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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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In case anyone's wondering, Derek knows a lot of generals in the Elysimian army. He was trained among some of them, a few years back.

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*Random thought brought on by Lev*

A silver sword seems like it'd be either an Iron-Silver or a Steel-Silver alloy, as not to be fully laughable. :mellow:

On that note, I see Lightning trying some sort of Conrad-BOOM, Chase-HEADSHOT joke in the near future.

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Esphyr just declared that she's heading out back right now. So yea... Feel free to talk to her.

Someone's just looking for an excuse to attack groins XD



I'm trying to set up scam lore

Here's how it works(look up the materials too if you want)

The smithers make a sword out of cheap materials, and some go so far as to give the weapons a higher concentration of a weaker material at a certain point so the weapons bend or even break under desired conditions. The claymore Lev broke was made of iron, with loads of copper pockets throughout, the highest concentration was at the center of the blade, hence, breakage(when metals aren't properly mixed or bonded they separate easier). To disguise sword composition, they will sometimes use folds of steel(one or two) to make it appear as if the entire weapon is made out of steel or whatever material they made the folds from.

The purpose of this scam is to save money, sell for much higher prices, and things like that, but some smithers are probably abused by mercs and bandits wanting to pressure them for goods and that could lead to them using this scam to get mercs and bandits killed. The smither's motives in this scam was to sell his cheaper materials for the price of the better ones.

Silver isn't really that great for swords anyway is it? :/

Edited by Phoenix
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Yeahhhh, I suck at arguing people. I end up using everyone people think are useless, babying them, and not giving a shit about turn counts. I'm not a very hardcore player.

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Next post I'll have Eric challenge Esphyr to a duel, or something, if noone interacts with her. >.>

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@ Gay

I think them being gay is going to get them killed ... by Lev.

@ EsphyrxLev

Oh damn! I thought they were destined enemies, but then again, Lev's showing us some new mercenary problems. They actually have a lot in common and could probably get along.

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