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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Nady's right, you should really consider trying to have your characters talk to the characters of other RPers rather than your own. Yes, chances of being interrupted are higher and it takes more posts, but it's more interesting. Your character's interactiosn with the group as a whole are very limited, you've forced some talks between Isotov and Katie, once in a while Irina has a non sequitor with someone, everyone called Iso an idiot that one time and that's about it. Looking at other characters, most of them have at least talked to several members of the group and have several plausible friendship paths, yours...don't. Things are just going to get worse when Viveka joins the team I imagine.

I'm usually content just doing whatever it is we're doing at the time, but I could try and force the plot along more if you want, though I don't enjoy doing so.

If you can get agreement from one of the "doubters", the plan is probably fine, or at least make the other doubters concede. Big 2 things when making a plan is A. It has to be logical,make sense in regards to characters/setting etc. 2. Cannot end in total group death, permanent incarceration etc. for obvious reasons.

Consideing the whole point of the CWs is to seal the LoAF, that would be rather backwards. I guess it could be a "good job breaking it heroes" sort of moment, but that would make Damian's dad a liar, everything Morgan's learned a lie etc. etc. It would be a huge conspiracy.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Consideing the whole point of the CWs is to seal the LoAF, that would be rather backwards. I guess it could be a "good job breaking it heroes" sort of moment, but that would make Damian's dad a liar, everything Morgan's learned a lie etc. etc. It would be a huge conspiracy.

I'm going to disagree with the Cynthia! XD

Damians dad might have made the weapons but I refuse to believe he knew everything about them, for one I doubt hellfire is a material he's familiar with and even if it was, there's a chance that having it mixed with light magic and what not have changed it's effects.

From what I figure, Morgan/Damian's Dad have established that they are required to resealing the demon king. That doesn't cancel out anything other them being unimportant in the sealing. They could still be used to hasten the Demon kings return, and they could even react with eachother and make a mock Ganondorg Demon Lord for all we know. I don't agree with the idea of the weapons having an affinity (good/evil) and think it's up to the wielders /cheesy moment.

So personally I'd prefer if bringing them together had negative and positive effects.


Ouch, I sense trouble XD

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I'm going to disagree with the Cynthia! XDDamians dad might have made the weapons but I refuse to believe he knew everything about them, for one I doubt hellfire is a material he's familiar with and even if it was, there's a chance that having it mixed with light magic and what not have changed it's effects. From what I figure, Morgan/Damian's Dad have established that they are required to resealing the demon king. That doesn't cancel out anything other them being unimportant in the sealing. They could still be used to hasten the Demon kings return, and they could even react with eachother and make a mock Ganondorg Demon Lord for all we know. I don't agree with the idea of the weapons having an affinity (good/evil) and think it's up to the wielders /cheesy moment. So personally I'd prefer if bringing them together had negative and positive effects.

I kinda saw the weapons as like seals that helped to keep the demons well, sealed. If we start fighting monsters later that might be because we have some many close together in a group. Of if we like want to release him, then we might need some powerful spell, or wizard or something.

I still think there's some important Light Magic spell out there related to the weapons.

(Speaking of, I think we need a monk or cleric. We need more light magic)

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It seems utterly retarded to have the weapons that do the sealing also be the thing that unseals him.

EXACTLY! But that could be the whole point of the weapons. Like how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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A few questions

Are we going to have some bonuses if we use our Crimson weapons against Monsters?

Do Crimson weapons have infinite uses?

If the crimson weapons were needed to kill the demon king, how did the heroes do it without the crimson weapons?

EDIT: @ Alakazam: You did a few things wrong there. All weapons are the same. Rezire wont suck any Hp from Morgan. And you roll 3d6's not 1d6

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It still seems completely stupid to me, other than a conspiracy.

"Hey let's make these weapons for sealing the LoAF. Except for the fact that he'll never pop up unless the weapons are brought together."

1. Yes, infinite uses

2. Maybe on monster effectiveness, not sure

3. Obviously you can do it without them.

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A few questionsAre we going to have some bonuses if we use our Crimson weapons against Monsters?Do Crimson weapons have infinite uses? If the crimson weapons were needed to kill the demon king, how did the heroes do it without the crimson weapons?



I'd guess it was just a whole lot bloodier back than. They just make it easier.

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There's a few problems with that theory, all of them can be pretty easily resolved via misinformation,

You seem to have a similar opinion to mine regarding the weapons, Due to their demonic origins I don't think making them the "Excalibur" (sword) of the RP's is really a good idea. And I don't understand why the demons just didn't destroy them in the first place (opposed to binding them to children and coming back later)

Wouldn't it be much more plausible to assume the demons for some reason wanted to keep the weapons, (just under their control) then to say the weapons could only be sealed to children, then destroyed?

It'd also be easier to just kidnap X amount of children, gather them in one location and then bind a CW to each one. Then kill them off immediately.

Conflicting with such a theory is

-Shanice wanting to kill Isotov and destroy Proxima: Misinformed Shanice

-Morgan/Damian's father not knowing: Lack of human knowledge

@Psych specifically,

Even if the idea gets rejected you can still have Cess believe that. I've got a group of characters that are going to hound the group later due to their "deviating theory" on the Crimson weapons, and it would make more sense to have different groups having varying opinions of the weapons. Not just some universal truth (The existence of the CW's itself is fishy to commoners so everyone believing one thing doesn't make sense to me)

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I find it hard to believe that Damian's father would be so misinformed about the weapons, considering he made them! Even if we write off Halton as some doddering moron, Morgan's bascially made it her life's work to study the Crimson Weapons, a big thing like it actually summoning the LoAF would probably not entirely escape her notice.

Alternate explanation: demons can't actually destroy the CWs and can't hold onto them that long (which is why they scattered them in children, who are not as threatening).

Damian's dad being the actual forger of the weapons really deletes any logical possibility of them summoning the LoAF IMO.

We could always ask Snowy what he had planned for this as well.

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Sane? :/ Not sure, if I'm acting out of character let me know, It's been awhile and I haven't exactly remained tuned to Reika's character for months. I was just being loyal to her stab happy nature XD

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I'm fine with it personally, but she seemed slightly less stab happy in the beginning.

Then again, after all that time traveling with bandits she probably has a lot of pent-up stabbing urges.

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Nyeh, just to be clear, the woman was unarmed (magic user) and "Figure in the corner" was pretty much forgotten until the very end when I was writing it. Though that's not very important.

These aren't just random NPC's used for convenience. (Actually they are) But when I refer to "Cloakie, ??? and Woman" it's usually a safe bet to assume they're the same people unless stated otherwise.

As for the absurd gold, I've confirmed my gold source from Snowy, and Reika won't be walking around with that much gold on her. So try not to bite me too much XD

It's the best I can do with Reika :/ Only way to maintain her hate/hate relationship without being crazy (forgiving eachother) and still travelling with the group.


I'm surprised you didn't put in some joke about Reika being stabbed back (With non-metal things)

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Depends, unlike Helios, Reika's affinity doesn't suck (as bad). But who knows, Helios might be able to find an ally in someone when hating on Reika. I can see hatred levels sky rocketing for some, but I can also imagine her getting on with a few (namely those that weren't around back at Darien). But obviously she's a Nady character and Kamilla hatred is only second to the anti-Helios sentiment so she'll be hated as well I guess XD

(Nevermind she attacked the group at TISME, (auto-hatred) but I'm assuming I'll manage to get in somehow, being a CWielder) :/ And the group with Helios, why not Reika XD

@Rein: Think he got healed by Tessa, and then just stood there, probably best to start having the characters go back to TISME for another sleep before heading over to deal with the Mesh again)

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Wind's actually going to be pretty useful if the enemies get more avo later on, though.

Also, I have a good idea for how supports could work so that B and S level isn't obsolete in terms of bonuses.

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