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I just don't think that we should change it at this point,and I have no problem with them being introduced in T2,it just seems weird to implement them now,especially when caps are the same in T1 in the games for the most part.

In game, most people aren't immediately ramming T1 caps from the get go, so there's at least a substantial portion of time for class differences to show themselves.

Just saying. I couldn't care less which way things end up going.

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I wouldn't mind having the same caps if the caps would have been higher overall. 4 max is pretty restrictive with 23 points to spend IMO. Room for customization is a little limited.

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So the games make everyone's max's equal all round throughout all classes? And it's perfectly normal for a shaman to be as fast as a myrmidon? This would explain why I wouldn't consider FE that great a series, but I doubt the above statement is true.

I'd agree with you that we should start it from tier 2 if we had 20 levels, or even 10. But when we only get





That's only 10 stats after character creation. Of which 3 are scrapped because of the 4max stat cap. Leaving only 7 points to be distributed according to a proper cap.

7 stats isn't much across 7 (or) 8 sections.

I also see any logical reasoning on your behalf other then "just seems weird" which is unclear opinion at best.


Also I keep forgetting to credit Bal for this post

Rein also said he had a plan for the Cobalt Caves. Rein also promised that he would do something with the poison/antidote that he stole from Kamilla.

I can't trust Rein to deliver on his promises.


Edited by Kanami
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Rein also said he had a plan for the Cobalt Caves. Rein also promised that he would do something with the poison/antidote that he stole from Kamilla.

I can't trust Rein to deliver on his promises.

a) I do. b] I never got the chance. (we split up, then Kamilla got mind-wiped.)

I had no problem with individual class caps. I just have a problem with the caps themselves.

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a) I do. b] I never got the chance. (we split up, then Kamilla got mind-wiped.)

a)I had no problem with individual class caps. I just have a problem with the caps themselves.

Bit late for that now, now that the caves have pretty much been sealed or rendered useless on two ends, (And I'll guarantee that there's going to be more then one blocked off path once we get in And then Nady causes a cavein and kills you all

Either way I'm against ever returning to those caves unless it's 120% necessary.

b)Technically you don't know that. Cause if you say you saw Morgan wipe Kamilla's memory from your jail cell. I'm going to make a reservation there, and oversee the rest of the world from there as well.

A) Well maybe being a bit more clear next time would help, if you had to choose between variable caps and uniform caps. Which would you choose? Since I'm pretty sure it's unlikely that Snowy will remove caps. And I'm for caps simply to prevent cases of 10str Thieves XD


I suppose the next issue to address is SPD (DEF/RES) Nerfing. Despite the fact I like Cynthia more then Phoenix, I'm sort of neutral on this.

Speed is a great stat. It not only increases faster then HIT, but also gets boosted by Luck. And therefore I'm agreeing with the idea that 1Spd=1Evade. Since any bonus provided by rolls can be minimised with Lck. (12 Luck to make it impossible to hit?)

IMPORTANT: 5hit-5evade= Miss or Hit?

Bal brought the issue up but I'm not sure what the result of this argument was.

But I also see the point about having Speed nerfed so suddenly being a cruel minus to those who focus on their evade :/

Edited by Kanami
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I would have probably let you use the Nomad caps if you were that insistent on 6 Spd, but you said you liked the socialist caps so I lumped you in with Ether.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Cynthia

So your system is the capitalist version for caps I assume?

@ Lightning

Take the Nomad offer.

@ Cuddles

I'm over due for abuse :unsure:

Also it's a hit if evade and hit are equal.


I only oppose nerfing speed without compensating elsewhere which no one has addressed.

Edited by Phoenix
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"On her way to the dining hall, Morgan ran into Cess!"

@Morgan: Is that "!"

a)Yay! Cessy poo!

b)Crap! Not him again!

c)OMG wtf it's Cess!

d)Cess is now a pokemon.


Masochrist! ©

But regarding the stat nerfing, perhaps settling on the 1 point every 3 points spent isn't that bad a resolution? Perhaps 1 every 4 stats if it's still a stretch?

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psych and I both just tried to interact with Kamilla and she runs towards Kelas ololol.

And the correct answer is d. I softened him up earlier and tossed an Ultra Ball at him. People don't just randomly join the party oh wait

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psych and I both just tried to interact with Kamilla and she runs towards Kelas ololol.And the correct answer is d. I softened him up earlier and tossed an Ultra Ball at him. People don't just randomly join the party oh wait

Pssh! You need a Master Ball to even think of catching him.

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Pssh! You need a Master Ball to even think of catching him.

*Throws a rock, some bait, and then more rocks, followed by a boulder*

Hmm so if we ignore Ether, no one has issues with new stat caps? (They've already been added to signup) :/

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I am not opposed to the caps, as I did not see anything I found ridiculous anywhere.

Nobody wants to help Arrin. Arrin is sad. (I get the feeling that Damian and Aiya would actually be inclined to help, which would make for interesting drama and such too, except Ether's not here arg blarg)

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The Cynthiacapitalist caps work fine. We should use those.

@ Kiryn

Shoulda gone to Iso. He'll help anyone, and he doesn't charge either :P

Edited by Phoenix
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Communist caps blow :P

Cynthia caps! :D

Or you could support Lightning and his "No caps" campaign I suppose, but since caps are most likely to stay, would be nice if people indicated which they prefer.

Ether(communist) caps: All classes have max stats of 4 (and 6 in HP).*

Cynthia caps: All classes have varying caps.

*Nady has a Armor Knight that runs faster then j00!*

Edited by Kanami
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For once I must support capitalism, then. I am a terrible comrade; the Party will have my head. But yeah, those work.

Comrade Iosef Stalin would like to invite you to dinner today. Main course is roast phoenix duck.

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Oh dear. I suppose he'll be wanting to know why I attempted to assassinate the president of the KGB as well, then.

(This is an actual story. I won't tell it unless asked, though.)

Consider yourself asked :)

@ Cuddles

Ducks have feelings too Can I have some?

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