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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Bal

I should explain something really quick. You're right about one thing. They're just wyverns, and a well placed arrow will kill just about any wyvern. The differences here(and why this is turning into a horror movie) are the following:

Mountain wyverns hunt in packs. They use numbers and like to surround people where as the more common types of wyverns just attack from the front and by themselves.

It's nighttime. They can see you a lot clearer than you can see them.

They actually already have the party surrounded, they're just waiting for the last person to fall asleep so they can swamp you.

It was not my idea to go up into the mountains, but since we're here, I do need to initiate the canon of the mountains. At least you guys don't have to worry about wolves(not canine wolves at least :/ ). They know better than to attack that many humans.

@ Timeskip


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Alch, please get on, so Kelas can either feather the wyverns, or Arrin can toast'em. Otherwise, random lightning bolts may fly.

Edit: A bit late, Kai. Regardless, I guess it gives Tessa a post.

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@ Phoenix: And so the queue marches on... Just wondering if you have any experimental skills thought up. I'm making a list right now.

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@ Kai

Yeah I'll add him to the queue, just let me know which mug you want it based off of.

@ Snike

Haven't had the time to think up any skills. Too busy spriting :P (though I could toss some skill concepts your way and you could turn them into skills ... numbers etc)

@ Sprites

I get the feeling I'm going to end up doing almost every character in this rp :/

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@Phoenix: PM me some ideas.

@Sprites: Yep.

@ RP: inb4wyvernattack. 2vtxezo.jpg

Edit: @ Kai: Stefan? Only the cooliest swordmaster ever! A Branded Swordmaster, who carries the SS sword Vague Katti.

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While I don't have a problem with what you're doing, wyverns aren't exactly nocturnal, sure they can see better in the dark then humans, but I really wouldn't expect half the mountain to be awake and looking for prey. (Reika's fire cooking though is another matter). At this point in time I'm willing to pass it off as just territorial animals being... well territorial XD

As for Reika's idea, fire would probably lure them, and I was hoping to leave the carcass on the fire (smell) to cover the scent for another few minutes. and hopefully have the wyverns devour what they can of the animal for another minute.

I'm assuming this wyvern encounter is unstatted? Or are you going to wait until Cynthia/Snowy gets on? Since if that's your plan, might want to prevent everyone from starting their attack XD

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@ Cuddles

To be perfectly honest, I was hoping no one would excite them but ... well you know how that goes. I'm not really planning anything for the attack, I'm just doing what's appropriate.

As for their numbers? Read the info on mountain wyverns. There are hundreds of them. This is why they're so difficult to capture alive. If there's one, there's actually five, etc.

The reason there are so many of them is because they have long life spans and lots of children. It's likely that every wyvern they've encountered so far are siblings guarding their stretch of land.

@ Other wyvern stuff

Best to head through the trees like Irina said. Once you're out of their territory, only a few stragglers will be left to deal with.

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*Isn't sure if Irina, aka "Dumb as rocks" should be taking command* XD

Helios suddenly got pushy again XD

And of course Ether wipes out nearly half their numbers in a matter of second effortlessly.

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@ Cuddles

Irina being dumb is just a myth, remember?

@ Wyvern carnage

Ah let them play heroes while they still can XD

@ Snike

There actually is a nest with two bulls within a mile of the group (preplaced yes) ... but ... aren't you guys in enough trouble? :/

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A blinded Wyvern very close to Damian: Relatively easy kill,and what did I say in the last post?Take any easy kill.

Ulfhrahn is a bull,he's pretty much the buffer here.With just Kiev,the group would likely be doomed,and Ulfhrahn has the easiest time both killing and surviving against them.

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Meaning? Plus, uh, she doesn't have the stoicicity to come even close to Iso. Yes, I just made that word up.

Edit: Rein just owned it. Commencing thunderstorm now.

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@ Cuddles

Irina being dumb is just a myth, remember?

@ Wyvern carnage

Ah let them play heroes while they still can XD

@ Snike

There actually is a nest with two bulls within a mile of the group (preplaced yes) ... but ... aren't you guys in enough trouble? :/


Well,as a plains bull,atleast Ulfy is still likely stronger...right...?Still,fighting bulls is a very bad idea,and Ulfy can only take one on...

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So Chase can recognize Heliosv5.png being Helios

Same attitude, same hair color, and a wind mage. Probably would notice something because I'm pretty sure I've made it clear that he's observant.

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