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Woo, competition! I'm in XD

Though, whatever happened to that Karel splice you were using for Iceds failed hack? I was under the impression that was what you had based Damian off :/

As for Kai's whole issue with Damian v Ivanko, I sort of have to agree, a renown mercenary and soldier are... well it's obvious who'd win, Damian might not be a common soldier, but a common soldier, and Damian would have received the same type of training, even if Damian excelled there is a limit to how far he can grow.

Cutscene stats and Actual stats should be the same, it's like saying, I'll only use my character appearance in battle, outside I'm a blob of goo!

I'd say a draw would be more appropriate, since it makes each party want to re-test their strength, and would still allow Ivanko to respect Damian, even with Ivanko unmounted, and Damian with a crimson weapon, it'd be pushing it if Ivanko can fight a legion of monsters by himself. Saying Damain beats Ivanko, is like saying Damian could have killed the Mesh with only Aiya's help.

It unbalances team power, and say... Helios defeats Damian in PvP, then Helios can brag that he's stronger the Ivanko too XD

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My competition entry. attempt at spriting Damian,

Left: Looks like an angry enemy boss or something, but it's what you requested.

Right: My attempt to make him look.... more Damian-like. I'm guessing you only wanted Uther for the scars

Both: Wasn't sure about armor, it said something about red tinge... or was that the CW?... Nyeh.

*Waiting for Balcie's attempt*

Also, mug choices for Aiya?

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The description does say dark red armor, so it looks right to me (same shade as Begnion soldiers actually)

It looks nice. I like the one on the right better, looks more heroic, and the level of scarring isn't as over the top. Part of the reason Uther's face looks funny is because he's actively dying over the course of FE7, so your edit was good thinking.

Of course Ether's opinion matters here not mine, so yeah.

BTW, could we get a picture of Esphyr up here eventually? I just keep picturing a brown-haired Echidna, which I know is off.

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Brown Haired Echidna???

Pretty sure someone mentioned something about Phoenix having made one (FE9/10 Style) for Snowy, but I never saw it :/

Think it's just Esphyr and Aiya (Damian) who didn't have some sort of reference image.

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Bal gave me his over,PM,so he can repost it if he wants to.And I really like the one on the right as well.

As for Aiya,how about Florina's hair,Tate's face,and Isadora's armour?

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As for Kai's whole issue with Damian v Ivanko, I sort of have to agree, a renown mercenary and soldier are... well it's obvious who'd win, Damian might not be a common soldier, but a common soldier, and Damian would have received the same type of training, even if Damian excelled there is a limit to how far he can grow.

Cutscene stats and Actual stats should be the same, it's like saying, I'll only use my character appearance in battle, outside I'm a blob of goo!

I'd say a draw would be more appropriate, since it makes each party want to re-test their strength, and would still allow Ivanko to respect Damian, even with Ivanko unmounted, and Damian with a crimson weapon, it'd be pushing it if Ivanko can fight a legion of monsters by himself. Saying Damain beats Ivanko, is like saying Damian could have killed the Mesh with only Aiya's help.

It unbalances team power, and say... Helios defeats Damian in PvP, then Helios can brag that he's stronger the Ivanko too XD

Normally I'd agree with this entirely, but Ivanko could lose a contact match under the aforementioned circumstances.

Aside from Ivanko's self induced disadvantages:

No mounted evasion bonuses

No lance, and no tomahawk(which is his favorite and most deadly weapon(SS Rank... maybe SSS Rank or even OMGWTF Rank)

Being double-teamed

Only having to be hit once to lose

I'd say it's about a fifty fifty match up, but toss in any adept flanking tactic by both Damian and Aiya and crimson weapon, and Ivanko could likely take that one hit that would cost him the match. It's not like in actual combat where he would brush off the hit, then counter and OHKO them.(What's OHKO stand for? I see it everywhere but I can't guess it yet :lol: ) They should just be glad he didn't pull a Sango(Boomerang)on them with that tomahawk.

I've got an idea to make this match realistic. Ivanko is a mercenary. He's as tactically brutal as a pirate. Let's say during the match, Damian and Aiya thought they had him on the ropes, then he shifts his focus to Aiya. You know, knock off the easier one then go head to head with Damian. Let's say Aiya gives Damian an opening by using herself as bait. Yes she's taking a hit and going down, but Damian would still score a hit on Ivanko before he recovers, and that could be considered a win since Ivanko only outed one of them. It's awkward for an rp, but it's Anime Gold and I love anime :P

BTW, could we get a picture of Esphyr up here eventually? I just keep picturing a brown-haired Echidna, which I know is off.

I made an Esphyr sprite, but Snowy was probably a bit less satisfied with it than I was :lol:

Also, her shirt is white now? On the request her shirt was red, and her pants were white :/


Brown Haired Echidna???

Pretty sure someone mentioned something about Phoenix having made one (FE9/10 Style) for Snowy, but I never saw it :/

Think it's just Esphyr and Aiya (Damian) who didn't have some sort of reference image.

I saw it :mellow:

Yes I'm up at this weird time. So what? <_<

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Can't bothered quoting anything,

OHKO: One-Hit-Knock-Out?

I wanna see it (Esphyr thingie)

And regarding the Ivanko Defeat, don't think it really matters, whatever logic you and Ether put forth, it's still unlikely, and hard to imagine,so I'm just going to say it's best to imagine Ivanko got RNG screwed and Damian/Aiya got lucky :P

Working on Aiya now >_<

I swear Ether is testing my splicing skills, how the hell am I supposed to get Florina's hair on anything? XD



I've learned something today... I hate Florina!

Ah well, it's not too bad I think


Original Violet armor.


Again, not sure with the colors. It's violet armor and blue clothing, but purple armor with blue trimmings look horrible.

Personality: Aiya is cheerful,chipper,and rather shy.She is quick tempered.

..... Cheerful? Chipper? Shy? Who the hell are we talking about?

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Though, whatever happened to that Karel splice you were using for Iceds failed hack? I was under the impression that was


Who's Iced?

Lol at Tessa's drawing

You dont know how tempted i was to post this


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I would show Esphyr's image, but I don't know how. T.T

Eh! I'm here, remember? Don worriboutit B)


Seeing all my recent work ... I feel that this sprite is unfinished(80%), and so if I find the time I'll probably get back to work on it, and maybe even change some things :unsure:

Snowy, input on any changes would be appreciated. Like what's with the white shirt? Did she change it?

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I'm reading it as red shirt, white pants. I think the sprite is cute personally. She's much less butch than I pictured her, probably because when I think female mercs/heroes I think of Echidna (not the animal).

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I thought it was red shirt, white pants too. >.>

As for Michaels, I don't keep a active roster on hand *though I probably should* so that I mistakenly put someone in is understandable. I will try to clean it up after college today. Today is my late day though.

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I thought it was red shirt, white pants too. >.>

As for Michaels, I don't keep a active roster on hand *though I probably should* so that I mistakenly put someone in is understandable. I will try to clean it up after college today. Today is my late day though.

He and I must have been confused by a minor slip-up in this post then. No problems, it happens.

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He and I must have been confused by a minor slip-up in this post then. No problems, it happens.

Yep! That's the one.

Unless ... she was taking off her white pants, but I don't think a couple of dumb guards could get that far ... not with Esphyr anyway.

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I was hoping i can get that into the plot

There is always going to be an evil cult that wants to revive the dark lord

Lets say they attacked the kingdom

Let me know if anyone is interested

@Nady: Use this

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I was hoping i can get that into the plot

There is always going to be an evil cult that wants to revive the dark lord

Actually, at some point, I was going to create a character that is a direct servant of the demon king. He's not really human, but he looks enough like one to cause initial confusion. Also this person would be dead set on surviving and escaping if he was in danger of failing his mission. He'd be a persistent bad guy that shows up from time to time(maybe every two chapters depending on the length of time that passes) up until the final battle, or just before the final battle where he would likely be killed.

And NO, none of the comedy relief would be aimed at this character. His appearance would be highly serious and very dangerous.

This guy, like the dragon is on a mission to bring back the demon king. This guy's immediate mission is to bring down the crimson weapon wielders. (Figured we needed a direct demon king servant to focus on that since they are a serious threat in the end.)


If you use the FEPlanet sheet maker, make sure that you save the file as a gif, or a png so it doesn't have to be converted and therefore ruined. (When you type the name, also type the file format it's going to be (.gif or .png) Sorry if you already knew that.

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Just got back from a 3 day vacation. If theonefate doesn't show up soon, could I get the Crimson Bow due to some weird mishap or something like that?

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I would say do it

But i really dont think you will do well as an antagonist

What?! I'm the most flexible person here. I think you're just worried because of the whole Ivan and Lev thing. That's slightly comedic to balance out the rp. If the situation is entirely serious all the time, even OUTSIDE of battles, it'll get dare I say it ... uber boring.

EDIT: LMAO!!! Ether sure loves throwing random stuff into the story! "Are you a virgin?" :lol:

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