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Someone should inform Lev that one of the healers just left for that rescue mission.

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Accents often aren't written out in text form anyway, just imagine them.

Charlotte is currently disguising her French accent. Morgan's accent is probably British.

Holy crap! Morgan has an accent? She just moved up like three people on my list of favorite girls XD

Someone should inform Lev that one of the healers just left for that rescue mission.

Yeeeeaaah, that might lower his fee.

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Everyone has some sort of accent. I guess the closest thing to no accent would be American Midwestern.

*waves hello*

Also, guys, I was totally writing that Tessa post the second I saw what he said. I'm just slowpoke.jpg

Edit: That's an IRL accent wave. I haven't the foggiest on Tessa's, tbqh.

Edited by Balcerzak
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@ Accents

Irina-none(mid western american)

Isotov-Mild Russian accent(speaks perfectly with no omitted articles)

Lev-Thick Russian(you've seen the info on that by now)

Ivan-Mild Russian

Ivanko-Militaristic(best example is Gunnery Sergeant Heartmen from FullMetalJacket)

Stephanie-none(she's whiny and a loud speaker though giving sermons will do that)

Viveka-none(though she doesn't need one really :/ )

Daneka-Thick French accent(she'll drop some "z"s in text)


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Whelp I'm off. In the mean time try not too:

Blow everything up (I know how hard this is for you)

Get anyone raped, maimed, slaughtered, or dead

Give Morgan a particuarly itchy sweater

Make sandwiches


And other things I could think of but don't want to.

Meanwhile I'll be thinking of my future (there, happy?) Swordmaster, and maybe Priest. Which reminds me, If I get him, I'm totally calling getting a Barrier staff. I'll be home Monday kinda late. Maybe 5-ish (it's like a 4 hour drive). Untill then, I'll keep stalking you. All of you. (But not Helios, cause his affinity sucks.)

I'm kinda wanting a German accent now too....but not really. It's leaning 50/50, but it'd be faint. I don't know, German is kinda weird. And I need to sprite her when I get home, but I'm thinking she looks kinda like Lucia with darker, paler hair and acts like Mia.... :mellow:

Edited by psychout50
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Same with Dani, Elysimian.

Derek's probably got more of a Haltonian accent.

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Kelas should not go with the chinese accent(Jackie Chan) ... that would be FAIL.


Forgot about him though since's he's an Assyrian, he should probably have a German accent anyway.

@ Psychout

Read my fanfic when you get the chance, man! Germans EVERYWHERE lol!! XD

Edited by Phoenix
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Final post, I swear. (Eh probably not) After I sprite her head GBA-style I can guilt, blackmail, seduce, etc. Phoenix into RD-style spriting her.

And I really don't want him to, but I'm getting the image that Priest man looks like Wrys. :( But I totally want him to be corrupt. Not evil, just not believe in the goddess.

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She hasn't got much of one. Difficult to explain; I know some of my friends have the degree of accent I'm talking about, but can't describe it >_<

Addition to list of Crazy Shit Kiryn Needs To Do In The RP: Create a character that talks like a Jaegermonster. (Read Girl Genius!)

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And I really don't want him to, but I'm getting the image that Priest man looks like Wrys. :( But I totally want him to be corrupt. Not evil, just not believe in the goddess.

Great, just what the story needs ... a Kenneth <_<

Anyway, sprite-wise I'm swamped at the moment. I've still got to get cracking on Helios, Chase, Dani(yeah the headmaster's secret apprentice Dani), and THEN I have to worry about new requests. What have I gotten myself into?

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Not sure what to say...

So, uh, it's just the bandit, the myrm, and the cleric going to take on the fortress? This will be fun...

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