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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Morning ladies ... gentlemen ... Kai -_-

Another weird dream ...

My grandfather(who's dead by the way), was having an IM chat with some Jehovah's Witness guy. The two are slow and not used to IMing, so I'm basically watching this from my computer screen, which is 40 inches smaller than it should be for some odd reason. Next thing I know, I see Glen Beck hosting the Tonight Show(and doing a fairly good job). When I turn back to my computer screen, Cynthia bursts in on the IM chat between my grandfather and the JW guy and tells me and Lightning to get online quick, warning us of Kai's next endeavor. I immediately wake up after this :/

Stay out of the Phoenix's dreams, woman! :P

@ Kai

If you insist on winning, Kai, you'll instigate another fiasco(because Cuddles has you by the balls), whereas I, would have lightened the bad situation and saved us some trouble. Your call, batman -_-

@ Wyvern

Irina isn't flying yet Kiev won't take off until they're on the road. Once they are, Irina will provide over watch. Kiev has the best eyesight in the group being a wyvern, so he should definitely be airborne.

@ Chase/Morgan C level

I don't have any objections other than this. What's the significant development in their relationship? Morgan talks to him, but she'll talk to anyone interested enough to pester her. I'm not seeing a development just yet. JMO. She even replies to Irina, good example.

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@ Kai

If you insist on winning, Kai, you'll instigate another fiasco(because Cuddles has you by the balls), whereas I, would have lightened the bad situation and saved us some trouble. Your call, batman


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@ Wyvern

Irina isn't flying yet Kiev won't take off until they're on the road. Once they are, Irina will provide over watch. Kiev has the best eyesight in the group being a wyvern, so he should definitely be airborne.

I totally missed this bit, sorry. I'm not sure it entirely matters, so shrug it off as a flavor faux pas, I guess. I'm too lazy to edit it in now.

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I was dead for two days and probably should have interrupted the group much earlier, so let's just say since Heinz is going from unknown town to Illymphia that he runs into the cart at some point.

That's advance warning for people to complain to me now about plot holes or whatever.

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About ready to blow something up myself. Where is everybody? *saturday* <.< ... ... ... uh huh ... guess I should just relax for awhile.


I got ninja'd by Cynthia by about 13 minutes :/

Mental note: refresh button ... even this early.


@ Whistler

The group hasn't left Ilpyhina yet. If you're talking to them, chances are you're in the city itself.

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Esphyr wants her weapon back. You are just gonna have to make it apparent!

"OK, then..." Eric said, seeing the shamaness walk off. Upon hearing the mercenary woman speak, he remembered the other blade on his person. Pulling it out, he held the sword by its' flat side, and offered it to her. "Forgot about this. I picked it up when I went back in Istample."

Irina> Esphyr, now.

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Talk about an Irina come back.

Anyway. Why is it so difficult to get a response out of Katie since we got on this wagon? Aside from the fact that Snowy has the same mental bandwidth issue that I do that got Irina her current reputation :/

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Wow, didn't think it'd be this dead today XD Only thing I can post was a flame rant at Snowy in character rankings :/ And everyone seems to be off working:/ Ah well might as well get some work out of the way, I'll be on and off until things pick up. (If they ever do)

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Catching up, catching up...

@Kelas/Arrin C: Hm. I would actually argue against this needing to be immediate. My reasoning: Kelas has been searching for Arrin for at least a year, and Arrin's been looking for his family for a few weeks, but now that they've found each other, they're trying to like each other on general principle instead of actually getting to know each other. They also haven't talked much (especially since Kelas keeps knocking herself out when misjudging her chances in an attempt to protect Arrin.) They will manage to have a proper conversation soon, but not immediately. (Maybe later in the chapter, depending on how owned we are.)

@suddenly, a ninja: Oh boy. Looks like we've another mole about to join us? ~waits for someone to spill the beans so that Heinz joins us~

@random: Things I am learning from work: All my coworkers are drunk. Also, rotisserie skewers look like oddly bent swords, and I must not allow my immaturity to convince me that they are. Also, I can't redefine "meatshield" to mean "the three slices of baloney keeping my fingers out of the slicer blade," and I must not make puns.

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