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1: Room one's bed won't stop squeaking and is annoying the entire inn

2: Room two's on fire help! Fire! (Why it's on fire.... I dunno, cause Iso's crazy, or the man of his dreams came upon him while he was sleeping.

3: Room three is boring

4: Crappy interaction set up, too many snikemen

5: Great, I get the dumb wind mage, battered guide, and pansy fortune teller.

Overall, I don't like the room set up at all, seems boring, and set to build supports. Not likey.

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@ Cynthia

Referring specifically to Katie absences, but point taken.

@ Psychout

Ummm ... this doesn't make a lot of sense overall :/

Your quote

Pary (his name, pronounced Par-ee) came upon a mysterious women,laying in her own blood, surrounded by a patch of burned grass. He managed to heal her wounds, but it was already too late. She managed to say one last thing before she slipped away. "Tell Iso...I'm sorry, and that I loved him" ( :awesome: ) He set to burying the body, and after, he traveled through some nearby woods. He came upon a person horribly disfigured by flames (Shanice, He hadn't changed forms into something else yet. :awesome: ) The being could sense his anger against the goddess, and knowing he could use it for his own powers, he bound his emotions, to the staff in his hand. The staff became warped, and disfigured, yet another one of his punishments for disobeying the goddess. He has since carried it with him, along with his other scarred memories of the goddess.

There are some issues that I've noticed.

*pastes from notepad*

How Miranda died

It wasn't long after that, when the assassins struck again. Iso wasn't a proficient mage at the time, and Miranda was bound by a magic seal the assassins brought with them especially for her. Iso's other fire tome wasn't strong enough to protect either of them. With both of them helpless, the assassins struck down Miranda. The seal on Iso's mind was shattered rather than being broken by ritual, so the effects were catastrophic. the bond between Iso and Proxima was violently reestablish, and Proxima began to explosively press outwards. Iso was possessed by its power and killed all but one of the assassins. None of his other friends survived the attack.

Ever since, Iso has been on the run, and his reluctance to be apart of any grouping, was firmly cemented with the death the woman he cared for so deeply.

This battle didn't actually take place outdoors(the only way Pary could just happen to notice anything without being killed right along with everyone else), though I neglected to mention it(the battle took place in an abandoned Cathedral). As for him finding her, I don't see how that's even possible since she died before Iso killed the demons(see shattered seal segment).

How Shanice killed her

One day after failing to capture Iso and kill the sage woman, they acquired a magic seal from their master to deal with both of them in one fell swoop. They could sense that Proxima was already sealed, so they made their move, quietly assassinated Iso's friends, and then struck down the sage to prevent anymore of her cunning trickery before moving on Iso. The seal around Iso's mind shattered violently and the book was left completely unstable as a result. Iso having been possessed by the tome's power immediately killed all of the demons with the exception of Shanice, who barely escaped.

To this day Shanice is still under orders to capture Iso, and at this point in time, all of the crimson weapon wielders. It cannot go back to its simple existence until it does.

Shanice was nearly deep fried, but had Shanice reached a point of being too injured to move/transform/etc after escaping from Iso (the fastest runner the group has currently) he would be in good enough condition to transform. As for transferring emotions ... Shanice is a demon and doesn't have that many of them(wrath, fear, lust, pride ... that's about it).

You'd have to check with Snowy on the plausibility of that.

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1-Damian, Aiya, Esphyr, Morgan

2-Katie, Irina, Isotov, Lev

3-Kelas, Arrin, Tessa

4-Charlotte, Snike's people

5-Alferos, Reika, Heinz

6-Cess, Helios, Chase, Vivek

Fixed! Eventually, it'll probably become this:

1-Damian, Aiya, Esphyr, Morgan

2-Katie, Irina, Isotov, Lev

3-Kelas, Arrin, Tessa, Chase, Viveka

4-Charlotte, Snike's people

5-Alferos, Reika, Heinz, Helios

6-Cess, Sword girl of mine, Priest of mine

@Phoenix Well he is a priest, so he might be in the catherdrial. And she might have regained conciousness just long enough.

Shanice, eh. That plot point can just stand alone.

Edited by psychout50
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I wanted to know for inevitable attack during night purposes, not talking purposes. Charlotte's already asleep anyway.

psychout's room setup at least allows Morgan to squash any threesomes.

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Going to work. Be back hopefully in 6 hours or so.

Crap, I was actually going to have Tessa find Dani, but I guess I'll just go to my party after I finish eating and then wait for you to come back while I sober up.

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Why the fuck. Would you ever. Put Helios and Chase in the same room. That ended in a knife threat last time they were in the same room.

I like the idea though, throw in Reika and Isotov, should be a blast XD

Suppose I should start planning things now that people are going to sleep :/

^^We know. The question is why would he consider it even if Helios didn't steal a room.

Shush Rein, he's in a room, by himself, there are things he wants to take care of.... alone!

And on our side, no one has to share the smelly room with him, double win, yes?

Edited by Kanami
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@Phoenix Well he is a priest, so he might be in the catherdrial. And she might have regained conciousness just long enough.

Shanice, eh. That plot point can just stand alone.

Not possible. Miranda died ... as in bled out. The seal wouldn't have shattered until after she was dead. As for him being in an abandoned Cathedral, it's sketchy only because someone should have noticed him if he wasn't hiding. If he was hiding, then Iso should have met him after the disaster. If he wasn't hiding, the assassins would have nailed him too.

It's not really meshing well :/

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@Phoenix Well she was inches from death. I think it's close enough. After the battle he went into the cathedrail so that takes care of that. Maybe passed Iso on his way out.

@Snowy Where? I don't see it.

Edited by psychout50
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*Wrench gun ready* :/

Though I suppose after having sealie seal in empty brain shattered, red haired fairy would have been too shocked to notice Pary, assassins and stuff would have noticed :/ Overall it seems like you're throwing crap together. Crap is crap no matter how much crappity crap you accumulate.

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@Phoenix Well she was inches from death. I think it's close enough. After the battle he went into the cathedrail so that takes care of that. Maybe passed Iso on his way out.

You ever see that scene from Titanic where Jack dies?



He was pretty much dead before she let him go. In this situation, she died, and then Iso went into a rage and started setting things on fire.

The only thing I never settled on was whether or not Iso burned down the entire cathedral. I never reached a decision because of the burial issue. Iso's not the kind to abandon the bodies of his loved ones, but there were a lot of them. Something I need to figure out sooner or later, but at the same time, there's no possible way that Miranda could come back long enough to tell anyone anything. That's what the final letter was for plot-wise.

@ Passing Iso on the way out

It's not as if Iso would just casually stroll out of a Cathedral and pass by a cleric, and not have something significant happen.

@ Ether

Sorry I haven't been back to the RP thread yet. Trying to sort this out.

Edited by Phoenix
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Not exactly sure who you healed with Char, you said "thief man" was the Ketchup or Alf? Both were looking for a healer, both were walking towards the inn and Heinz is the profession thief, while Alf is the plot thief. I think they're both men, not sure on that one.

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