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At what point are we running? Because at this rate having us hack through all 22 of these things is going to take forever.

Tessa will run whenever. Just need to get everyone clustered, safe, and decide on a competent rearguard and retreat formation.

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Dani's at 50, Eric, 81. >.> He really needs a boss kill. Too bad he can't roll for seduction. -.-

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Irina got 5 exp for this battle. 5 for existing.

Iso got no exp because I cheated to keep him from getting KO'd.

I'm going to keep track of my own exp I guess.

Edited by Phoenix
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I'm going to just take the RNG like a man. No bluffing for me.

Gonna cheat gonnacheat gonnacheatcheatcheatcheatcheatcheatcheatcheatcheat.

Note:Not really.

Edit: Help! I forgot to roll my saving throw. Should I just ignore it and do it next time I fall to 0 hp?

Edited by Dark Sage
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Yeah, uh, I messed up like that earlier, but that didn't warrant a re-roll, Kai.

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Issue: So we're running from these guys now, it seems like (Snowy hasn't provided us with nerfing or compelling reasons to stay.) However, we don't know where we're running to.

We are in the woods, near-ish to that village that's probably full of hostiles. We don't know the territory. Are we just going to try and reach open space and then keep running till we lose them, or what?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Yeah, uh, I messed up like that earlier, but that didn't warrant a re-roll, Kai.


I'm certain if that had been a 6,6,6 roll you would have rolled with it whether it be single integer or double. And it's not exactly hard to link twice. (Accidentally only made 1 roll herself, and then followed it up with the rest in a second link).

The reason you provided is the same one I thought you'd provide but Snike is right :/


To the hills! Back to the mouthes of the smelly flying lizards we go!

Edited by Kanami
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Run in a Haltonwards direction until we lose them I guess. They don't have mounts, so we should be able to outpace them.

Running away posts are wholeheartedly approved by the Cynthia.

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Great. Two battles we are going to run from. Now i need a mount :facepalm:

@ Nady: It still is legit. Its more cleaner that way. Beside why would i need to "cheat". Look at that first link again.

Edited by Kai
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I'm so sick of running away all of the damn time! Aren't we ever going to have another stat battle that we can actually win without losing half our guys?! Why does Snowy keep ignoring this? Ah F*ck it. Just let me know when the next chapter starts. I'm sick of Elyisimia and the borderlands altogether.

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