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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Wait a moment Naddy. You mean the group seems like a random hodge-podge of people who have gotten together for various reasons and few of them have clear over-arching goal?


Wait. Haven't I seen this before? In every American-released FE?

They usually have a common enemy, usually in the form of some evil empire trying to take over the world, they also tend to have an arsenal of flying lizards. Which explains 6/8, 7 Has an existing enemy (BF) and some other goals I forget.

9 I haven't played but I assume it fits the evil empire part. And 10 is about some evil state or corruption or something.

Again all of these have a clear cut enemy. Our clear cut enemy is a god which has already been defeated, and there's no signs of him returning.

FE also tends to be an army, aka payment, wages, salary whatever.

And Damian's constant ability to charge everything towards Halton as "expenses" seems ridiculous.

Nevermind Damian being MIA, his squad was decimated, and he hasn't contacted Halton since, I doubt they're still paying a dead soldier his salary. Nevermind failing his mission to escort some noble and going off on some random quest.

Edited by Kanami
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Why dont we dismiss the idea of Conrad being a crimson weapon wielder?

The only person to see it was Chase

We can say that he saw wrong

@Kai's idea

Surprisingly, I can agree with this, I refuse to believe the possibility of other magical weapons existing, and can easily see people mistaking Earthshaker as a CW. Furthermore, Rein already has a CW :/

I'm finding myself surprisingly also in agreement. Monopolizing CWs among players who already have one is sketchy at best. It would also explain why Morgan would be willing to get out of dodge ("Turns out it was just a rumor, some General trying to puff up his own self-importance, we have no more business here.") We still "needed" to be here so Katie could do her Mesh research, but now we can move on.

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"Oops... Ummm... You didn't really NEED that, right?" came a second, much younger, female voice down beside Kaileen. In the hands of the other, smaller, woman was Harold's sword.

"Oh my sweet petunia Naelia, please return my sword unto me so I may cleave all who seek to harm you. PLEASE?" asked Harold, bending close to the thief with a generous bow.

"Okay." came the response as the thief girl handed it back.

"And my wallet."

The thief produced the required item, handing it back to him.

"And my booze bottle. You're not old enough to drink anyways."

Once again, the requested item was returned.

"And my wallet a second time."

"Spoilsport." came the tart response as the object was handed over


Baba!" with a giddy clap, little Katie pointed up at the makeshift bottle being held by the headmaster, doing her best to identify it. "Baba!" she squeaked again, electing a happy smile from the headmaster who carefully handed the child the bottle full of cows milk. The headmaster reached down to tousle the baby's hair before Katie picked up her blanket and twisted it about between her legs before gumming the very top of it, a bubble of milk clinging to her lips.


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Actually, there are signs. The demon-mesh from waaay back when is one. Not to mention there are some demons roaming about right now.

Which unsurprisingly conflicts with your "free will" ideology. As I said Mesh could be a magical accident. And demon sightings can't be anything new if they weren't all exterminated 25 years ago. But of course, they're most likely acting on orders from the Demon Lord who is conveniently still sealed. Helenos's intentions are unclear but I've only seen Shanice being directed at the CW's.

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-What's Elysimma being threatened by? Other then me

-I request citations of such events occuring

-Right, go out, all by yourself and tail this group of wanted criminals. Elysimma has shitloads of generals anyway, we can do without you.

Okay, the first and second one pretty much go together. And I was saying if that was to happen that would be a fairly reasonable motive for him to join. The third was kind of a stretch.

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@Kai's idea

Surprisingly, I can agree with this, I refuse to believe the possibility of other magical weapons existing, and can easily see people mistaking Earthshaker as a CW. Furthermore, Rein already has a CW :/

Paradoxical comment. If you refuse to believe in other magical weapons existing, then is Earthshaker a really really heavy axe, or something?

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@ Kai

Viveka saw the Earthshaker too, and I just think you're trying to can our characters out of spite.

I think this applies for more than just Kai as well.

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FE itself is a pretty bad example, since recruitment reasons are sometiems fishy. Let's take Lyn Mode. 7 is probably the best example of fishy recruitments, since the Black Fang isn't a very visible threat (almost no one joins out of Black Fang hatred).

Lyn: Wants to see her dying grandpa, acceptable

Kent/Sain: Sent to protect Lyn, acceptable

Florina: Old friends with Lyn so makes sense

Wil: They saved his town from bandits. No real reason to tag along

Serra/Erk: Serra thinks she can get something out of it? Very fishy

Matthew: I don't even remember, but it doesn't make much sense. Might have something to do with protecting Serra.

Rath: Lyn's from Sacae I guess

Dorcas: They saved his wife. Would make more sense for him to get a paying job or stay back to protect her

Wallace: He just wants to kill stuff I think

So recruitment reasons seem to fall into a few major categories (sometimes may fit into more than one)

1. Aligned with overarching goal. In our case, someone who wants to stop the LoAF. Might be easier to do once demons start appearing more freuently. Along with this comes "similar enemies"

2. Group does something for them, they join out of gratitude/ repayment

3. Already good friends/siblings with someone in group

4. Joins group for other reasons. Loves to kill, adventure, wants to travel around for other reasons, money. etc.

It would just be nice for you to think of these things beforehand to make your character possible to recruit logically.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Actually, there are signs. The demon-mesh from waaay back when is one. Not to mention there are some demons roaming about right now.

Isolated incidents, not widespread, no indication that any country view them as a visible threat, etc.

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@ Rein: Viveka lost her memories

And who cares what that dumb blonde has to say

Viveka lost her memories of the group, not of Conrad and his mighty axe :lol:

@ Cynthia

Rp based on FE ... recruitment based on FE recruitment. Simple. Implausible? Yes, but so is the sh*t the group's gone through. The Phoenix no longer cares either way.

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@Snike: Leave me alone XD I meant " I refuse to believe the possibility of other magical weapons NOT existing XD

@Phoenix, If they weren't hostile enemies trying to randomly befriend a group of people they're supposed to capture, then Maybe?

You and Rein keep citing "Deals" as a way to recruit Conrad/Viveka, but what would the former do? Take long-service leave? Screw the army, CW's are more interesting, we'll join the random no payment group of mercenaries who killed our soldiers. (You killed soldiers before Nady intervention, though I guess the soldiers were after you for setting fire to an inn)

I don't see Harold, or Elysimma saying "Oh you have the legendary Crimson weapons? Okay be on your way"

As far as Snowy's revealed CW's are to be gathered. And there's really no other objective for the group until the enemy (Demon Lord?) shows up. And while they might send the group out to investigate, we might as well join Elysimma's military. And use Ilyphina as our home base.

Though I can imagine Conrad would have been able to usurp Damians power, and had Conrad not belonged to Rein I might have thought that to be a good idea.

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@ Phoenix: I guessed that, but wondered how it had been not edited after Bal quoted it.

Side comment: To the people bitching about character recruition, improvise. If you're planning this much to be set up as you like it, you're planning too much. And to all those wondering about Eric, his is reason 2, and a bit of 4.

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Nady, just... no. If we made perfect sense and did everything according to a list exactly as it was written, you'd still have a problem with it. "Why do we have a list?" "Why should we do what the list tells us to?" "Why don't we burn the list instead?" Because that's what you've done so far. Tell everyone who you decide you don't like that their ideas suck. And I'm sick of it. Why the fuck should I have to get your permission for every single thing I do, when you ask permission from nobody and choose to screw things up 367 days a year? It's stupid, it's moronic, and I'm not going to. So you can complain all you want about what we do. Have fun.

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FE itself is a pretty bad example, since recruitment reasons are sometiems fishy. Let's take Lyn Mode. 7 is probably the best example of fishy recruitments, since the Black Fang isn't a very visible threat (almost no one joins out of Black Fang hatred).

Lyn: Wants to see her dying grandpa, acceptable

Kent/Sain: Sent to protect Lyn, acceptable

Florina: Old friends with Lyn so makes sense

Wil: They saved his town from bandits. No real reason to tag along

Serra/Erk: Serra thinks she can get something out of it? Very fishy

Matthew: I don't even remember, but it doesn't make much sense. Might have something to do with protecting Serra.

Rath: Lyn's from Sacae I guess

Dorcas: They saved his wife. Would make more sense for him to get a paying job or stay back to protect her

Wallace: He just wants to kill stuff I think

So recruitment reasons seem to fall into a few major categories (sometimes may fit into more than one)

1. Aligned with overarching goal. In our case, someone who wants to stop the LoAF. Might be easier to do once demons start appearing more freuently. Along with this comes "similar enemies"

2. Group does something for them, they join out of gratitude/ repayment

3. Already good friends/siblings with someone in group

4. Joins group for other reasons. Loves to kill, adventure, wants to travel around for other reasons, money. etc.

It would just be nice for you to think of these things beforehand to make your character possible to recruit logically.

Wil: Was looking for a group of mercenaries to work with(?) and delivering Lyn would net him gold, think he was short on change as well.

Serra/Erk: Serra wanted to do a favor for... Lyn's family so she could draw on it in future

Matthew: Was a spy for Hector's brother? And a new heir to one of the Lycian houses is pretty important IMO

Dorcas: Again looking for gold, and considering Kent/Sain are actually doing their job, might get paid.

Wallace: He's the bald guy right? Think he wanted to see Lyn on the throne or something, wasn't happy with the brother-guys rulers legitimacy

1: Demons actually appearing would be nice. "We're fighting demons" "What demons?" "A tentacle monster that will steal Helios's virginity!" Isn't exactly convincing as proof of anything IMO. Support evidence, possibly, Main case worthy evidence? hardly.

2: Think that's the road Eric's going down. But the group isn't exactly friendly to new commers, unless of course they act out of character.

3:Half the group are loners, and I think we have enough sex, incest in the group, Only example of this I like is Kelas/Arrin.

4: Money? Who's paying? MIA Damian? Loves to kill = Plenty of bandit groups to join. Adventure, possibly, but finding that a bit too vague.

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To the people bitching about character recruitment, improvise. If you're planning this much to be set up as you like it, you're planning too much. And to all those wondering about Eric, his is reason 2, and a bit of 4.

Actually ... I've gone beyond logical reasoning as far as character recruitment. I had a few back up plans but they got scrapped due to recent events.

Rping with Cuddles requires a less logical approach to one's goals(unless you're Bal and are romantically involved with her).

The real problem is that no one cares about anyone else in this rp. Take Kai for example. We won't cooperate on anything. Cynthia hates Viveka. I love Viveka. Cynthia doesn't want her to join. I want her to join. Impasse. Cynthia's not evil for hating Viv, though she certainly is a hater :P , and I'm not wrong for not wanting another NPC of this type, or wanting to scrap her, but we will not cooperate with or assist one another. So we must each plot on our own. Now to recruit Viveka and Conrad, severe tampering is required because cooperation is not an option.

Solution: F*ck in-character responses. If I have to Viveka will join the group simply because she likes what Katie does with her hair and wants to chat it up. I just don't give a f*ck :D

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Nady, just... no. If we made perfect sense and did everything according to a list exactly as it was written, you'd still have a problem with it. "Why do we have a list?" "Why should we do what the list tells us to?" "Why don't we burn the list instead?" Because that's what you've done so far. Tell everyone who you decide you don't like that their ideas suck. And I'm sick of it. Why the fuck should I have to get your permission for every single thing I do, when you ask permission from nobody and choose to screw things up 367 days a year? It's stupid, it's moronic, and I'm not going to. So you can complain all you want about what we do. Have fun.

Woo open hostility, I like :/

You don't need my permission? I never said you did :/ I agree that I don't ask for permission ad that I screw ideas over because "their ideas suck" And since when have you asked me for permission to do anything? I don't recall telling you you could have my character at knife point, slash her arm, or steal from her but you still did it anyway? Your argument is weak and based on the fact that you're annoyed. Come back later or never when you've calmed down and decide to make some sense.

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