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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Augh, just when it's getting good, I have to go to work. Be back around 9PM or so (EST).

Control stuff:

-I've already talked to Phoenix about "Meaghan". If she's needed he'll handle her.

-Arrin will try to protect Tessa and probably get in the way.

-You need my characters badly for anything else, you know where the controls are.

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Wait, so, uh, do they activate haweye immediately?

Edit: Defense is off. And, uh, Travis doesn't have Heroic stand.

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Yes, I did. 3 Crits, though I only used 2. The Merc had a 6,6 crit and a 5,5 crit against him. Plus, Eric leveled. So, in short, I'm pleased.

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Phoenix, you forgot weapon triangle and supports. You dealt at least 2 with Irina.

Edit: And the Merc has no Res, I thought. And it rolled an adept. ... Yeah, Iso's screwed.

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One more post, and I get to tear them up some more. :D

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I'd appreciate it if you guys left mercenary d alone. My characters are only going to get one kill this chapter and that's if Irina hits him again first. If not he'll knock her out :facepalm:

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Alright then. Anyone need an enemy down? Tell me now, before Dani gets owned.

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Nice shot Chase! Except that you missed ;_;

Almost leveled up too. Wooh. That's 87+ 10, 97 exp now... and 2 more for the leeches he killed I forgot about, yayz. 99 exp, almost there!

(if you're wondering "where did the 7 come from" it's from that chapter where we didn't fight, I forgot to add it at first).

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Meh ... Iso and Irina usually have to work together to take down an enemy and I rarely get good roles that end up actually counting so leveling is going to take a long time. I try not to think about it anymore.

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OK, so, there goes my physical slayer, it looks like. Back to Wrath proccing for me. :D

Also, in 2 battles, Dani has gained 45 EXP. No joke. If I go for the Hero, I net another 10. If I kill a fighter, then attack again, she levels.

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Let's see ...


EXP TOTAL: 62 (72 if he got the exp for attacking the incubus)



Yeah not even close. They get hit too often and have to pull out or get KO'd. Case in point -_-

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... Wait, what? How does she have 70 exp please. Unless you already edited it in for this battle. Also, you only get existing exp 1 time per battle. You do know that, right?

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