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Edit: Nvm Already had a Magic thingie, *Curses at herself for taking bait laid out by Kai*

Since it's really not that important, and instead of having Atk increased by 1, I'd rather weaker attacks (Anima on Shaman) subtract -1Dmg due to the nature of mana networks and resistance to an affinity. Opposed to magic somehow doing more damage.

But that's more complicated stuff, and I don't want to overcomplicate the battle system.


Then it's reduced? To a C *Hopes* Since it'll negate the bonus given in the begining.

Since we seem to have everyone in agreement, bar Ether :/

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I dont recall Snowy ever making one

Regardless light fails against Anima

That basically says...

Anima beats dark.

Anima beats light.

Light beats dark.

I'm going to assume you meant...




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There is already a magic...err quadrilateral.


Light isn't involved.

I think Snowy agreed to drop it in here and I'm all for it. They might deserve a B.

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@ Tiers: You said based on combat

Not participating in battles you could participate in is a bad thing.

Also, IIRC Reika's an enemy a lot, so that lowers her. It's based on how much they help the party in combat.

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If A is marriage what's S, kids?

Ether disagreed, due to strength of relationship. There's still balance to consider though, and I think he might be overrating it a bit (apparently Damian could ask Aiya to marry him right now?). Part of the problem is Ether controlling both characters.

I'm personally fine with the current magic triangle, it's come up so infrequently anyway. Light might be underpowered, but LM users get staves at tier 1 (according to Stephanie anyhow) so it's not so bad.

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So she shouldnt be in the Tier list

Permission to make Tier list thread?

She's been in the party so she's on the list.

I'll make it.

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Plus, no LCK for people fighting light. And I am in favor of at least a drop to B so that Esphyr can net a A. At this point, I think the better question is 'which is a better level considering their relationship' and not 'should we drop it'.

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And I was certain we also established that Supports should be based on relationships within the RP, not stuff hinted in their past. (Pre-RP) I'm not really sure what the issue is if both Cynthia and Snowy agree that it needs to be lowered.

Though if Aiya/Damian is a B, I'm sure most characters have reached well and truly past a C, and might even go as far as saying Eric/Kamilla have established a C <_<

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I agree whole heartedly with Nady about pre-RP stuff not counting. (yes, I'm agreeing with Nady. miraculous.) If they've really interacted enough in-RP for a B, Chase/Morgan is an easy C.

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Damian/Aiya have had a lot of interactions to be fair, dating all the way back to Chapter 1. They would be the first pair I would support for a B.

Balance wise, with the new system proposed by Rein, it's +1 Atk/Avo for each, Damian gets an additonal +1 Atk from Esphyr. Borderline OP, but not as bad.

A C gives Damian +1 Atk overall, Aiya only gets the +1 Avo. So essentially C--> is +1 Atk for Aiya, +1 Avo for Damian, which isn't a huge leap.

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Damian/Aiya have had a lot of interactiosn to be fair, dating all the way back to Chapter 1. They would be the first pair I would support for a B.

It is his own character

They follow each other around

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I'd agree that they're the first pair to reach a "B" but I don't think that "before anyone else reaches a C" is an appropriate time for that.

Also, I have a suggestion regarding supports (Though it'll most likely be unpopular)

-Support Pyramid

I really don't want to see the current "support" driven plot interaction continue the way it's going, most characters (including Kamilla) pretty much refuse to spend time with characters they're not supporting with. And in many cases are just interacting with one character

I'd like to see a rule be made so that before you can increase a support level, you need another support below the other one. Using Ether as an example

For Damian/Aiya to progress to B

Damian/Esphyr needs to be a C

Aiya/Someone needs to be a C

Since Aiya is feeling like an Irina to me. Perhaps even having less character (though not as stupid)

This would result in a character support max of 8





(In the case of Damian/Aiya being lowered to a B, I guess that'll have to be made a special exception, which shouldn't happen to anyone else)

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Any chanes of a timeskip soon? Doesn't seem like anyone's doing anything in the RP :/ And I'd rather not sit here for another few hours watching Rein/Kai arguing over tiers.

Or I'll be bored to tears

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@ Reika hate: Eric will dislike her. Hate's a bit strong.

@ Support pyramid: I like the idea. Too bad Eric can't take advantage of it ATM. C-support sort of got erased, thanks to black magic.

@ Tier list: Who's Erik?

@ Having things to do every wheres comment: I tend to improvise, to a certain extent. Gives me something to do.

Now I'm going to go wake up Eric.

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Also, I like how the soldiers completely ignore a guy who just took a hand-axe to the back just feet in front of them. It makes me feel confident in the law.

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