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This is actually likely to cause tension between Morgan and Aiya as well,actually.

"Why the fuck would you not pay her enough to feed Kiev?!?!?!?!"


"Wyvern Cruelty speech/Mercenary mistreatment Speech/etc"

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Back, and not sure what to do XD

Not much happening once people start dropping off to sleep, and I see Snowy's run off again XD

Should I bother sticking around or am I okay for a few hours of sleep? :/

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Where is ol' Nicky anyway? :(

@Kanami The backstory helps a little to flush things out. I'd come up with other things (maybe discover long lost sibling?) later in the story, I just wanted a relative foundation to build off of.

Edited by psychout50
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Seems like a very shaky foundation, if it can even be called that. I don't know how long ago Miranda died, but Pary's looking for Iso, with just those three letters? I'd understand if you were looking for say.. Damian or Conrad, even Chase, Viveka, Irina etc But finding Isotov is a task that Ivanko couldn't managed (mind you, he probably didn't try very hard).

I don't recall Elysimma finding out the groups name, so recruitment would have to be another "pop out of nowhere" "Hey I'm bored I'll join" type scenes.

That and I don't see how finding Isotov connects to finding the goddess, unless Iso's secretly Irina's sister :/

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Well, you see, it's 7AM :/ If I go to sleep now, I'll probably be out for a good 6 hours, which is about the time everyone here logs off XD

So I'm reluctant to head off to sleep, if something's going to happen :/

That, and I still haven't finished these damn papers~ :sob:

And crap I double posted, Speed's going to chew me out again >_<

Edited by Kanami
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@Kanami Finding the goddess and finding Iso are two different objectives. He basically wants to find the living breathing form of the goddess, and give her a peice of his mind.

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^Didn't realize it was that soon. Whole Katie thing makes more sense now, designated rebound girl.

Silly Nady, just hand in blank bits of paper. Paperwork is so boring no one bothers to check it.

Not sure what's actually going to happen. Probably more talking about hungry Kiev and eventually characters will go to bed. Then "Captain Travis, he's a hero! Taking number of clerics in the party down to zero!"

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Okay... separate objectives :/ Making me what the relevance of Iso's existence is. Pary ain't female, and he probably won't feed Iso, Ixions the gay one not Isotov, so you already fail in his interests of mating and feeding. (Pretty sure there was another category, but I can't remember what it was).

In other words, he won't interact with you XD

@Phoenix, three letters or one word, "Iso" isn't much to go on, it's like looking around Europe for some guy called "Jo" :/ Though the name Isotov might be more Zafta/Halton origined :/

I don't really care if it gets accepted or not, it just seems like a really foolish base to work off.

Honestly though, no more bloody characters, please >_< We have enough <_<

Edited by Kanami
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^Didn't realize it was that soon. Whole Katie thing makes more sense now, designated rebound girl.

Dammit, Cynthia! >_<

@ Pyschout

Seriously, what's this about letters. Quote me your changes to the backstory.

@ Miranda

It is official canon that:

She died right in front of Iso(heart stops, breathing stops, blood runs, Shanice laughs, etc)

It happened four months ago

She died inside the cathedral in the middle of the night

Iso cried


@ Cuddles

Oh that's the letters thing. Okay, thanks.

Edited by Phoenix
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Letters = Alphabetical integers. Not the paper mail stuff :/ I'm the one that mentioned it, not sure why you're asking Psych.

I'm going to try and focus on these "blank" bits of paper that are going to get read. If I go inactive, I've even fallen asleep infront of the computer, or have become immersed in the wonderful world of paper work XD

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