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It's the same IIRC.

I still think Def/Res should be 1 bonus per 3 instead of 1 bonus per 2 as well. Being able to increase your defenses at twice the rate of your offense seems a bit unfair. Yes attacks get die rolls, but we also want attacks that hit to actually do damage or combat doesn't go very far.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Like I said, I'm only against the

No 3+1 point bonus for speed, and SPD:4 = Evasion:4+luck(instead of SPD:4 = Evasion 6+luck)

if nothing else is implemented to balance it.

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Hence the evasion fix.

Anyway, I guess we should just go back to the way things were and ignore how all the characters essentially have the same stats, but use different weapons (which is also going to change...)

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Hence the evasion fix.

Anyway, I guess we should just go back to the way things were and ignore how all the characters essentially have the same stats, but use different weapons (which is also going to change...)

Do tell.

I'm not so much against the stat caps so much as I'm pushing for anti-tank weaponry, so frailer characters don't have to sit aside for armored units. And now, more stat points upon level up.

Edited by Snike
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I don't like the whole deal of "You're in this class so your caps are this. Oh yeah you can't change it even if you don't like the caps oh well too bad." The fact that the character I designed is meant to be fast, but is stuck in the lower caps for speed just bothers me to no end.

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I meant different weapon types upon promotion. Which doesn't affect Eric because the world hates him apparently.

Let's see...

-6 HP

-Wrath, which requires him to take a hit

-Defense nerfed

-Evasion nerfed

-Strength capped at 3.

-No Luck, therefore no saving roll.

-upon promotion, will be as strong as a level one character, except with 2 skills.

-Keen edge sucks.

Yup, this RP hates Eric.

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How is it communist? If anything, it's better.

Let me pout it this way.

I wanted Chase to have the best possible speed.

I'm happy to find out I can do that.

New caps. I make Chase's speed 6 because that's the stat I focus on the most.

I'm told that I can only have 4 because I'm an archer, and I have a stupidly high skill cap I won't use because I want speed to be my central stat.

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Def/Res/Eva etc. not nerfed. Just act like I didn't say anything. I really can't be bothered to make any changes to the stat system, because I'm subject to a slew of complaints by people who feel their character was slighted or can't be bothered to make the change.

Perhaps you prefer Commie caps. Keep in mind that you also can't make Chase faster than anyone else, so he doesn't actually come off as fast.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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How is it communist? If anything, it's better.

Let me pout it this way.

I wanted Chase to have the best possible speed.

I'm happy to find out I can do that.

New caps. I make Chase's speed 6 because that's the stat I focus on the most.

I'm told that I can only have 4 because I'm an archer, and I have a stupidly high skill cap I won't use because I want speed to be my central stat.

Do tell how an archer is as fast as a myrm.

@ Cynthia: Again, not so much having a problem with the stat caps, as having a problem with no anti-class weapons/skills and only 3 points of growth every level. Should be greater as the levels go up.

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Def/Res/Eva etc. not nerfed. Just act like I didn't say anything. I really can't be bothered to make any changes to the stat system, because I'm subject to a slew of complaints by people who feel their character was slighted or can't be bothered to make the change.

Perhaps you prefer Commie caps. Keep in mind that you also can't make Chase faster than anyone else, so he doesn't actually come off as fast.

*coughDemocracycoughcough* *coughthat'swhycoughcoughI'manauthoritariancough*

Anyway ... if it's okay with you, I'd like to resolve the evasion issue rather than just go back to the old system.

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It's socialist, not communist, first of all. Second of all, has anyone considered my flanking/swarming idea?

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@Archer as fast as a myrm: That's my point. "He's an archer, he can't be as fast as a myrm" is so stupid. It shouldn't be about their class. Chase steals things out-of-combat. Making him sort of a thief (not class-wise). Thieves are fast. So he's fast.

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It's socialist, not communist, first of all. Second of all, has anyone considered my flanking/swarming idea?

I did. No one else commented on it, but I support it if it's a decent compromise on evasion.

@ Lightning

Chase's rp speed will be argued as meaningless in actual combat. Just a heads up.

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But in combat, he's also not wielding a knife, but a bow. Bows take time to aim, versus Melee weapons which are noticably faster. Chase having the same speed as a myrm would imply he fires arrows faster than a myrm can swing. Think about that.

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Evasion works pretty ok under the old system IMO. Max 8 (9 for thieves), so anyone who chooses to max skill has a 50/50 shot at hitting a max evade character (barring supports/items etc.) A 2 hit guy would still have a chance to hit Viveka anyway.

3 points of growth per level is fine IMO, since the communist caps are pretty restrictive anyway, you're bound to hit a lot of them. Of course if the caps increased, more points might be in order, but that's more of a what if kind of thinking.

The flanking idea is good, makes sense. Only problem is people might not factor it in (too many #'s gets confusing). Probably only used on high evd bosses anyway.

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But in combat, he's also not wielding a knife, but a bow. Bows take time to aim, versus Melee weapons which are noticably faster. Chase having the same speed as a myrm would imply he fires arrows faster than a myrm can swing. Think about that.

It implies he does it as fast. That would also imply that because he's holding a bow, he can't move out of the way as fast as he could with a sword.

Let's put it this way. If Eusain Bolt was inserted into an FE game with his own caps as a Sniper, are you telling me his speed cap wouldn't be 30, just because he's holding a bow?

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Was meant for enemy phase mainly, but yeah.

The problem I have with only 3 per level up is that it basically nulls any bonuses for promotions, if you acquire a skill. That's not right.

Edit: @ Lightning: Bows are just a little awkward to move with, unlike swords, not to mention shooting that fast is unrealistic. Seeing as he has no magic, either he's a prodigy, or you need to give it up.

At the Usain Bolt comment, that's running speed, not AS. Plus, I doubt he runs with a weapon in his hands.

Edited by Snike
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We've never seen a tier 2 character have we? Having an example would be good to examine the old system's leveling at work.

Well ...

Levski (He has 27 points distributed and this is the old system setup)

Class: Wyvern Lord

HP: 8 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 0 DEF: 6 RES: 0

Simplified stats: HP: 24 Damage: 7 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 Defense: 6

SKILLS: Thick Hide (Gained as promotion skill)

(This is wyvern lordish, yes?)

@ Snike

Agreed on promotion point. You should get at least 1 point to distribute regardless of gaining another skill, otherwise it's not a lvl up, just a skill acquisition. If we gain a secondary weapon then I can understand, but as of right now, we may or may not. I don't know.


Added extra three points for first level up.

Added extra four points for class change.

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Actually the OP says you gain 4 points upon level up, so I guess that leaves room for something other than a skill.

Missing 4 points Phoenix. And Percy was probably tier 2, but meh enemies do not follow PC stat caps and point totals.

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Actually the OP says you gain 4 points upon level up, so I guess that leaves room for something other than a skill.

Missing 4 points Phoenix. And Percy was probably tier 2, but meh enemies do not follow PC stat caps and point totals.

I was wondering...

He edited in the first level up, so he's good. Also, Percy was Tier 1. His Wyvern was Tier 2. >.>

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