more sense for these pairs to at least have B's or something, their B's being even stronger than lolrandom pairs like Miledy/Treck, they don't. Why? Balance reasons presumably.

I would compromise at Damian/Aiya B. It still would be stronger than any other existing support in the RP, so that's not a continuity break.

Not everyone is dead, but they're not all in the area either.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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That's why I said god mod, though they'll likely show up on their own eventually.

Why god mod unless you want to get us all captured again?

Timing issues. Do you really think that 30 seconds or so after fighting bandits (and they could still be fighting), they're going to arbitrarily rush to TISME?

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I should've rephrased that. In comparison., they're all on the verge of death. Higher stats can't really help it... Maybe reduce the EXP take per level?

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Why god mod unless you want to get us all captured again?

Timing issues. Do you really think that 30 seconds or so after fighting bandits (and they could still be fighting), they're going to arbitrarily rush to TISME?

Like I said, God mod. Why would I god mod? Boredom. (Good incentive too)

@ Kai

You'll burn your hands.

@ Snowy

It never ends.

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*Sides with Cynthia*

Under the current circumstances, Viveka's going to get swamped, unless the mages offer their aid to the military. She's outnumbered, and while most of us injured, I think we'd still be able to take 3 pegasus's on. Military need to consider the city's losses, find their dead, and haul the bandit bodies off somewhere other then the middle of the street, So reinforcements are unlikely. (Wouldn't it be an interesting turn of events if we knocked her out, made her submit to the groups demands XD)

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Don't give them idea... Wait, no. Let's just go with that, or risk incurring your wrath generosity.

Also, We can cure Kamilla in a few posts, maybe. That OK?

Edited by Snike
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*Sides with Cynthia*

Under the current circumstances, Viveka's going to get swamped, unless the mages offer their aid to the military. She's outnumbered, and while most of us injured, I think we'd still be able to take 3 pegasus's on. Military need to consider the city's losses, find their dead, and haul the bandit bodies off somewhere other then the middle of the street, So reinforcements are unlikely. (Wouldn't it be an interesting turn of events if we knocked her out, made her submit to the groups demands XD)

She's only after Chase, and Iso. Helios just got in the way so he's tied down.

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