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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I don't mind allowing multiple B-level supports. However, I will only allow one A/S level. Namely because those are the 'super-serious' relationships.

So could it end up looking like this?

SOMEONE S (What the hell is this? Marriage? Blood brothers?)





??? :unsure:

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I don't really mind having you around. I just wish you were on my side once in awhile :unsure:

Blame Kai, I was done with fire attacks, until he mentioned in OoC something along the lines of

"I thought we were done with fire now that Nadesico's gone"

So I figured I'd throw in more fire, and... well Proxima Isotov was close at hand XD

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So could it end up looking like this?

SOMEONE S (What the hell is this? Marriage? Blood brothers?)





??? :unsure:

Maybe there should be a limit on the # of supports. Like, 3 max.

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The problem with now being able to just quickly write support convos and gain supports is that it makes all character interactions before this point completely moot. Sure Balcerzak and I could write a convo between Morgan and Tessa--or we could just copypasta all the interactions we've had so far and have way more interaction than Isotov and Katie ever did.

Basically, your system may have been fine had it been introduced at the beginning of the RP, but I don't think this is something you can just arbitrarily decide to at this point in time because you want certain supports. So other people were interacting with you, you can choose to ignore them or simply deal with the fact that your characters won't talk to everyone you want them to. To force interactions in such a way feels really unnatural to me.

Sure we feud, but not even Morgan feuds with everyone. Sometimes she discusses philosophy, other people talk about their backgrounds etc. These are the outlines of a friendship, or a C level support.

I think a committee would at least be a better idea than "We had a conversation we're bff's now", since we've already had so many friendly conversations that we could all declare a number of supports.

I let the pre-existing supports slide, ebcause they reasonably already have a friendship developed. They're terrible for balance though. Having two characters is strong enough, but now they're both better because you decided to make siblings/lovers/etc.? I don't really want to have to manufacture Morgan a buddy just to play catch-up.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I think a committee would at least be a better idea than "We had a conversation we're bff's now", since we've already had so many friendly conversations that we could all declare a nuber of supports.

I can't, well maybe Morgan since she pulled me out of the inn, but other then that I can't really think of any neutral/positive interactions Kamilla's had until now. As for Reika.... well I'm sure she explains herself XD

Chaos, chaos, chaos XD

It's times like this that I really pity Snowy's position XD

If it were me I'd probably say "screw it" and throw the RP away, or maybe just the stat system, but the latter leads to its own problemsxD

EDIT: Forgot to add, I agree with your point Cynthia, well except for the last one, but that's probably exclusive to my characters XD

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That's because Kamilla's new to the party. Looking back on the chapters, you can probably give Esphyr like 6 C supports and 2 B's if Isotov/Katie was enough for a C.

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@ Cynthia

Does it really matter that your characters have talked more? I've played games (FE) where the characters can support with one person or another, but I didn't because I was saving them for someone else. Like Lyn and Hector instead of Lyn and Eliwood. Having more chat time doesn't really change anything. I don't think Morgan's talks are a valid point against the Katie/Iso support convo

My suggested system is this. Plan things out with the person by pming them your thoughts on the relationships. Make sure Lacuna has the chart updated frequently, and if Snowy feels a support is appropriate, which he did in our case, then go for it. It's simple, and there's no politics.

@ Commitee suggestion. I'm more of an Imperial Military nutjob, so I'm still in full support of Snowy's totalitarian rule of the entire rp :D

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Does it really matter that your characters have talked more? I've played games (FE) where the characters can support with one person or another, but I didn't because I was saving them for someone else. Like Lyn and Hector instead of Lyn and Eliwood. Having more chat time doesn't really change anything. I don't think Morgan's talks are a valid point against the Katie/Iso support convo

Talking more gives more time for a relationship to develop and also gives a stronger relationship. Supporting someone is all about having a stronger relationship with them. My point is that stronger relationships have already developed before you started inserting support conversations out of nowhere that appear to create stronger friendships than actually exist.

"Saving" doesn't really occur here, since we could theoretically have a support convo with every character if we wanted to.

My suggested system is this. Plan things out with the person by pming them your thoughts on the relationships. Make sure Lacuna has the chart updated frequently, and if Snowy feels a support is appropriate, which he did in our case, then go for it. It's simple, and there's no politics.

I'm not sure if I like a totalitarian rule of the RP, RPs are very group oriented. I feel Snowy's standards for supports were initially rather stringent, which I accepted, but now they have have inexplicably become rather lax, so I'm kind of left feeling his opinion on supports is arbitrary.

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I ment more like 'Support S, Support B, Support B, Support B ECT'. I do think there should be a 'limit' on it, but not a numerical one. Rather, when someone is clearly just stockpiling it, we say 'no'.

I'm fine with supports going either way. Either with a convo worked out between RPers or it being slowly built up. Though, I do think we need to settle one thing now. If we were to go with it being slowly built up; who would have supports now/soon after?

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It's all Snike's fault, his bad luck is causing this!

So many issues XD

-Battle dice rolls (Tracker site)

-Battle number of attacks that can be made

-Support conversations and what level of interaction.

-Number of supports

-Support conversation execution (PM usage)

-Snowys authority XD

In regards to totalitarian rule, if Snowy wants to run it that way I suppose everyone has no choice but to obey, but a totalitarian rule by him also means more work for him, and.... well with him feeling unwell so often, I'm not sure it's the right way to go.

Yesh! First post on page!

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Talking more gives more time for a relationship to develop and also gives a stronger relationship. Supporting someone is all about having a stronger relationship with them. My point is that stronger relationships have already developed before you started inserting support conversations out of nowhere that appear to create stronger friendships than actually exist.

"Saving" doesn't really occur here, since we could theoretically have a support convo with every character if we wanted to.

I'm not sure if I like a totalitarian rule of the RP, RPs are very group oriented. I feel Snowy's standards for supports were initially rather stringent, which I accepted, but now they have have inexplicably become rather lax, so I'm kind of left feeling his opinion on supports is arbitrary.

#1 It's only level C. Most FE character don't even care about each other as a whole until level B. Once again, I don't see the problem here. I know the convo seemed to come to fast given their relationship, but in most cases, the support convo is simply a second or third meeting anyway. The support convo posts won't be very frequent anyway.

#2 My point was to mention that you can have enough support points to have a convo, and hold off til later. If Morgan's going to get a bunch of B supports, then just spread them out over the next few chapters. It's like everyone thinks I'm going to do a B support with Katie by the end of this chapter, and I can tell you right now, that that's not true. I fully planned to wait at least a minumum of three whole chapters, or four or five decent conversations before continuing on. For some reason, that's no good enough -_-

#3 I don't think Snowy anticipated the amount of FAIL our group has demonstrated in regards to cooperation.

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Eh? I'm trying my best to not be totalitarian. I.E. just another RPer... just one with the authority.

You're not, a totalitarian rule would have kicked me out as soon as I made Isotov start that fire.

I was just commenting on the group evaluation vs Whatever Snowy says which is what Cynthia and Phoenix seem to be warring about I planted the seeds though XD



Though I can't help but ask, is there something wrong with you? (I'm not complaining or accusing here, let me make that clear) You seem to be constantly ill, and you always specify the reason vaguely, sometimes even saying you "don't know" what's wrong with yourself. Passing out, coupled with constantly sick makes me think there's something wrong with your body. Seen a doctor about it? Cause it doesn't sound like pure stress/fatigue to me.

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You're not, a totalitarian rule would have kicked me out as soon as I made Isotov start that fire.

I was just commenting on the group evaluation vs Whatever Snowy says which is what Cynthia and Phoenix seem to be warring about I planted the seeds though XD

Warring? What war? If this was a war with Cynthia, I'd have brought Kamovs.

By totalitarian I was just exaggerating the "final say" rule of the rp. That's all -_-

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As far as I know, what's happening is that the stress from college is causing my body to short out and for me to pass out. It is not fun at all and, next time it happens, I'll suck up the medical bill and go in to the doctor. Sadly, the local hospital doesn't have any cute nurses though. T.T

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As far as I know, what's happening is that the stress from college is causing my body to short out and for me to pass out. It is not fun at all and, next time it happens, I'll suck up the medical bill and go in to the doctor. Sadly, the local hospital doesn't have any cute nurses though. T.T

I hear ya. I don't even have insurance right now so ... *puts down serrated blade used for various things* Safety first.

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#1 It's only level C. Most FE character don't even care about each other as a whole until level B. Once again, I don't see the problem here. I know the convo seemed to come to fast given their relationship, but in most cases, the support convo is simply a second or third meeting anyway. The support convo posts won't be very frequent anyway.

I think C supports work differently here than in FE normally, they seem to mean a lot more. Many C supporters in FE are just barely getting to know each other, the wording here implies 'already friends' IMO.

#2 My point was to mention that you can have enough support points to have a convo, and hold off til later. If Morgan's going to get a bunch of B supports, then just spread them out over the next few chapters. It's like everyone thinks I'm going to do a B support with Katie by the end of this chapter, and I can tell you right now, that that's not true. I fully planned to wait at least a minumum of three whole chapters, or four or five decent conversations before continuing on. For some reason, that's no good enough -_-

I think the relationship just progresses as you talk to each other having specific 'support conversations' seems very unnatural. I'm not sure how you can 'hold off' on a friendship. I guess my problem though, is deciding when a relationship hits a particular level.

I don't think Snowy's totalitarian either, but Phoenix seems to want him to decide everything.

Also, why can't people just use Invisible Castle? It's really easy, and it makes one's excessive amounts of crits actually verifiable.

Don't be an attack hog. Attack once per combat (if you have multiple characters, they can each attack during your post). Don't attack again until at least over half the available combatants go, or if it's taking a really long time.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Warring? What war? If this was a war with Cynthia, I'd have brought Kamovs.

*Holds gun to Phoenix's head*

Start warring then or I'll start warring with you :angry:

Sadly, the local hospital doesn't have any cute nurses though. T.T

You're fine as long as you can make comments like that XD

@Cynthia + Birdy the Mighty Decode

Hmm, just an idea, but maybe it might be a good idea to go through one issue at a time?

Whether you're getting Snowy to decide or not, I doubt he can understand what's going on with so many issues being thrown around. I sure as hell can't keep up anymore.

I'd say IC (InvisibleCastle) is the first issue you'd want to clear.

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I think C supports work differently here than in FE normally, they seem to mean a lot more. Many C supporters in FE are just barely getting to know each other, the wording here implies 'already friends' IMO.

I think the relationship just progresses as you talk to each other having specific 'support conversations' seems very unnatural. I'm not sure how you can 'hold off' on a friendship.

I don't think Snowy's totalitarian either, but Phoenix seems to want him to decide everything.

Also, why can't people just use Invisible Castle? It's really easy, and it makes one's excessive amounts of crits actually verifiable.

Don't be an attack hog. Attack once per combat (if you have multiple characters, they can each attack during your post). Don't attack again until at least over half the available combatants go, or if it's taking a really long time.

@ Supports

So this is such a big deal, that the Katie/Iso convo should be deleted/pushed back nine chapters until Morgan's convos catch up? Or can we just move passed this incident and do better in the future? :huh:

@ Snowy rule

It's not that I want Snowy to go Palpatine on us. Since he's overworked I also don't mean to put more in his lap. I just want all of our disagreements to be superceded by his final ruling. That's not even really work in the general sense unless something has to be written up. That makes things easier on all of us. Snowy says we do this, we do it. No votes or committees to slow things down.

@ Invisible Castle

If Snowy says do it, I'll do it. If not, I'm sticking with the current thing.

@ Attack hog

Fine ... -_-

@ Nady

No war. There's enough of that in the rp. Let's keep it there.

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Well... If you and Cynthia were there in nurse uniforms, I would be happy... Or any female at all who didn't look like a haggard shell or 70+. Sadly, I only get male nurses. T.T

Anywho, I DO want people to run things by me, mainly because if you don't, you can run the risk of doing something that wouldn't/shouldn't have happened like claiming to have been engaged to Katie or having some wild thing happening that makes no sense given the world. Alternatively, I can offer advise on how to improve it and engrain it into the world. But so long as you're not doing something crazy, you can expect me to approve.

Edit: I have no problem using the site, but it won't load for me for some odd reason.

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#1 It's only level C. Most FE character don't even care about each other as a whole until level B. Once again, I don't see the problem here. I know the convo seemed to come to fast given their relationship, but in most cases, the support convo is simply a second or third meeting anyway. The support convo posts won't be very frequent anyway.

#2 My point was to mention that you can have enough support points to have a convo, and hold off til later. If Morgan's going to get a bunch of B supports, then just spread them out over the next few chapters. It's like everyone thinks I'm going to do a B support with Katie by the end of this chapter, and I can tell you right now, that that's not true. I fully planned to wait at least a minumum of three whole chapters, or four or five decent conversations before continuing on. For some reason, that's no good enough -_-

#3 I don't think Snowy anticipated the amount of FAIL our group has demonstrated in regards to cooperation.

1) I counter with Slippery Slope. "It's only level C" is an incredibly weak defense, and shouldn't be allowed to fly. The fact that the _text_ of C conversations in games tends to be fairly introductory is a limit imposed by the format of the games. C level is the first level, and so the conversation has to reflect this. Barring recruitment or some other plot critical interaction between the two characters, it will be the first time they interact, and the conversation has to reflect that. Even so, mechanics-wise it still requires substantial investment in order to build the support.

2) You've not given us any reason to assume otherwise. In-game, supports tend to progress linearly with very few exceptions (e.g. Lyn/Florina). A very quick first support tends to imply a very quick second support, etc. etc. How could you reasonably expect us to assume you're not just going to blitz all down the line, especially after nabbing in very quick succession two supports already (Iri/Iso, Iso/Kat) with the involved parties not even existing until various points in chapter 3.

3) I think you seriously overestimate the amount of "FAIL", and even if there are chronic arguments, disagreements, etc. That by no way precludes bonding. Saul/Dorothy anyone? Any pair of rivals, ever. Supports, disagreements are vital ingredients for learning to see where the other person's coming from, what makes them tick. The fact that we don't always agree or have the same priorities, by no means stops things flat in their tracks.

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Anywho, what do the support possibilities look like now?

Esphyr could easily do something with Morgan for sure. Not terribly positive beyond that. Possibly something with Daiman, but nothing definate.

Katie could go with Iso easily. She already has him wrapped around her finger with her sandwiches! :awesome:

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@ Supports

So this is such a big deal, that the Katie/Iso convo should be deleted/pushed back nine chapters until Morgan's convos catch up? Or can we just move passed this incident and do better in the future? :huh:

This isn't so much about Morgan or anybody else gaining supports, so much as the inconsistency that your support causes.

I'm not so upset with the conversation itself existing (though I do find it forced, I really prefer things to go more naturally along with the plot) as by the implication that Isotov/Katie somehow have a deeper bond than anyone other than Damian/Aiya or Isotov/Irina at this point in time.. I think all relationships should be examined if they meet the requirements for friend (beyond acquaintance, not best friend or anything), by whom is another matter I guess.

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Anywho, what do the support possibilities look like now?

Esphyr could easily do something with Morgan for sure. Not terribly positive beyond that. Possibly something with Daiman, but nothing definate.

Katie could go with Iso easily. She already has him wrapped around her finger with her sandwiches! :awesome:

So Iso's going to be her man-servant, then?

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