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Even so, it doesn't seem sufficient for the C level support, given all the interactions we've had so far. If Isotov/Katie counts as a C, Morgan at least has Esphyr C Chase C Tessa B or something. Basically, calling that a C support ovverrides previously established guidelines by Snowy about supports, I'm really surprised this was approved. If getting supports is this easy, lots of stuff is going to have to be retconned in for the sake of fairness.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Yeah, I want a C support with Morgan seeing as we're both going to need that saving roll... or at least she would if she had luck, but still.

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Meh I think the support system seems enitely aribtrary atm. Isotov and Katie didn't really interact significantly more than a lot of other characters thus far, but they got a boost and no one else did. Sure it looks like a Fire Emblem support convo, but by that logic Morgan has C's with *a lot* of characters. When I suggested making a support system, I didn't really mean for people to force quick and dirty friendships for the point of stat boosts.

Use the dice tracking system. Way too many crits by players, never missing, and enemies miss all the time and never crit.

"Quick and dirty friendships" XD

Well, I don't really see supports being anything short of that though, genuine character relations don't seem to last anyway, as they switch from "friendly" to "Wants to strangle" in a blink of the eye, only supports that have lasted are the ones shared between characters with the same RP'ers.

If you want to talk about quick supports, no one complained over Daimian/Aiya, and the reasoning was they were in a relationship? Many characters (Eg Marcus-Roy) were probably loyal to eachother and chances are Marcus had watched Roy grow up, doesn't mean he gets an auto C/B same with siblings.

Just for reference when I whine to Snowy though

Is anyone actually Against using InvisibleCastle to track their dice rolls?

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I'm not. And, Bad luck is an understatement at this point for my character.

Watch my guy walk in and get owned instantly. Like, the second soldier attacks first, and I get this: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2509840/

Note: This was before I saw the acc post.

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"Quick and dirty friendships" XD

Well, I don't really see supports being anything short of that though, genuine character relations don't seem to last anyway, as they switch from "friendly" to "Wants to strangle" in a blink of the eye, only supports that have lasted are the ones shared between characters with the same RP'ers.

If you want to talk about quick supports, no one complained over Daimian/Aiya, and the reasoning was they were in a relationship? Many characters (Eg Marcus-Roy) were probably loyal to eachother and chances are Marcus had watched Roy grow up, doesn't mean he gets an auto C/B same with siblings.

Just for reference when I whine to Snowy though

Is anyone actually Against using InvisibleCastle to track their dice rolls?

I'm not, but I'll probably forget about it... that's my only problem.

I'm actually trying to build friendships that last for my supports, instead of just quick "okay let's be friends for battles only" supports.

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Even so, it doesn't seem sufficient for the C level support, given all the interactions we've had so far. If Isotov/Katie counts as a C, Morgan at least has Esphyr C Chase C Tessa B or something. Basically, calling that a C support ovverrides previously established guidelines by Snowy about supports, I'm really surprised this was approved. If getting supports is this easy, lots of stuff is going to have to be retconned in for the sake of fairness.

Like I said, I always go through Snowy before I do anything, and he was alright with a C level Support. I suggest you all do the same if you're so interested ^_^

As for the second wyvern, I think I did the stats right, WTD and Crimson sap applied, and that KO'd Iso, but we did the necessary fifteen damage to take him out. *sigh* That's it for me though, thanks. One opponent per battle is just fine. Too many corrections to make :facepalm:

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1 opponent per battle is all I can survive... If I was really unlucky I could've got OHKO'd. My def really sucks that badly.

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May I state the obvious and say that this battle is Chaos?

Doesn't seem like people know what they're doing, hell it was more organized in chapter 1 XD

For the people against Katie/Isotov

What system would you suggest then?

At the moment it's just ask "Wan't a support?" and if yes then things are done right?

If that's not good enough, what do you suggest? A panel of judges?

(I'm not against putting something in place, but saying "you can't do that" isn't really doing anything)

EDIT: For one thing though, I'm against Mark getting a support with anyone, maybe Helios, but anyone else is ridiculous

Edited by Nadesico
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Anyone else besides Irina and Helios Wind attributes?

Mark is Dark BTW

Katie ;)

@ Nady and objectors

You guys do realize that I actually talked with Snowy about this right? I think the idea of how to get supports is being generalized a bit too much right now. Instead of setting weird bench marks like in video games, why not use Lacuna's chart instead? If a character likes someone enough, a support should be possible with them then and there.

Example: Ivan, the wyvern rider NPC has a crush on Morgan. If he were, here, they should qualify for a C level Support, preferrably after at least a couple of conversations.

The reason I went ahead and rushed the Katie/Isotov thing is because I couldn't get her alone to talk to her because everyone else keeps dragging our characters into arguments for no plot related reasons. We won't be able to meet support standards if that keeps happening and the only fix is to lower the standards.

Edited by Phoenix
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Is it just me? I thought that some limit of you can only engage in one round of combat was being applied, but now both Reinfleche and Phoenix have both attacked their foes twice, each without any intervening posts of other action?

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It says it's okay as long as you aren't doing anything your character couldn't realistically handle. I think Chase can handle 1 wyvern rider easily, and I didn't even factor in effective bonus there.

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For one thing though, I'm against Mark getting a support with anyone, maybe Helios, but anyone else is ridiculous

But he is the pseudo tank, he will need it :(

I would pm for supports someone but self consciousness takes over

Yeah i am going to regret saying that later :mellow:

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Is it just me? I thought that some limit of you can only engage in one round of combat was being applied, but now both Reinfleche and Phoenix have both attacked their foes twice, each without any intervening posts of other action?

If Snowy puts a restriction on, then that'll be the end of it. Until then, I've got to at least try to have my characters do some decent damage.

There'll probably come a time where he implements an enemy phase. That would force us to wait for the specific enemy attacked to move. That's fine I guess, but he has to implement it first.

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1 opponent per battle is all I can survive... If I was really unlucky I could've got OHKO'd. My def really sucks that badly.

You don't say...

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This is my last post, just in case the next page thing bugs people.

@ Nady and objectors

You guys do realize that I actually talked with Snowy about this right? I think the idea of how to get supports is being generalized a bit too much right now. Instead of setting weird bench marks like in video games, why not use Lacuna's chart instead? If a character likes someone enough, a support should be possible with them then and there.

Example: Ivan, the wyvern rider NPC has a crush on Morgan. If he were, here, they should qualify for a C level Support, preferrably after at least a couple of conversations.

The reason I went ahead and rushed the Katie/Isotov thing is because I couldn't get her alone to talk to her because everyone else keeps dragging our characters into arguments for no plot related reasons. We won't be able to meet support standards if that keeps happening and the only fix is to lower the standards.

This still stands. It is down right impossible to form enough support prerequisites in a group that is constantly fighting, pulling and tugging, and just all around feuding on a consistent basis.

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:facepalm: Reminds me why I left this RP in the first place, I love arguing but this is.... irritating.

Though I do love this smiley now :facepalm:

Yes, there's a way to get rid of me!


@Phoenix: I love how I always get a special mention in your OoC posts XD

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:facepalm: Reminds me why I left this RP in the first place, I love arguing but this is.... irritating.

Though I do love this smiley now :facepalm:

Yes, there's a way to get rid of me!

I don't really mind having you around. I just wish you were on my side once in awhile :unsure:


@ Nady ooc bit


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For the people against Katie/Isotov

What system would you suggest then?

At the moment it's just ask "Wan't a support?" and if yes then things are done right?

If that's not good enough, what do you suggest? A panel of judges?

(I'm not against putting something in place, but saying "you can't do that" isn't really doing anything)

Suggested system: Characters interact until GM deems things appropriate, and give the OK.

@ Nady and objectors

You guys do realize that I actually talked with Snowy about this right? I think the idea of how to get supports is being generalized a bit too much right now. Instead of setting weird bench marks like in video games, why not use Lacuna's chart instead? If a character likes someone enough, a support should be possible with them then and there.

Example: Ivan, the wyvern rider NPC has a crush on Morgan. If he were, here, they should qualify for a C level Support, preferrably after at least a couple of conversations.

The reason I went ahead and rushed the Katie/Isotov thing is because I couldn't get her alone to talk to her because everyone else keeps dragging our characters into arguments for no plot related reasons. We won't be able to meet support standards if that keeps happening and the only fix is to lower the standards.

lolwhut? Just because you couldn't get some spare time alone yet is no justification for rushing. Why the hurry? This is an extended story. People don't get supports in same chapter they join, or even the next one, without ludicrous abuse or there names are Pent/Louise.

As far as I knew no, there wasn't any restriction, I recall an army being wiped out in 3 hours or so by 3~4 Rp'ers before, (think chapter 2 against bandits)

Hmmm. Oh, okay, I must have just been confused by this, and must thoroughly admit to seconding the motion.

As for leaving enemies, how about making a rule to wait at least 3 more battle posts before being able to attack again? (twin characters eg Damian/Aiya count as one battle post, not two)

"Please don't kill them all" is a pretty weak system XD

It says it's okay as long as you aren't doing anything your character couldn't realistically handle. I think Chase can handle 1 wyvern rider easily, and I didn't even factor in effective bonus there.

It's not about what you think your character could handle, it's about hogging the spotlight, the fact that not everyone will always be online at the same time, and the fact that XP seems to be heavily tilted in favor of combat contributions only. Furthermore, basing on Fire Emblem, there's one round of player phase, then an enemy phase, then a next round of player phase. Just having endless hordes of player phases is quite ridiculous. Especially if you're even doing it all in the same post!

Finally, bows don't have effective damage...

If Snowy puts a restriction on, then that'll be the end of it. Until then, I've got to at least try to have my characters do some decent damage.

There'll probably come a time where he implements an enemy phase. That would force us to wait for the specific enemy attacked to move. That's fine I guess, but he has to implement it first.

See the thing is... Oh nevermind, I must be the only one who thinks this.

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... So I'm basically not getting an A/S support? Dammit...

^It's in the rules, though... I think I can handle 1 fighter, so that's all I'm fighting. Also that was my first battle so far (there were none in Ch. 3 and no more after I joined in Ch. 2).

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