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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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The Azure Theorem: For A a roleplay entitled "Lord of Azure Flame", there is no chapter x such that x is not on fire.


The flames have been all of the normal red variety though (I shouldn't have said anything, next chapter is going to be unquenchable blue flames)


That's still on fire.

WHAT?!!! >_<

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I am now thoroughly convinced I am unable to keep up with the frequency of posting. Wow.

Sometime tonight, I might be able to stitch something together, but right now, not a chance. Too confused.

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Interrumpting my valuable rant time I might add. I had more scathing remarks <_<

Cripes! What's Morgan's problem?! XD

@ Lacuna


Edited by Phoenix
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Also, I'm planning on making a guy who has the Crimson Axe, so if there's any immediate objections, speak now, or be ignored.

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Also, I'm planning on making a guy who has the Crimson Axe, so if there's any immediate objections, speak now, or be ignored.

Do it.

You were too slow to get the bow, just like I was too slow to get the lance. Just do it :mellow:

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I'm surprised that no one seemed to catch that the smoke was likely made by burning certain hallucinogenic plants. >.>

LMAO ... Esphyr's probably higher than a kite right now :lol:

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When I see her breast feeding Arrin should suffice, being new to the group, I'm going to act like I don't know the picky details like Cross-dresser Tina, Chase being a wanted man, Irina/Isotov's and Damian/Aiya's relations etcetc, just thought I'd mention that, (since I've probably missed a few things as well, (Eg Mesh).

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That'll come in due time, don't you worry Kai, Kamilla's still startled from setting big bad Isotov's fire, and is busy wondering how you people plan to get passed border security. Give Helios an anal probe, he's hiding drugs in there, where else would he get the money?

Why is there even a need to hide? I assumed you'd all just move along in plot to the next location :/ Hiding near the town regardless of how good the hideout is, doesn't make sense to me, but whatever :/

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Kelas not breastfeed Arrin? Awww >_< (Wonders what people have planned now, or are we going to walk for 2 RL days to get out of town? If so I might throw in a few pursuit guards.... XD)

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Since he is lord that is being hunted i dont see why he would

For all he knows one of you might turn him in

And he is a lord how would he not have money?

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He's a lord on the run? Something tells me if his home country isn't on best terms with him, they're not sending him his weekly allowance, I'm really not sure what Helios's agenda is, but from what I gather he's an ex-lord isn't he? I mean sure, he has his few loyal followers but unless you're wearing only silver and gold, and selling bits of your clothing off, Helios wouldn't be carrying around a fortune (And I doubt the ATM accepts his mastercard if he's being hunted)

As for drugs and Arrins breast feeding I wasn't being serious, but there's really nothing wrong with Helios being a druggie, for one, it's a good source of income, and something the high classes can afford (think celebrity I suppose)

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