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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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15 Hp/4 Def is max for a fighter.

After everything is cleared up,Aiya gets 5 Str,+1 From WTA(initiates Combat),and +1 from Damian if he happens to be around.

So,if she rolls high,she can 2HKO,and with a high crit,she OHKO's.No Damage problems,and any hit is guaranteed to do 3 Damage minimum(2 after Crimson activation).

No hurting issues,and in RP combat,it doesn't really matter,because Steel Blade + Conrad's Groin/Face = Pain.

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Can Isotov ever stray away from Katie?

Helios needs to hand him the letter and things wont be pretty if he gives it to him in front of her

He accidentally strayed away from her at Istample. It was a whole twenty minutes later before he came back to get her. He's not going to do that again.

@ Letter

Exactly how would that make things any worse than they already are?

@ Snowy

Iso's not the barging in type. She might be doing girl stuff, in which case a knock will suffice.

Edited by Phoenix
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Wait a sec. How did Ixion know that it was specifically Kelas that got attacked? I'm pretty sure he wasn't there for the explanations, and while he can tell who did the attacking, I dunno how he could tell who was attacked...

Ixion doesn't always rely on Horus for spying on the group. He noticed that Kelas was freaking the hell out, and he sensed Shanice shortly after the attack but couldn't leave due to Stephanie. He's putting putting two and two together in this instance.

He is batman


@ Ether

Damian would make a horrible cavalier with only a six foot lance.

@ Kai again

Is it me or is Helios a damn wraith? I thought he was with Kelas and the others, not out by the gates ... :blink:

Edited by Phoenix
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