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@Snowy: Is there a difference? Eh, if there is I suppose Reika/Bandits is more correct, I just figured she should get special mention since she was the one who was getting specific attention.

@Phoenix: *Kicks the bird in the nuts* You did it again <_< What did Lacuna tell you about ignoring her posts? Now you've done it to poor Tessa XD


Do I sense a dark angsty Yaoi moment going on there? XD

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@Psych, XD Everyone's ignoring everyone XD What a way to solve Phoenix's demands on cooperation XD

As for yaoi, of course, didn't you know that all Japanese girls like Yaoi? If not then you haven't been exposed to an anime festival, and you are one of the lucky ones. Honestly though, do you think I wouldn't want Ixion to turn out gay and have a relationship with the headmaster, I'm drooling just thinking about the remarks I could make at Phoenix :P

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I'm tired of wasting hours in this rp just preparing for the next disaster: Stop preparing for the next disaster then? No one else is, and it doesn't seem your Cuddleproof preparations are doing much good. How am I supposed to enjoy this with buildings falling on my characters or what have you?

@Politics in general: You clearly have no idea what politics is like, cause this is barely skimming the top of it XD I know exactly what it's like and I don't want to get even close to it. You're not helping that much.

That's not pissed, that's pointing out the obvious: Nyeh If it's not pissing you off, I doubt it matters whether I stop or continue, and I prefer the latter. Would it matter if it did piss me off? No.

Useless for collaboration: Again, nice of you to think so without trying, I'll most likely rip your ideas to shreds, but if you'd discuss it with me before, maybe I won't rip it to shreds in the RP and screw the following events up? Stop lying. You'll screw up anything that I come up with, and not just because it might not make sense. You're specifically targeting me, and you've admitted this time and time again.

("screw things over") That's a problem: For you, see above for resolution, though I've told you that several times and you seem to refuse to do so, hence I don't really see what solution you're suggesting I don't refuse to collab, have plots that make sense, or even compromise with you on things, you simply do everything in your power to prevent that. How can I have a sensible event when you can turn pencil lead into dynamite? You're not interested in leaving me alone, and you've admitted that. There is no possible way to do anything in this rp that you won't at least attempt to ruin. You already admitted that.

@Snowy doesn't do stuff: He introduced the Mesh again didn't he? I'll admit I'm not overjoyed with Snowy's activity, but he seems to throw in the vital bits pretty frequently. And somehow, this will keep us from being set ablaze?

@Need to be formed quickly. I form my screw ups on the spot, and have them ready to roll out in two/three days/ That's enough "time" IMO It's easy to think up a way to sabotage things. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it can be destroyed in one minute with a ten kiloton bomb.

@Quitting: Nyeh, RP would get boring without a scratching post, but if that's the only solution you can find. I won't quit unless I'm positive that I can't work with the other rpers as a whole. I didn't join this to be in competition over little sh*t all the time, and I especially didn't join to waste every post wondering how what I've typed is going to be used to blow something to smithereens.

@Knowing people: Well how about planning your "know people" a bit better? I personally wouldn't build much of a relationship with Chase (Even if Rein was willing) due to me not being able to be online when he is often (Need to wake up at like 3~4AM) I'm hoping Kiryn and I can work something out. You still cause chaos too often.

Everyone focuses on their own supports: True, or rather supports are just an incentive (or should be) to reacting with others. I'm doing something with Reika now (herself) due to having to fix up past events, but I usually try to end my posts with a question or a comment directed at someone. The only problem is, with the exception of Bal and Snike everyone decides to ignore braindeadwiped Kamilla. I think the problem with Kamilla is that she's essentially a female Helios.

@Toning down: I'll tone down when I feel like it, you didn't honestly think you could strike a deal with Cuddles did you? Seriously though, I'm only causing trouble when something I disagree with is happening, and that's usually one of your subplots. I usually bring up anything I notice in here, but as always, no one listens, if that's the case, I'll force you all to listen XD I TOLD YOU TO BRING IT UP TO ME IN PM. The problem is even if you do bring it up, you never offer a solution. If you want things to go your way, why don't you clarify what that is? Never mind, your way is the equivalent of the meteor strike in Paris in the movie "Armageddon" I assume.

@Debating a situation: I find it amusing, and don't really care, it's not like there's anything else to do at the moment I don't like debating ... not with women anyway.

@Posting their location: Contrary to my comments and your belief I'm not constantly looking for a mistake you make :/ I'd be perfectly happy biting off Kai's head (If you want to interpret that in a dirty way, go ahead, I've saved the world from future Kai's though so I demand a significant reward) Here's your reward: I don't hate you. it's just that your subplots tend to lead to stupid or impossible situations that affect the whole group, while others usually only make hiccups that affect their own character. Example: Viveka surrounding the group at the fortress. I made damn sure that there were numerous ways out of that situation, most of them not involving jail time for the group. When you shadows attacked, everything went to hell ... again.

@Instigation&Irritation: I is pro, yes? I'm not irritated or agitated yet, just incredibly depressed.

@Group disagreeing, I've said this over and over again, but when I do get complaints it's usally from 2~3 people, who have their undies tied in a not because I did something to their character they didn't like. And more then half the time, it's reaction to their stupid actions. You love to cause trouble. I love to fix problems asap. I can't help people prevent mistakes that you'll exploit because we never talk about it, and they can't help me for the same reasons as a whole. Therefore you'll never have a shortage of sh*t to wreck.

EG Cobalt Caves, I warned you all that I didn't like the concept, and didn't find it plausible, but people insisted there was "Something" in it that would be plot interesting, and there was nothing in there, no bandit, no monster, just a few soldiers who'd followed you in. That was my fault. Lightning didn't have much time to spring a monster on us, and what would be the point of an unstat'd monster anyway? Afterwards I warned everyone, Selizara better not be uninhabited That was Ether's fault. He generated a safe haven out of nowhere and I had to adjust my subplot accordingly, which involved a surrounding tactic that I hadn't intended originally.. And then you all set up camp, don't you think a fort which is still somewhat intact would be occupied by at least something? I'm giving you people fair warning, you're just not listening. We're not listening because we NEVER work together. If we're all doing our own thing, why listen to one person who's spouting a complaint? I want us to come together on this, but it seems like no one has hear a word I've said, except you, which is detrimental because you just turn it into another type of divisive issue. "You want more people to agree with you for when you have arguments with me" It's not about outnumbering you, it's about making the rp better for all of us.

As far as I can see, my reaction trouble posts are making sense, if they're not then I'd like to hear about it. Telling me "It should have been obvious" or "You're trying to screw the group over too many times" isn't going to change my outlook for as long as you people continue to ignore my warnings. Send a PM. It's hard to ignore a big pop up window in front of the page.

@My true reasons: Well.... 9 is a bit much don't you think? Not when Ivanko, Ixion, Ivan, and Lev could all become stat'd bosses and die. On the other hand, They exist for the same reason Katie does. Extra support options lying in hammer space. Ether's Damian/Aiya support is just an pre-executed and more extreme version of what I'm doing. I just have more characters lying around.

@Sense: If it's not making sense explain it to me when I ask for it to be explained? We don't need consensus IMO, it's an RP, not a fanfic, there's a core difference, and while I'm an obvious example, not everyone is going to agree with one idea group consensus or not. Probably, but it's worth trying.

@Cuddles off your back

But I can see so far from here! Look, there's Helios being chased by Damian and his giant Phallus. As for me not hounding your every move, I've explained solutions above. You solutions can't work without teamwork, and communication. That's not very popular in this rp.


Why yes, I do have paypal XD Though if you're not going to pay me, then don't bring it up! :angry: jk... sort of I was actually serious for a second, but realize that that's going way too far for the sake of the rp. As much as I love the rp, I can't pull a jackass move like that.

@ Bal

Sorry I was in a rush again.

@ Yaoi


@ Gay Ixion

You have no idea how badly I want to comment on this >_<

Snowy, duct tape my beak please!

Edited by Phoenix
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@Psych, XD Everyone's ignoring everyone XD What a way to solve Phoenix's demands on cooperation XDAs for yaoi, of course, didn't you know that all Japanese girls like Yaoi? If not then you haven't been exposed to an anime festival, and you are one of the lucky ones. Honestly though, do you think I wouldn't want Ixion to turn out gay and have a relationship with the headmaster, I'm drooling just thinking about the remarks I could make at Phoenix :P

I went to Animezment the other week...

But you abuse him enough. And we have so many story lines that keep getting interrupted.

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Because we know you totally want it.

But I think Tessa kinda screwed my post over.

Wait. That post was to me? I'm sorry, but I can't be everywhere at once, and I was already otherwise engaged. Cess and Morgan were doing there own thing, Tessa had clearly gone over to Arrin, Irina, Kelas, had her presence acknowledged and was trying to fit in over there, (though when I was sleeping got understandably overglossed.)

Cynthia's post had originally asked Tessa to come over for heals, but you pointed out in your OOC that she was missing, and it got fixed, and I guess I got confused. Still, a request for help didn't necessarily mean it would be heard or delivered. (Even though, in this instance it would tend to be a good guess, but... yeah.)

Sorry about all of that.

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@ Bal

Sorry I was in a rush again.

@ Yaoi


@ Gay Ixion

You have no idea how badly I want to comment on this >_<

Snowy, duct tape my beak please!


*duct tapes*

I'll send you the videos later Nady.

*drags Phoenix off into the backroom*

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Because I know how painful long posts like that are. You almost need to get some degree of satisfaction to be able to do it.

Edit: My personal record for post length of that kind is ~37,800 words.

Edited by Snowy_One
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*burns backroom to the ground*

*burns entire building to the ground*

*burns duct tape to the ground*

*burns camera to the ground*

*burns Ether to the ground*

*burns all your sh*t to the ground*

@ My fetishes are:


Long legs

From Eastern Europe and or Asia

Long hair




Going to post now.


@ Snowy

Indeed -_-

Edited by Phoenix
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I'm going to agree with Phoenix's post. Nady, the problem isn't that nobody's cooperating. It's that you don't want to cooperate. And it's a pain. This is an RP. RP's are supposed to be fun. Not only are you only amusing yourself, you're ruining it for others. This isn't a pie where if you get a piece, someone else misses out. It's supposed to be a big enough pie so that everyone can get a slice. And if you want your slice to be bigger, that means our slices will be smaller, and dammit, that's when we're going to get angry at you.

Or, to put it in other terms, Pokemon moves.


Ruin ideas of others

Cause general chaos

Plan to create chaos

Pretend to cooperate


Try to cooperate with Nady

Make a well-deserved complaint

Try to work things out

Contribute productive ideas

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