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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Oh hey right-- we didn't actually kill anyone, they're just throwing propaganda at us, right? (I don't recall having killed anyone, anyway...)

You didn't.

Yes. You killed people. The people who tried to take the crimson weapons that resulted in the inn being burned.


To clarify. One of the druggies grabbed Isotov. In response, Proxima prepared itself, and encouraged Iso to call upon it. The tome then proceeded to incinerate(that's like cremation but with an instantaneous vibe to it) the guy on the spot.

The inn then caught fire. I guess being exposed to temperatures close to twelve hundred degrees will do that <_<

We seem to cause more trouble everywhere we go

Must be the weapons

Well they are cursed after all ... sorta :lol:

It's kind of working it's way into the story on it's own :mellow:

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Last chapter

When it took so a year to get past the gates

I regret expecting anything decent from you <_<

Getting past the gate took a page at most, if that's a year for you, then I have no idea how old you are at the moment. If anything I'd expect people to complain that they didn't get time to respond to the gate passing because it happened so quickly <_<

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^Hilarious sir. Given the term wasn't really in use at the time, it would be rather out of place.

I wikied that awhile back and it turns out the work F*ck was in use in medieval times. The problem is it has the same meaning as it sometimes does today(sex). It was exclusively sex related and never slanged much if I can remember :unsure:

This is all off the top of my head.

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Getting past the gate took a page at most, if that's a year for you, then I have no idea how old you are at the moment. If anything I'd expect people to complain that they didn't get time to respond to the gate passing because it happened so quickly

It was 1 page?

If i remember correctly it took awhile

Let me go back and check

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Keep in mind killing her off is still a exclusive right of mine, so if you're relishing the thought of killing my characters.... well just expect to be let down.

Unless of course Snowy takes her on as an enemy in a battle (probably with improved stats) then anyone's free to take the kill. Though even then, judging by Snowy's behaviour, he'd probably ask if it was okay with me first :/

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I don't think we can. I'm next in line, though, if we end up fighting the bow-dude.

If that's the ranks then He'll be some lower ranked General then.

Edited by Lightning
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No one noticed that Esphyr's sword is spouting FREAKING HELLFIRE?! Azure flame! I mean, it's the Lord's freaking NAME!

Edit: Yea. She's REALLY mad about being labeled a criminal. Those are the people she hunts and kills. It's really insulting to her. Even more so than Morgan's little Anima thing.

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Kelas' response to the all the demon-related stuff going on (so long as it doesn't directly affect her or her horse) is to pretend like it's not there, or else she'll panic :P

...And she did just knock Esphyr off the horse, so yeah...

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^^^I'm working on it, soon I'll start throwing rocks at Isotov, he'll try to cremate me, and I'm sure I can make a tree or something nearby catch fire :P

Likewise, I'm too busy throwing a hissy to notice anything XD

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None the less, don't touch Iso. It wouldn't be canon for him to be handled without Proxima reacting. It's actually a huge part of his backstory which will probably be fully revealed in this chapter. Well it might, but given the group's tendencies to inexplicably go from conversation about something to the next, it will probably have to be explained during some ridiculous moment by somebody else.

Yeah I'll probably save Iso's horrible crimson weapon story for Shanice.

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XD Helios diverted my wrath :(

Though I could probably provoke Iso still..... XD

I won't make any efforts to start a fire then, but if someone posts something unresistable, (like casting fire in a dense forest) In can't promise you anything Snowy XD

*Watches Snowy redecorate Elysimma as a barren wasteland*

And for this chapter? Does that mean I can start a blazing inferno next chapter?

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Regarding the current argument, we do rather need to work out what to do about the authorities... when the real villains start to show up, we'll have a fair bit of a problem if we keep having to ditch second-rate guards as well. (Though maybe some sort of act of heroism against the demons/monsters/whichever we encounter will get them off our case at some point?)

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Civilians are civilian, major pricks

They are going to sway to the more powerful side, the Elysima cops

We could always kill off some bandits and that may get them to sway to our side

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^^Word, except we're not too far from being villains ourselves, since we're not actually getting framed or anything, the authorities have full right to come after us XD

As for your suggestion to clear our name, I could be wrong, but Harold doesn't seem the type to nod his head and forgive the crimes committed.

As for getting back on track, it's actually part of what I was aiming for, since I figured feeding Kiev wasn't exactly telling me where we were headed next, or what you people planned to do about the guards+impeding army.,

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