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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Intentionally made hard to read, just for Phoenix

The people you came across were bullsh*ting you: They weren't neccessarily being nice to me :/ Cool.

Actually I bring it up in chat/feedback to discuss it: And whine that "Cuddles" is screwing you over :/ I'm tired of wasting hours in this rp just preparing for the next disaster.

If I plan in a group, I could put arguments to rest altogether: Ha, A group without me will get no rest, and a group with me in it will also get no rest XD No sh*t.

I don't recall them trying to resolve very much: When they're providing their input that's usually when they're trying to resolve the issue, by supporting one side. I ... F*CKING ... HATE ... POLITICS

You haven't pissed me off yet, Cuddles: I get it from posts like his which consist of "Cause Cuddles this, cause Cuddles that" XD That's not pissed, that's pointing out the obvious.

That's because you're useless: I'm sorry, for someone that's useless I sure am giving you a run for your money :/ Nice of you to label me useless without even trying though. Useless for collaboration, Cuddles. And that is mostly true unless you think you can set something ablaze.

Then ask next time: It's not my duty to ask and check that everyone's happy, I'm not the one whining about someone screwing up my subplots, and have no issues with continuing to "screw things over" That's a problem.

He could make someone who actually cares about moving things along "third": Unneccessary, and if we do appoint someone I'm only willing to follow their instructions if they make sense, and in your plots that doesn't happen very often. You know why my plots don't make 100% logical sense? Because A. Snowy doesn't give us enough context. B. No one else does either. C. These subplots have to be formed very quickly with little assistance out of the flaming wreckage of our last rest stop. and D. You are a professional.

If that's the case I'm quitting right now: Bye bye XD Cause that's what it feels like to me atm. I actually do have to consider that at this point.

What main plot?: The one you just agreed that Snowy determines <_< Exactly. Snowy! Do something!

Iso has enough support options already: Get out of here, or retract your comment two points up. What I meant is that he knows enough people in the group to fair well. This shouldn't be a competition of any sort.

Liar: They're unneccessary characters, as proof, no ones really taken an interest in interacting with them That's not proof of anything. Everybody only focuses on their own thing, and their own supports PERIOD. We almost never collab on anything, and those that do get ridiculed for it.

Sh*t happens. If no one else is going to do something, then I may as well: Good for you, now how about you "cooperate" and make things interesting for the group by interacting with someone? I'll make you a deal. Tone down the fires(problems), and I'll tone down the npc jazz, but no guarantees as sometimes I may need to f*ck up Helios' head again.

Nope. It leads to you flapping about something else. You're ... that ... f*cking ... pro, Cuddles: Thank you, I got my license 20 years ago. Interesting how you complain about my actions when you can only predict them though, I didn't know you knew me that well. All I can predict is that we'll be in here at some point debating a situation that shouldn't have come up. Whether it be my situation, or yours is irrelevant.

Irina keeps Iso anchored to the group ... npcs keep me anchored to the rp: And screwing you over keeps me anchored to the RP, any other crappy excuses you want to make? Nope.

You guys determine managing skill soely based on how often their included in a post and what they're doing: Sort of, having their location kept secret doesn't make any sense and if you can't disclose their location they either just vanished from the face of the earth, and if you can't do that then you have too many characters. So you DO want me to post everything they're doing? Noted.

Remind me to include their heartbeat rate, when posting so you know they're still alive from now on: If you're serious, I'm willing to do that. Rather than that, I'll just include a tidbit in every post. I'll stop when I have conclusive evidence that you didn't really give a sh*t about my management skills and are still complaining about it just because you've got nothing better to do.

I think you're the one that's worried. No one else cares: I'm fine with that, though change worried to interested. Interested in instigation and irritation.

I don't need even one npc. I do it for many reasons. Do most people agree with you trying to destroy us at every turn? No, but you do it for many reasons: Do you complain about me trying to destroy the group? That's why I complain about your many NPC's And guess what? If I stop complaining about you trying to kill us, you'll still bitch about my npcs, so why even mention your false reasons?

I said that was already canceled: Just wanted an opinion of what others had thought. I still hate politics, and I don't appreciate you trying to turn every little thing that happens in the rp into a political debate.

I'll leave the rest to Cynthia, but this one

Cuddles DOES NOT CONCEDE: Cuddles will concede when you start making sense with your plots and procedures What makes sense is subjective, which is why we need consensus in the first place, but since the people who matter don't care, we're f*cked.

Cynthia's quotes

The colored posts are hard to actually respond to properly.
Could you find a way to make Irina Isotov's motivation, yet have her...not tag along? That seems to be an easy solution.
Until Cuddles finds a new angle, but sure, I'll see what I can do.
Isotov doesn't necessarily have to talk to everyone, but the only character he interacts with that you don't control is Katie, which I don't really approve of. Again, this is probably a style issue. You enjoy having a lot of characters who talk to just a few people, while a lot of the rest of us prefer to have less characters with more interactions. I'll note that in the original post Snowy puts "Character over Saturation" as a point.

As for decent interations?

Katie: Yes

Kelas: Yes

Irina: Yes

Helios: Not quite

Morgan: Doubtful

Arrin: Possible

Kamilla: Not ... bloody ... likely

Reika: Nope

Damian: Possible

Aiya: Doubtful

Tessa: Unlikely

Cess: Likely

Ketchup: No idea

Did I miss anyone?

Some of your points seem a little contradictory. You won't tell us what your characters are doing, but you want us to have everything planned out over PMs?
I won't tell you what they're doing all the time because I'm trying to keep Cuddles off my back. That's the only reason for that really. I don't want everything planned over PMs, but a little foresight won't kill us. But I won't ignore what you said before either, it fudges the interaction, in your own words(kinda) "People have a hard time separating from their characters"

I've got no solutions for this because I'm too busy trying to Cuddleproof sh*t(forget the fact that it's impossible). I need a break.

Not sure what you mean about the logical thing. I usually question anything that doesn't make much sense to me.
I mean that you won't help me/us with anything that might be coming up to have it make more sense. You just say that it doesn't make sense, and then Morgan does stuff in the rp. That's it.
Nady might interrupt things a little too often, you might have a point.
But we're not going to do anything about that ... are we?

@ Cuddles

I've got money! Do you have a paypal account? I might be willing to pay you to cooperate.

Forget it.

As much as I would like to enjoy the rp again, I don't want be voluntarily extorted just to do it -_-

@ Snike

No, why do you ask?

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Reread the posts before the axe gets incinerated. Going to a movie. Might BBL.

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Okay what is with all the Helios hate?

As far as i remember Helios offended Morgan and Kamilla saying something

I dont know how Kelas and Isotov started hating on him

Going with the flow?

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@Bal First,

Since Replying to Phoenix always takes awhile XD

I'm personally fine with you calling her a child. And my comment at the end was directed at you calling her a child. (She doesn't know that Kamilla's memory is reduced to a 5 year old, Well no one does And you've been doing a great job at making Tessa seem oblivious.

If Tessa knew what Morgan had done, the figured the memory wipe had degenerated her to a 5 year old (Why a 5 year old, I'm not sure, just seemed to be the number everyone was using) then, it'd make more sense when Tessa called her a child.

Again, I don't mind, it just seemed a bit wrong, nothing Major, as for suggestions "The stupid bi*ch" seems to be common consensus XD Sorry, not very good at thinking up such examples


You'll have to ask the respective RP'ers but acting all arrogant, and calling everyone "fools" and "children" tend to do that :/

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I think the more Phoenix tries to "Cuddle proof" things, the more Nadesico will try to screw it up. It'll keep repeating forever, you two disagree enough to make an entire storyline just out of that :lol:

Going back to the FFtF forum now.

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Okay what is with all the Helios hate?

As far as i remember Helios offended Morgan and Kamilla saying something

I dont know how Kelas and Isotov started hating on him

Going with the flow?

Kelas? Don't know.

Iso's never gotten all that many decent reactions from Helios. He'll see him as a slight problem until proven otherwise, though the switcharoo did offset that slightly.

@ Whistler

Yeah, you're probably right ... except it won't go on forever.

@ Kai

Shut up.

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Uggg... My head hurts and I don't know what to do!

Shoot Cuddles, or shoot me. Either way's fine -_-


Use a 50 calibur gun please. I'd like to not survive the first shot if it's me.

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I'm tired of wasting hours in this rp just preparing for the next disaster: Stop preparing for the next disaster then? No one else is, and it doesn't seem your Cuddleproof preparations are doing much good.

@Politics in general: You clearly have no idea what politics is like, cause this is barely skimming the top of it XD

That's not pissed, that's pointing out the obvious: Nyeh If it's not pissing you off, I doubt it matters whether I stop or continue, and I prefer the latter.

Useless for collaboration: Again, nice of you to think so without trying, I'll most likely rip your ideas to shreds, but if you'd discuss it with me before, maybe I won't rip it to shreds in the RP and screw the following events up?

("screw things over") That's a problem: For you, see above for resolution, though I've told you that several times and you seem to refuse to do so, hence I don't really see what solution you're suggesting

@Snowy doesn't do stuff: He introduced the Mesh again didn't he? I'll admit I'm not overjoyed with Snowy's activity, but he seems to throw in the vital bits pretty frequently.

@Need to be formed quickly. I form my screw ups on the spot, and have them ready to roll out in two/three days/ That's enough "time" IMO

@Quitting: Nyeh, RP would get boring without a scratching post, but if that's the only solution you can find.

@Knowing people: Well how about planning your "know people" a bit better? I personally wouldn't build much of a relationship with Chase (Even if Rein was willing) due to me not being able to be online when he is often (Need to wake up at like 3~4AM)

Everyone focuses on their own supports: True, or rather supports are just an incentive (or should be) to reacting with others. I'm doing something with Reika now (herself) due to having to fix up past events, but I usually try to end my posts with a question or a comment directed at someone. The only problem is, with the exception of Bal and Snike everyone decides to ignore braindeadwiped Kamilla.

@Toning down: I'll tone down when I feel like it, you didn't honestly think you could strike a deal with Cuddles did you? Seriously though, I'm only causing trouble when something I disagree with is happening, and that's usually one of your subplots. I usually bring up anything I notice in here, but as always, no one listens, if that's the case, I'll force you all to listen XD

@Debating a situation: I find it amusing, and don't really care, it's not like there's anything else to do at the momet

@Posting their location: Contrary to my comments and your belief I'm not constantly looking for a mistake you make :/ I'd be perfectly happy biting off Kai's head (If you want to interpret that in a dirty way, go ahead, I've saved the world from future Kai's though so I demand a significant reward) it's just that your subplots tend to lead to stupid or impossible situations that affect the whole group, while others usually only make hiccups that affect their own character.

@Instigation&Irritation: I is pro, yes?

@Group disagreeing, I've said this over and over again, but when I do get complaints it's usally from 2~3 people, who have their undies tied in a nott because I did something to their character they didn't like. And more then half the time, it's reaction to their stupid actions.

EG Cobalt Caves, I warned you all that I didn't like the concept, and didn't find it plausible, but people insisted there was "Something" in it that would be plot interesting, and there was nothing in there, no bandit, no monster, just a few soldiers who'd followed you in. Afterwards I warned everyone, Selizara better not be uninhabited. And then you all set up camp, don't you think a fort which is still somewhat intact would be occupied by at least something? I'm giving you people fair warning, you're just not listening.

As far as I can see, my reaction trouble posts are making sense, if they're not then I'd like to hear about it. Telling me "It should have been obvious" or "You're trying to screw the group over too many times" isn't going to change my outlook for as long as you people continue to ignore my warnings.

@My true reasons: Well.... 9 is a bit much don't you think?

@Sense: If it's not making sense explain it to me when I ask for it to be explained? We don't need consensus IMO, it's an RP, not a fanfic, there's a core difference, and while I'm an obvious example, not everyone is going to agree with one idea group consensus or not.

@Cuddles off your back

But I can see so far from here! Look, there's Helios being chased by Damian and his giant Phallus. As for me not hounding your every move, I've explained solutions aboce.


Why yes, I do have paypal XD Though if you're not going to pay me, then don't bring it up! :angry: jk... sort of


@Whistler: You fail, get out of here, don't ruin my fun! XD

@Snowy: Ewww he shot me with white slimy stuff, guess he got aroused watching Phoenix and me arguing.

@Kai: I'm thinking this 5 year old mentality is the best thing that's happened to me, I can now ignore all logic and spurt out whatever I want through Kamilla XD Thanks Cynthia, I love you! XD

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^^... Considering the fact I don't think anyone really laughed, you're probably doing something wrong.

@Nady: You're expecting us to make a lot of sense, whereas Reika randomly popped up out of nowhere, and a bandit that had already died just threw an axe at someone. Plz explain.

Also, you're apparently bored. If we went through every detail, it'd be even more boring.

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If dont know him then you wont get the reference <_<

Is he one of your characters? If so, I don't know him because you probably brought him up a grand total of once. If not, you should elaborate. Sai from what?

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@Kai, I laughed, the idea of Helios trying to make amends now of all times is hilarious XD

Reika+Bandit army have been mentioned since ages ago :/ Unfortunately you can't read anything which isn't spoon fed to you, hell I even think mentioning the bandit army approaching was displayed in a conversation direct at Conrad. Reika hasn't popped out of nowhere, she's been slowly egging toward the group for awhile now, at least one chapter.

Remember Istample? I made a bandit that 6,6,6'ed Mark? A quick look at my sig would reveal it was Dalton.

Regarding the dead bandit, Chase got killed himself :/ How the hell is he still living after a bandit attacked him? Shouldn't he be dead? Or was the bandit being merciful. I had Kamilla point out that a bandit was still breathing and gave you all fair warning, I don't expect people to respond to everything I do, but I was going to use him to reveal some information, information which is now lost XD

My definition of bored is not having anything to do, reading through every little detail (which you seem unable to do) is something I wouldn't mind :/

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