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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Did Cynthia do some sort of "Oh captain, my captian" reference there? :unsure:

Yes that was intentional. Expect more references to come!

@Phoenix I always thought a good sequel to Titanic would be Titanic 2: Does Your Heart Go On When You're a Zombie?

@Nady I kinda meant Heinz, but it doesn't actually matter.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@Phoenix She came back to life! :awesome:

They could have gone through different entrances.

Priest, not cleric. <_<

And I've never seen the whole Titanic movie. :mellow:

@Cythia Have you seen those Jane Austen book rewrites? It's like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Sense and Sensebility and Seamonsters, and Jane Slayer (like Jane Aiyre with vampires).

Edited by psychout50
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@ Cynthia

Oh God! Well ... good thing Jack was probably at crush depth huh? Zombies are horrible lovers.

Speaking of zombies, what do you think of this MirandaxCleric guy resurrection to burial thing?

@ Psychout

See above^


This isn't meshing all that well no matter how you look at it :/

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If we've got Conrad now, and appearently they have good seafood, I'm assuming we're near the coast..., it's party time! (And by party, I mean island) :newyears:

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We don't have Conrad, we bumped into him and he apparently has to go to his dad's funeral. For convenience purposes I'll assume Morgan was not there.

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If we've got Conrad now, and appearently they have good seafood, I'm assuming we're near the coast..., it's party time! (And by party, I mean island) :newyears:

You and your Islands.The group has no reason to leave Halton yet,aside from Cess and Reika.

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Silver= plot money because nobody ever made that clear...

also I need to add 5 gold for Chase from ToD ^_^

EDIT: What are the rooms again?

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