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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Too tired to actually post properly and make sense, so I'll do that later. Psych jacked ugly dragon thing? Great. One good night of sleep is probably needed, unless you either want half the party to be KO'ed again or these Travis bandits are actually incredibly weak. Depends how many there are of them too. If you spring two enemies on us in one night, I'd say you guys are just being ridiculous and stupid, and have Heinz's scroll instantaneously reach the anti-Crimson group as well.

I probably seem a bit grouchy, as I'm a bit too tired to actually think well. But yeah, please make this make sense.

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He wrote off on the plot device, as well as saying the women in the shop was Helenos. :mellow: I'd assume he'd be fine with this as well.

@Phoenix :awesome: I'm a new type of messer upper.

You have no idea how bad I want to spell your name Pheo.

He explicitly said the shop woman was NOT Helenos.

She can, but that shopkeeper isn't her for certain. Helenos already had her chance and did all she wanted for the time being.

What the hell are you doing Psych.

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It's not that she doesn't want to fight Lev, it's that she doesn't want all of Ivanko's mercenaries to come. Though I still doubt she would care.

Demons not coming tonight. Travis and the Traviteers might, but not sure yet. Plus, only like 4 characters have gone to bed yet.

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@Phoenix SHe's not afraid of Lev, she's afraid of Ivanko and his forces. Major difference.

@Bal :awesome:

AND HE SAID CERTAIN. There's a chance it still could have been her/she used a minion.

Edited by psychout50
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@Bal :awesome:

What the hell?

You do not take over someone's major NPCs or PCs without permission. Seriously. You're acting like a loose cannon, and if you keep this up, I don't see why anything you post shouldn't be outright ignored.

Maybe I'm just cranky and drunk right now, but what the hell. This isn't something you can just awesomeface away. :/

Edit: RE your Edit.

I've been in contact with Snowy. I know just what Helenos is up to, and it's none of your shenanigans, unless he suddenly changed things.

Edited by Balcerzak
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It was edited. Read my edits. 50% of what I post are edits.

He signed off on the plot things, and what they do. Just a little cementment.

Edited by psychout50
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@Bal I haven't done anything horribly RP breaking, hell, Snowy might applaud me for proving we're against a common enemy. I assumed, and appearently I'm not allowed to.

I'm going to bed. I haven't left anything in nuclear meltdown mode. It'll be good till morning/when Snowy gets on. <_<

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Yeah I wouldn't take important NPCs or make important decisions for other people's PCs in the future without permission.

That being said, since you did get approval for the cursed item idea, this is probably salvagable maybe.

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^^^Reinforcing my confidence that I am not the most terrible person...

Certain people might do well to note that if they've gotten a "WTF are you doing" from several members of the RP, some of whom are the more rational ones, that they might be doing something wrong. (This disclamer does not apply to Nadeisco because we all ask her that at any given time, and it usually changes nothing.)

Aaaaand now I'm off to church, so I can't continue to go "WTF are you doing". Might be back for short bit after, but then I have work. Sigh.

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@ Cynthia

Iso hasn't had an orgasm in four months. :(

Helios hasn't ever had one. XD

Bad dreams are more like being tickled by Freddy from Nightmare on Elm's street. ... it kinda hurts and you can't really escape right away.

@ Kiryn

We don't really get fires all that often. Well in the rp universe they're a lot closer together, but at least it's not in every chapter.

Edited by Phoenix
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