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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Well I'll agree with not having them FE style. But I wouldn't mind seeing something (consumable) which would increase your stats for a single battle (The duration of enemy encounter -> all enemies gone) a simple example being something like a berserk potion (not necessarily under that name) which would increase Mag/Str by 2 temporarily.

Regarding vulneraries, I know we've been giving them out to others in plot, but can we use a vulnerary on another person? Under normal circumstances it makes healers obsolete, but Tessa's always got more people who need healing then she needs. And I'm guessing some people don't enjoy skipping their attack phase (no exp) just for the sake of healing their own characters, only to have the enemy deal more damage then they healed on the next turn.

Not too sure about this one, but I'd prefer it over employing another healer into the group.

Resurrecting something from ages long past...

Since items are kind of lacking in this RP so far how about:

Ginseng (Evade+2) 1 Turn Only

Stimulant (Atk+2) 1 Turn Only

Concoction (Skl+2) 1 Turn Only

Jewel Shard: Changes physical attack to target Res (instead of Def)

Dark Gem: Null magic attacks for 1 turn.

Also, I'm not sure about using potions/vulneraries on others, that seems a bit iffy to me at the moment.

@ Items

Opinions on Kai's added item "Grace something" that gives extra points for level ups?

Opinion: lolno

@After battle issues

I'm kind of inclined to just give everyone plot vulns for that for those who actually need it (low Health) and have Tessa only attend to the fallen (0HP) and anyone else she wants to heal Friendship/plot/support reasons.

Friendship! ♥

I'm not so sure about that, plus all the mages are getting staves upon promotion, right?

No, the only class that gain weapons upon promotion are Paladins, and only if they choose the Paladin Skill Weapon Mastery instead of the Paladin Skill Stat Shift. (My interpretation of the rules.)


She could promote to an FE4 Female Paladin. Then she'd get Swords, Lances, and Staves. Maybe we could make her get a Magic Sword as well. SPEAKING OF WHICH SIGN UP FOR ME FE4 MAFIA BAAAAAALL

As I'm already a FE4/5 Troubadour, promoting to Paladin was pretty much naturally going to follow. Though, in all likelyhood, I'm taking Stat Shift over Weapon Mastery, so will skip out on lances.

Also, not signing up, due to fear of plot spoilers.

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Well,Damian has the Colonel deal(Yes,I know Mustang gets Promoted,I plan on having Damian receive a promotion in some sort of military interaction in a later arc),as well,he has the general playfulness,and the relationship with his subordinate.

Aiya is rather quick to attack,except she doesn't use a gun...plus,again,the relationship,and they are both Lieutenants.

You'll have to check with Kiryn on that one. She's more FMA savy than I am :lol:


Hitting Xbox Live

Activity will be down an estimated 85%

That is all.

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In a fight, you'd lose against any of us Kai, best to not increase the number of fails you have here.

Suppose I'll get started on the item list then, and then pass it on if someone "competent" wants to take over.... wait bad choice of words, since "competent wouldn't include Phoenix..... ummm "Someone who I can handle this job" then.

But first, Nady has PM to answer.

^See Kai, Rein beats you, that scores you in at least top 5% of idiots in the world, and that's saying something, considering human intelligence these days.

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Lol lol.

Arrin/Al true.

Shanice/Envy Powers, okay. Personality... ehh, I dunno; Shanice seems to like humans a bit more (know what I mean.

Headmaster/Hughes Not without the photographs, man.

Ixion/Greed-Pride(bit of both) Greed... hmm. The avarice I can sort of see, but the classiness isn't quite there. Pride... manga!Pride is a hell no, anime!Pride is a maybe.

Katie/Lust(apparently) Wait, what?! Does that make Isotov Havoc? (If so: sorry man, that's not gonna end well.)

Damian's a decent Roy parallel apart from different sorts of friendliness, and I don't know if Damian did anything terrible in his past so... Aiya's a bit less of a Hawkeye, she's got the support down but not quite the same drive.

Suggest Tessa for "Why didn't you tell me it was broken?" Winry (although she's got less tsun than Winry.)

So who's Armstrong? XD

Relevant stuff: Rewriting the timeskippage now.

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Who would Chase be? he doesn't seem to fit in with any of the (few) characters I know (anything at all) about from FMA (which isn't saying much)...

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Kimbleeeee! XD *Is happy*

*Needs to stop speaking in Kamilla's whiny tone*

Can Kamilla regain her memories after 10 years? I assume that's long enough to remember, though she needs to survive Morgans fangs first :/

Anime one right? Not manga one? Pleeeeaaasseee!?

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Kamilla woke up, not having recieved her bacon yet, she decided she'd go make her own, after asking around the academy a kindly looking teacher handed her a large metal cylinder. "What's this?" she asked curiously. The teacher just smiled and replied "A flamethrower, you can make bacon if you point it at a pig and click this button."

~~~~~~Horrifying scene~~~~~~~~~

After the teacher turned to ash, Kamilla readjusted the settings and headed down to the stables where she found Amari.

~~~~~~Horrifying scene 2~~~~~~~~~

Kamilla lived happily ever after, and Isotov was confused why Kamilla no longer wanted bacon.

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