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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Katie and Danielle don't seem like they would mind much to me, they're pretty...loose.

Morgan probably wouldn't be bothered, except for the fact that she thinks he might have syphilis or something. Though why Damian would be telling her this is another matter entirely.

Charlotte would be completely grossed out, Tessa as well I imagine.

Ladies' Men are popular in this RP. Damian for the PCs, Lev for the NPCs, and Shanice and Travis for the enemies.

STD's weren't really a concern until,what,100 years ago IRL.I'd imagine people wouldn't even know of them in the time period of the RP,and even if they did,with healing magic,they could be cured easily enough.

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So far he's only impersonated the Ladies' Men though.

Lolol guess who we forgot when talking about women. Kelas doesn't come off as slutty. Irina does.

Eh, some STDs have been around longer than others. AIDS is new, but syphilis has been around a few hundered years at least.

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Damian has HIV

At the rate this is going Aiya's either being oblivious or is as dumb as a rock.

Damian stopped when she was about 14,Y'know...She does know he had flings when he was younger,but it's in the past,and she doesn't really care.

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STD's weren't really a concern until,what,100 years ago IRL.

False. Shakespeare was making jokes about 'em. And IRL, there wasn't as much sexual freedom as FE seems to have. ....So yeah.

with healing magic,they could be cured easily enough.

Valid, I suppose. The other occasional side-effect of sex, on the other hand...

@Cynthia: (Do I really have to make the Kelas is a dude joke again? It's getting old even to me...)

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Yeah I feel bad for forgetting her sometimes :/


He stopped banging numerous girls at the ripe old age of 14? :huh:

OH! Aiya was 14 never mind.


I think Damian seriously just limited himself, luckily none of the women in this party are particularly great catches. Even Viveka has some issues that would get the man she's involved with killed.

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The other side effect is the reason troubadours are allowed to use swords. Don't choose Tessa for this though, with her 1 Skl it's bound to go poorly.

*wants to make a character who's Damian's illegitimate child*

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Damian stopped when she was about 14,Y'know...She does know he had flings when he was younger,but it's in the past,and she doesn't really care.


There is a contradiction in this statement your honor!

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The other side effect is the reason troubadours are allowed to use swords. Don't choose Tessa for this though, with her 1 Skl it's bound to go poorly.

*wants to make a character who's Damian's illegitimate child*

Hey. It's 2 skill now. She's learning.

(Also, I sort of don't get the joke, and I feel bad because of this. I'm hoping it's just a stupid moment, but I can't figure out a swords/pregnancy connection at all.)

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I actually have precedent for the magical abortion story. I was DMing and one of player's got knocked up. She decided to give herself an abortion.

Her: I'm using Ray of Frost against my own fetus

Someone else: Can't you just use Magic Missle so you don't miss?

Her: I'm not wasting a 1st level spell slot on this thing

Me: Ok, make a ranged touch attack

Her: *miss*

Her: Can I try again?

Me: Sure

Her *misses 4 more times*

Her: How does much touch AC does that goddamn fetus have?

Me: A lot. It has cover and concealment from your own uterus

Her: Damn you. I use Magic Missle

Me: Fetus aborted. 1 Exp gained.

Damian explained Role Playing in an RP. It's so meta!

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There is no hope.

I really didn't want Iso and Viveka to get along at all, there's a much higher chance than I first realized with Katie on OFF mode 80% of the time.

@ Snowy

Hurry up with those friggin CCs!


@ Cynthia

That's just terrible ... kind of funny but terrible.

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@ Katie

I think she's online! :o

@ Stuff

I'm not sure what will happen when all three of my characters are in the inn together. I am very afraid.

@ Legitimate children

Iso Yes

Irina Yes

Viveka Yes

Lev Yes (no really)

Ivan Yes

Stephanie Yes

Ivanko Not sure I wanna go that far back :/

Ixion Probably not for some reason

Miranda Doubt it

Daneka Yes

The wyverns ... not so much

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Restarting Dani... Please stand by.

Edit: Gone practicing driving.

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