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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Bal

You keep going on about what's "required" but that only has to do the main plot, which is sketchy at this point anyway. There are loads of things that aren't "required" that we still use; Supports, extra party members, plot gold, character backstories(you know these aren't truly that important in the scheme of things), character sprites, or even mount names. I'm not ditching something just because we can get by without it.

I add cinematic bullsh*t as you put it for flavor that the rp just doesn't have on its own anymore. As far as CWs being uber powerful, I honestly don't care either way. I was just using the general interpretation of them as an excuse at that moment to justify what I was doing, not as some all important foundation for justifying all of my actions. As I said, Proxima wasn't even able too damage or injure Ivanko a low res type class.

Congratulations: You just misinterpreted 90% of my post. The whole "X is not required" was only discussing the proper interpretation of the Crimson Weapons. And nowhere did I say that simply because something was "not required" that it was "not allowed". Your first main post on this subject was where you were accusing all of the other Crimson Weapon wielders of "doing it wrong", because they weren't adding in flashy explosions, or over-the-top miseries piled upon their characters. I took issue with that because "doing it differently" is not necessarily "doing it wrong".

I never accused you of god mode, I never said that what you were doing with Proxima was stretching the bounds of what I thought was reasonable. That was never the point of my argument at all, and I don't know that my personal opinions on the matter should really matter one way or the other regardless. I mainly thought that your attack on how the other CW players were playing was silly, and needed to be corrected.

@ Dark Sage

Some people seem tired of CW relevance so they definitely aren't getting beefed up anymore, but the CW theme as a whole is pretty much broken. We would probably be better off with rank S weapons like the ones from FE7(Rex Hasta, Luce, Reinfleche, Regal Blade, etc) since hellfire weapons are relatively harmless until used in combat(not sarcasm).

I don't see how you think the theme is "broken" or that the "RP has lost its flavor". I'm not getting that vibe at all from things, and I'm honestly quite confused what's making you feel that way.

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Well a good story idea to justify them not being able to do that is to say they lost power over the years. Simple and elegant.

25 years for power loss? In that case we need to beat the DK very quickly and need to forgo this adventure plus detours and sidequests thing we've been leading into.


@ Bal

You've misinterpreted me too. I attacked no one on the CW issue. I wasn't accusing them of doing anything wrong either. I was only pointing out that there's a huge difference between them that I didn't understand and figured didn't need to be there in the first place. If people are fine with well behaved hellfire weapons then I don't object, but pointing out something is not an attack(and yes being accused of attacking others is a severe peeve of mine).

If you think I'm only trying to add flashy explosions, think again. As always I have to explain everything I do at some point because it comes across as over the top in the rp just because other CWs aren't doing it. Luckily accusations get dropped pretty quickly because these actually are CWs we're carrying around. I'm getting annoyed that just because several CWs never matter or do anything, that incidents involving another(an unstable one at that) have to be hounded. This is coming across as a double standard now. If I point out that Cynthia and Kiryn do nothing interesting with theirs, I'm labeled as an attacker, yet if they point out that Proxima is OP, they're automatically right because none of the other CWs blow up in your face. Well maybe if we were all holding crimson fire tomes that argument would make sense but we're not.

@ Broken CW theme

Umm ... see above^

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@Current story.

Who all is wounded?

I got (this is not in triage order):

Charlotte (less danger, but needed to help heal others)

Isotov (immediate danger)

Alferis (immediate danger)

Heinz (immediate danger)

Reika (walking wounded)

Cess (non-trivial danger)

Eric (non-trivial danger)

Morgan (non-trivial danger)

Chase (non-trivial danger)

Esphyr (walking wounded)

but I know I'm probably missing people hurt in the actual battle.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Bal

You've misinterpreted me too. I attacked no one on the CW issue. I wasn't accusing them of doing anything wrong either. I was only pointing out that there's a huge difference between them that I didn't understand and figured didn't need to be there in the first place. If people are fine with well behaved hellfire weapons then I don't object, but pointing out something is not an attack(and yes being accused of attacking others is a severe peeve of mine).

If I didn't know better, I'd have to assume that Cynthia and Kiryn don't even remember that they have CWs half the time.

You don't consider that to be an attack, or at the very least, telling them they're doing something wrong? We have different standards, then, I guess...

@Theme: I don't see what's wrong with moderately well-behaved CWs in the slightest. You seem to think that people are forgetting there's hellfire in there, but then again, one could easily point out to you that they have been tempered and tamed by Light magic. Only in extreme circumstances and demon proximity does the hellfire come close to breaking out (cf Esphyr's sword's display with the meshwork for the only example I can think of off-hand).

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@ Bal

If that quote is an attack on Cynthia and Kiryn(my friends by the way), then we all need to get on our knees and start sincerely apologizing to Kai ASAP.

I specifically said "IF I DIDN'T KNOW BETTER-" ... what does that imply?

EDIT: Just to clarify, it was not an attack. I was just making a point based on the now invalid interpretation of CWs in general.

@ Well behaved weapons

As I said, I don't object if that's their goal, but at the same time, I'm not going to not bring up something just because I might get a "No that's how I wanted it to work." as a reply.

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On an unrelated note, does anyone else find it slightly screwed up that Midnight, a dark magic tome, was made of light magic?

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On an unrelated note, does anyone else find it slightly screwed up that Midnight, a dark magic tome, was made of light magic?

It's not as disturbing as a hellfire Light Tome. I can deal with a elder magic tome if there's hellfire inside being bound by light magic.

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It's not as disturbing as a hellfire Light Tome. I can deal with a elder magic tome if there's hellfire inside being bound by light magic.

You'd think it would be incompatible, though. IMO, a light magic tome would be more so plausible than a dark magic, simply because the Goddess and the Lord are husband and wife, according to Lunaism, which is looking more and more correct as we speak.

So, yeah. Plotting time on how we're going to break out Dani while the medics do their thing.

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@ Snike

Dark VS Light

Dark: Relies on natural power or something according to the magic guides. That makes it a little less implausible than light crimson tomes in my opinion.

Light: Comes from the goddess directly. So this would only make some sense if the goddess had a hand in making the crimson light tome ... again, just my opinion.

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Cya Alch.

@ Phoenix: Well, uh, if Bethold used light magic to seal the hellfire, wouldn't it make sense he just use a little more to make a light tome?

In the meantime, I need plotting music... To Youtube! (also trying to find themes for Eric and Dani's personal theme)

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@ Kiryn

Later ^_^

@ Snike

I guess it could work like that too, but I was under the impression that hellfire and light magic barely mixed as it is. Maybe them making a light tome was going a bit too far?

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Maybe. Maybe not. I guess we'll have to ask Snowy about it.

In the meantime, post Lev returning, w/ trophy wife Viveka in tow?

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I would make that post now, but I'll be gone from 12:00 PM(that's 3:00 PM for east coast people) til around 5:30 PM or maybe even til 7 or 8 so I don't want to leave people hanging reaction-wise. Most of the posting doesn't start til after twelve so I thought I'd lay low a bit til after I get back from my driving test.

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I was gone the night and i only have to read on RP page ^_^

You could just not read them at all like usual ^_^

Mean attacks aside, I guess I should at least update on the Lev/Viveka situation.

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@ Kai

Helios: Hey Eric, Dani! Let's see who can get the most kills :)

Eric: I'm ... kinda injured right now, man.

Dani: Would someone please save me?! I'm being kidnapped!

Eric: Oh yeah, then there's Dani. How did you not notice that hero hauling her away?

Helios: <.< >.> ... Iso infected me with his obliviousness.

EDIT: Oh no! I used a double negative sentence back there at the top of the page! Welp ... I officially have no good subjects.

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