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Good to know someone's going to be applying Murphy's law on himself, Saves me from doing it to you XD

Oh dear.

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Greetings Snike, I am Nadesico, the plot derailer, and local arsonist. Don't worry, you'll fit right in, and you'll come to hate me soon enough XD

So, he's going to be the punching bag of the group. Where do I sign up?

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You already have, the moment you posted your character, life-time contract if I may add ^_^

@Birdy: Don't worry I'll still love Irina and Isotov just as much ;)

@Cynthia: I'm willing to contest that position :P

@Lacuna: Menace to Society? How can I be a menace to society when I'm holed up infront of the computer all day? <_<

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Just great.

As a side-note, when's next battle? I'll probably jump in then, as a third party... and get horribly mauled by both sides.

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I notice Kamilla's meek act is fading rapidly (hag is pretty harsh).

Oh, I missed something earlier. You can't just take the CW's off their wielders and still have them usable. Which is why Morgan really doesn't want to kill anyone holding a weapon, no matter how much they test her patience.

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This should be in Feedback :/

@Snike: Probably a few days away since we're on the road to Viridian City Elysimma's capitol, unless we get attacked on the way :/


I haven't done anything to Haltonia yet >_< Oh wait, I wiped out Damians troops.... whoops XD (Back in chapter 1)

As for Elysimma... *Starts the finger pointing game* *Points at Isotov*


Hmm, well I know that's how things are officially atm, but I kind of have to disagree with that logic, (with Snowy, not with you) at the very least if Demons could attach it to human souls, then chances are the demons can reattach it once the former user is dead. Though I suppose they can be a one off thing, I can't imagine what use they'd have as useless weapons though.

As for Kamilla, I lost :(

I was told to make a quiet, polite character as a challenge, but there's just no way I can RP such a character for more then a few posts. Though she won't be as severe latter on I think, just really upset and hysterical at the moment.

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The whole establishing connections by making things up really quick is getting kind of old now. It's happened too many times now, and they are impossible to retcon because nobody cares about previous posts made. I mean defeating Ivanko via unmounted/no special weapon/double team is one thing, but just happening to know the people we're trying to get to and being formerly engaged to a member who would have obviously been more alerted by your presence and talkative towards ... uh ... writative towards had it been true is stretching beyond even my suspendable belief, which is astounding. Had it been mentioned earlier, it would have made sense, but now so much time has gone by, that it just jumps out at you and comes off as a random attempt to get moving, and it's somewhat ... totally off the wall/unbelievable at this point in time :huh:

Rather than just suddenly deciding that certain things happened in the past, or we know someone, we should really take a while to go through some old posts to make sure it could be true rather than just posting it. It's not just Ether, though he is the bravest in this regard :lol:

I'm not the only one who runs my stuff by Snowy BEFORE posting anything like this in the threads am I? :unsure:

Normally I wouldn't make a big deal out of this, but this is one of those cases where I feel I have to say something. Making sure to retcon what we do/post will keep us from going wacko with the story and also safeguard each individual group members' personal quests and goals, which could easily be effected by stuff like this.

What happens with this on the spot thing doesn't really matter unless otherwise noted, but in the future we really ought to go through Snowy to make sure we're not fudging things up. YES, even if we have to wait for him to come online.

Also ... did I just give a Nady style review? All that's missing is XD

There we go :awesome:

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The whole establishing connections by making things up really quick is getting kind of old now. It's happened too many times now, and they are impossible to retcon because nobody cares about previous posts made. I mean defeating Ivanko via unmounted/no special weapon/double team is one thing, but just happening to know the people we're trying to get to and being formerly engaged to a member who would have obviously been more alerted by your presence and talkative towards ... uh ... writative towards had it been true is stretching beyond even my suspendable belief, which is astounding. Had it been mentioned earlier, it would have made sense, but now so much time has gone by, that it just jumps out at you and comes off as a random attempt to get moving, and it's somewhat ... totally off the wall/unbelievable at this point in time :huh:

Rather than just suddenly deciding that certain things happened in the past, or we know someone, we should really take a while to go through some old posts to make sure it could be true rather than just posting it. It's not just Ether, though he is the bravest in this regard :lol:

It couldn't have been mentioned earlier, in my opinion. This is the first time that Katie revealed her connection with Harold, and Damian has never revealed to Katie his parentage either. In medieval times, in arranged marriages, often the involved parties never meet until the wedding night, only the people who are doing the arranging, and perhaps presentations of the children separately to the parents of the other. I found this development to actually be entirely plausible, in fact, and considering the nature of being all the scions of Heroes and all, it wouldn't surprise me that they'd set their children up with each other, similar to how kings of neighboring countries swap around their children for political purposes.

I'm not the only one who runs my stuff by Snowy BEFORE posting anything like this in the threads am I? :unsure:

Normally I wouldn't make a big deal out of this, but this is one of those cases where I feel I have to say something. Making sure to retcon what we do/post will keep us from going wacko with the story and also safeguard each individual group members' personal quests and goals, which could easily be effected by stuff like this.

What happens with this on the spot thing doesn't really matter unless otherwise noted, but in the future we really ought to go through Snowy to make sure we're not fudging things up. YES, even if we have to wait for him to come online.

Also ... did I just give a Nady style review? All that's missing is XD

There we go :awesome:

That said, I personally think running things by the GM is a swell thing to do as well, but I just had to chime in to say I didn't see this case to be as flagrant as you obviously found it to be. It was certainly much easier to swallow than the Fire Emblem, from which the Crimson Weapons had been forged and presumably the Heroes all have a vested interest in safeguarding, suddenly being relocated to a fallen cult-infested kingdom that needs liberating (just for another recent example).

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Ether; you need to delete the post. There's no way Daiman could have been engaged to Katie. It's only recently she has started to call him father and has, for most of her life, forsaken him. Harold would be more interested in actually getting his daughter back then marrying her off.

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It couldn't have been mentioned earlier, in my opinion. This is the first time that Katie revealed her connection with Harold, and Damian has never revealed to Katie his parentage either. In medieval times, in arranged marriages, often the involved parties never meet until the wedding night, only the people who are doing the arranging, and perhaps presentations of the children separately to the parents of the other. I found this development to actually be entirely plausible, in fact, and considering the nature of being all the scions of Heroes and all, it wouldn't surprise me that they'd set their children up with each other, similar to how kings of neighboring countries swap around their children for political purposes.

That said, I personally think running things by the GM is a swell thing to do as well, but I just had to chime in to say I didn't see this case to be as flagrant as you obviously found it to be. It was certainly much easier to swallow than the Fire Emblem, from which the Crimson Weapons had been forged and presumably the Heroes all have a vested interest in safeguarding, suddenly being relocated to a fallen cult-infested kingdom that needs liberating (just for another recent example).

Point taken, and at least we're learning things from each other :)

Ether; you need to delete the post. There's no way Daiman could have been engaged to Katie. It's only recently she has started to call him father and has, for most of her life, forsaken him. Harold would be more interested in actually getting his daughter back then marrying her off.

We're definitely learning things from each other XD

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Yeah, I think it'd definitely be a good idea to run backstory by the relevant people before messing with it (relevant people being Snowy for main plot stuff, and the character's player if it's specific character backstory stuff). The only exception I'd see is if whatever's being claimed is not actually meant to be true (i.e. A: "Well my friend said the heroes did x, y, and z" B: "No they didn't, your friend's a liar" or Kieran: "Oscar! My archrival! Have at thee!" Oscar: "Wait what?")

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Ether's post is plausible, but I did find him having connections with every Npc we come across a bit annoying at first, but considering I enjoy causing you all grief, it's not like I could complain anyway. Though I'd probably throw a hissy fit if someone suddenly posted "Kamilla *wheeze* I am you brother!" Fortunately no one would want such a catastrophic position XD

Though judging from the way you were explaining things with Ether in regards to Ivanko, I thought he had gotten your permission for that?

A problem with waiting and asking Snowy is that the plot moves. Taking personal examples, it wouldn't make sense for Isotov to use fire in the wooden inn *laughs at you* scare the guys off, everyone calming down, going down stairs and eating sandwiches, then all of a sudden flames errupting from upstairs where Isotov started a fire. It's really a reaction, to another persons actions, not just something made up out of nowhere. Same with Irina being tailed, would you hand someone who you'd never met or heard about 200 dollars and expect them to do as you say and buy your groceries?

I admit I'm not running event actions like this past Snowy, and they do affect the plot in major ways clearly (EG: Criminals now) But I just don't see running every action past Snowy as a viable option. (EG If you had asked Snowy if you could hang the guard from a flagpole it may have led to a better result, but if we're going to do that, might as well get Snowy to write a fanfic instead)

I'm assuming "others" is referring to Kai and myself, and as I've said before with Kai, his... events(?) Usually only involve himself anyway, and if his plans have faults they could be excluded as pure rumor from the RP by Snowy, surely. (Unless it's stuff like, the Fire Emblem is in Helios's hometown XD)

Addition: Regarding Kamilla's knowledge of Conrad and Harold, my comments have been mainly beliefs that could reflect common opinion (Harold is a hero to the people) and in Conrads case, Rein tried to make Conrad a prominent general (despite what he says in the sign-up thread) and having been a resident of Elysimma for awhile, I think it'd be safe to at least allow Kamilla to have heard rumors of the man. (She did work at an inn afterall) Either way, none of the claims were important, and were easily refuted, so I don't see that being a potential issue.

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But I'm talking about Retroactive continuity. The Transformers movies were ruined by a lack of this, and the rp could easily head in the same direction.

Example: What if Isotov suddenly up and said that Morgan was once his friend, and they traveled together before in the past. That's nearly on par with the Damian Katie connection, and makes no sense.

Morgan would have recognized Iso as more than just the "idiot fire mage", and Iso would definitely have talked with her more, rather than avoiding the group as a whole.

When you don't retcon what you're doing, other people's backstories and sometimes even the entire story plot can be adversely effected.

Running every action by Snowy isn't my intention, and likely not his either. But for things that directly effect any rper's characters in this way/manner it would definitely be a wise move to contact that member, and/or Snowy to verify first. That way you can avoid having to change your post once he's online.

I approved the Ivanko defeat only because it was done under harsh conditions that I specified, and because I wanted to allow the group to understand that even though none of them stand a chance against him in combat, he's still only human. This latest post only seems to alter who Katie is given Snowy's explanation.

Like I said before, if it could have an effect on the aforementioned things characters/plot/etc, it should be verified first. Not just posted. That's common sense.

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Well aware of that Lacuna, but frankly, I'm aware that I'm probably the main "plot screwer-upperer" here, and figure it's referring to me, I'm well aware that many of you are glaring at me, willing me to shut-up and disappear XD But until I'm asked by Snowy to leave, or life gets in the way, I'm going to continue annoying the crap out of all of you XD

Despite, hating on his characters, and throwing mean insults at him every few seconds in OoC, I actually like Phoenix (since I returned, before that he wasn't very active) While I don't agree with all his points, he's one of the few that actually use the "feedback" thread, for feedback, on the RP'ers as well as the RP plot, (I'd say Balcerzak is probably the only prominent other)


Hmm, again your examples are regarding backstory, and as Lacuna said, there is a difference between adding something into the past between characters (without their permission) and causing a reaction (Guards and Fire). I don't really think arguing about the former will do us any good, since we seem to all agree on that (Ask permission if you want to do make a past connection with someone) and since Snowy's already retconned(?) Ether engagement post there's really no point in arguing over it.

What I want to do is shift the complaining from Ether, to Me! I wanna be in the spotlight! since I'm clearly derailing the plot (unless Snowy is some sort of genius who is predicting my actions). And figure while we're on the topic of illegal actions, figured I might as well listen to complaints (other then, "Don't be mean to me") now :P

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Nah, I think we've reached a decent arrangement. If I don't post something specifying that a post is not to be tampered with, I've basically given you leave to totally f*ck it up. I'll live with the consequences of my own shortsightedness :)

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