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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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"The more you know :awesome: "

The males seem to get along just fine anyway(which makes no sense with all the woman trotting around). Damian's too busy with Aiya or Esphyr most of the time though. Helios is ... still learning important things. I only really see Arrin and Eric as decent interactions recently, I'm just never entirely sure where Eric is. Ever since he's gotten back I've been a little confused as to his exact location :/

@ Ether

Cuddles just creamed you :mellow:

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I know this is just going to get a "I'm being in character" but, just because you don't like a character, I find the notion of saying "I don't like him, I refuse to interact" stupid and if not immature and childish. If that's what your character is, then fine. In Isotov's case, I don't see why every woman needs to be a potential romance partner.

@Snike, other then Damian ignoring you, what's the problem?

Edited by Kanami
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"The more you know :awesome: "

The males seem to get along just fine anyway(which makes no sense with all the woman trotting around). Damian's too busy with Aiya or Esphyr most of the time though. Helios is ... still learning important things. I only really see Arrin and Eric as decent interactions recently, I'm just never entirely sure where Eric is. Ever since he's gotten back I've been a little confused as to his exact location :/

He's right beside Damian. Incredulous.

@Kanami: There's Esphyr, too. Also, Eric just said that Kamilla was riding with the soldier. Take a guess why I'm annoyed.

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Sorry for absence. Saw the Karate Kid with my dad. Never saw the first one, so I don't know how it compares, but on it's own, it was a very, very good movie. I would say a 90% fresh if I had to tomato it.

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I know this is just going to get a "I'm being in character" but, just because you don't like a character, I find the notion of saying "I don't like him, I refuse to interact" stupid and if not immature and childish. If that's what your character is, then fine. In Isotov's case, I don't see why every woman needs to be a potential romance partner.

None of these women are potential romance partners :/

As far as in character goes. Iso only dislikes Morgan and Helios now. He doesn't mind interacting with anyone else that I can think of. This is a more about finding a reason to interact that's not "Hey, I don't know much about you, let's chat." :/

@ Snike


Now I must solve ^ problem.

@ Snowy

Does Jackie Chan teach him Karate? I thought Jackie Chan studied Chinese martial arts :/

Is he Japanese in this movie cause it didn't look like it.

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Damian doesn't really know much of anything about Kamilia...he just didn't really notice at the time.

Didn't notice someone whispering in his ear? Really?

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@Esphyr ignoring you

Snowy's problem


You'll find that about 90% of the cast are blind and don't even know what or who Kamilla is. Either that or they all treat her like she doesn't exist.


If you complaining at Kamilla not making some sort of drastic response, you're not going to get one by whispering in Damians ear. :/ I'm not even sure Damian knows Kamilla's name.


I laughed at how everyone was suspicious over the cavalry, but not at Helenos XD



He's used to men whispering in his ear, it's not his fault.

And I'm going to assume that was a Irina response from Damian. Aka "Huh?" XD

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Between all that was going on,Damian likely didn't give too much attention to the creepy myrmidon clinging to his ear,and even if he did,he likely doesn't know Kamilia by name,as Tsuki said.

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Not going to argue. Just mentioning that he walked over and said that. He isn't clinging. >.>

@ Edit: YES.

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So let me get a couple things straight

Katie was about to blow up Morgan

Isotov used Proxima and it didnt blow up anything :blink:

Anything i missing anything?

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Proxima is kind when it's being used to protect the one Isotov loves? And his magical hero powers was able to make Proxima be a good controllable tome. I would have set the cart on fire, but I have bigger plans in motion to fall for a cheap fire at the moment. :P

Usually I'd complain that Isotov would have been surprised at the sudden 'attack' from Morgan, and burned the entire group into oblivion. But I'm willing to let it slide as coincidence this time.

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I picture 'evil black lady' as Queen Latifah with devil horns and a tail.


Oh great...now I can't get that out of my head...

Damian: Hey Morgan...did you get a massive tan recently...and plastic surgery?

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She frowned and then pointed her finger at Isotov again.

"You love evil black lady, and Grandma bluehead, horselady and even Tessa and want their babies!"

When did she............

BTW Is Stephanie and Ixion in the roller coaster?

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Well it is controlled by his emotions <_<

Possible explanation

@ Kai

Incorrect. Proxima merely reacts to Iso's bewilderment by overpowering him and compelling him to call out its name, ending in massive explosions and Elyisimian patrols chasing us.

@ Cuddles

The difference between Iso being grabbed by a bandit and startled, and seeing Katie nearly get dark'd is what Iso did in response. The bandit was targeted specifically, but the loose flames screwed everything up. If Morgan attacked him, the wagon would be gone ... and maybe Morgan too :P . Instead, she attacked Katie, so he called Proxima and threw the flames around her like a bubble. He was panicked, but Proxima had no immediate target like before.


@ Kai

Ixion and Stephanie are NOT with the group.

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