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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Nyx is evil goddess lady type thing from Greek(?) mythology and was the goddess of night?

In fiction she often gets portrayed as a demon, possibly even as a succubus.

She is also my mother

That said, Phoenix is talking about a character which hasn't been introduced to the plot yet. A character we'll most likely find in Septimus, Halton, Jerdon or somewhere else.

In other words, only Phoenix knows, and her actually being introduced is still in the planning stages.

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@ Kiryn

Have Amari bop him on the head after he does the stereotypical wyvern intimidation roar and he'll start comparing her to Irina or Ivanko.

@ Sage

Don't worry, man. Nyx isn't even important plotwise. You'll learn all about her once I get my profile page updated.

@ Eric sprite

HAAHHAAHAHAAAAH! BREAKTHROUGH!!! Hell yes!! I may have the profile updated sooner than I thought! :o

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XD My objective in this little skit is complete, just hope people have the brains to notice it, and then reflect the happenings of this conversation in their Rp interactions.

Cheap puns=lol XD

@Dark Sage

I don't see how joining the group = Getting rid of Septimus :/ But okay then, though you probably won't ever see this, since you don't frequent Chat.

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Well I assumed that the group is enemies with Septimus and has a bad history with them. Due to Alferis's own history with them, and only hearing snippets of their conversation, he assumed that stopping Septimus was a goal of theirs.

I'm tired right now so forgive me if I get this wrong, but I assume your goal of this skit is not only to establish Reika's aggressive and mean personality for new characters, but to offer a different perspective on the nature of the Lord of Azure Flames. Reika is truly a more extreme version of the anti hero. On the other hand, she gives suggestions to Charlotte about how to get out of trouble regarding the group's actions signify three things. 1). Reika, while initially doubtful of her mission to spy on the group and not caring, has truly developed a deep hatred for them and this may signify a betrayal against the group (not completely likely). 2.) Her helpfulness towards Charlotte signifies that she doesn't truly hate the group as she does doubt their goals and hate the leaders and more prominent members like Esphyr and Morgan. This is further evidenced that she's not completely harsh towards Alferis. Sure, she sees him as an idiot, a guy with his head in the clouds and may condescend him, but she doesn't display outright hostility that she normally would against the group. To her credit, Morgan is a manipulative bitch, as evidenced in parts of Chapter 8 (read enough to get the idea). There is a third option, but like I said, I'm too tired tonight, so I'll post it tommorow if I can think of it.

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You're giving me too much credit, I don't think that much, my intentions were... well nevermind my intentions, I don't feel like saying anything stupid and getting insulted by Phoenix and the like later. Anyway onto more solid facts about the RP.

Different perspective on LoAF: This has been an issue I've had with the group since the start of this RP, and it's not really a new perspective, the entire concept of the group is based on fighting the LoAF, and yet I haven't really seen any clear indications of the LoAF returning. Morgan seems to head the ideology, but what her sources are, I don't know.

Likewise another key member in the groups existence is Damian, a Halton soldier who for reasons I'm not exactly clear on, wanted to gather the crimson weapon, possibly due to Halton being military bastards who wanted the CW under their control, I honestly doubt their intentions are pure.

Irina works for Ivanko who likewise wants the crimson weapons together, but again reasons unknown.


I'm not exactly an anti-hero, since I don't like heroes (Though Lelouch <3 )or at least don't like playing as heroes. Cause I don't think human being are generous enough to take up a cause due to it being just, I strongly believe that every action has a hidden intention that benefits the initiator somehow, and that ideology is transferred to Reika


I don't really have a hatred for the group, Reika hates Halton, and still holds a grudge against Morgan for tying her up and robbing her (Chapter 1), and trying to blast her with black magic. (Likewise Reika knocked Morgan out). So they don't really get along, but I doubt Alferis would be willing to get along with anyone after they robbed him or tried to kill him. As for her turning into an enemy. I don't have any qualms about that. I accept that most of the Rp'ers convey their thoughts about a RP'er through their characters, and hence most people would hate Reika even if she hadn't tried to knife them in Ilyphina, an clear recent example being Cess.


Esphyr isn't a leader of the group she's Damians wench mercenary, Leaders of the group are probably Damian (who's seldom around) and Morgan. Reika's dislike for the group mainly is directed at Morgan, Damian/Aiya and Helios, as well as Eric (Failed to kill him in Ilyphina). The other characters hate Reika because they either resent her for attacking them at Ilyphina, or have randomly decided that they're going to hate her. (Irina/Esphyr did not make unfavorable Reika encounters up until Ilyphina, and she's barely been discussed outside Helios hex incident).


Reika see's anyone who's working for free as idiots, since money makes the world go round. But overall it depends on character interactions and comment, "I'm a wanted criminal, you can't kill me" (Chase) is a clear sign of an idiot, as are many of Chase's remarks, and Isotov using fire magic in a wooden inn. Reika however doesn't know any of this. Just like Isotov shouldn't know anything about Helios (Wind mage) defeating Reika, since there's only been two fights, the former he wasn't around for, the latter was retconned due to Kai fudging his roles.


Point 3 doesn't exist so I can't comment on it. Honestly though, my plans aren't usually that deep, and I don't really enjoy planning Reika's activities and responses beforehand, so assumptions about her role are unknown, even to me. I prefer creating her character as things go on, and if that means everyone going to be a bitch to her (which they're entitled to) she'll most likely end up being an enemy XD

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Just going to say ahead of time I posted something that will probably show up in a few minutes. Damn loading thing is screwing up.

EDIT: Or not... here it is (I hit back a bunch of times and copy-pasted it):

Wooh, done with school. Anyways, Morgan/Chase C support sound good?

Interactions so far:

- Talk about magic x2

- Crimson Weapon transfer thing

- Agree with each other often

- Similar history in regards to friends

- Other stuff that's built up

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@ Iso knowing

I chalk that up to word getting around. Helios didn't hide the fact that he beat Reika the first time. Morgan chewed him out for it. We've had enough time skips for unknown convos about Reika to take place. By now, everyone not new in the group should've known who she was by hear say, or mid trip gossip.

@ Morning

Now to spend the whole friggin day working on Eric. Why the whole day you ask? Because this one's going to be awesome.

@ Snike

Shut up don't say anything yet.

@ Lightning

I wouldn't say C yet until I saw some actual response from Morgan that indicated a new development. So far she's just giving Chase the time of day. No matter how many times that happens, it's not a development until she changes her attitude toward him at least a little bit. I'd say they're ready for C as soon as she shows some Chase favoring signs. Just my opinion.

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@ Iso knowing

I chalk that up to word getting around. Helios didn't hide the fact that he beat Reika the first time. Morgan chewed him out for it. We've had enough time skips for unknown convos about Reika to take place. By now, everyone not new in the group should've known who she was by hear say, or mid trip gossip.

@ Morning

Now to spend the whole friggin day working on Eric. Why the whole day you ask? Because this one's going to be awesome.

@ Snike

Shut up don't say anything yet.

@ Lightning

I wouldn't say C yet until I saw some actual response from Morgan that indicated a new development. So far she's just giving Chase the time of day. No matter how many times that happens, it's not a development until she changes her attitude toward him at least a little bit. I'd say they're ready for C as soon as she shows some Chase favoring signs. Just my opinion.

1. Speaking of Iso, he might have to restrain Irina in a few minutes...

2+3. Yes, sir.

4. I doubt that's actually ever going to happen, but that's Eric speaking. Maybe a lopsided C?

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You know I noticed that Alferis and Esphyr both grew up in Vaoris and are roughly the same age which could be interesting. So far, the only supports he would group would be from Reika and that's bloody unlikely to happen. FirexThunder though is an awesome combination.

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Just a note, Helios beating up Reika in Darien was mentioned later (the incident with the group finding out Helios just left her there) so Isotov knowing about that makes sense.

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Indeed. Reika probably has an S with chaos, anyways.

@Dani intro:





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Aaaaaaaaaaaaah I have a job. I won't be back until sometime after 8PM.

If you need my characters: Arrin's currently asleep in the saddle; don't bother waking him unless there's a fight. Kelas will probably just stay quiet (if we start arguing over where to go, she'll be on the side of "somewhere safe to rest"). Oh and controls controls controls woo.

Also, people with relevant characters please respond to the questions in the graph thread comma dammit.

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