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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I see Morgan as a self-confident woman who believes she is infallible. Now, I think if we can shake that sense of infallibility, we have us a defrosting Ice Queen. On an unrelated note, what are her exact motivations for defeating the LoAF?

Meh, depends on how you do it. For example, Morgan was able to admit she was wrong in thinking Katie was a demon (or else she would be attacking Katie), but her reasoning was correct. So simply having Morgan be wrong doesn't quite cut it.

She believes the LoAF will end up killing everything, including her. Survival is important to Morgan. Despite her coldness, she's also not wanting to see everything else die either, though she's willing to handwave a few deaths here and there.

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Meh, depends on how you do it. For example, Morgan was able to admit she was wrong in thinking Katie was a demon (or else she would be attacking Katie), but her reasoning was correct. So simply having Morgan be wrong doesn't quite cut it.

She believes the LoAF will end up killing everything, including her. Survival is important to Morgan. Despite her coldness, she's also not wanting to see everything else die either, though she's willing to handwave a few deaths here and there.

@ Italics

We'll have to wait for her to have a Katie moment.

@ Bold

A few? :/

(points to mountain of Elyisimian corpses)


Okay I'm probably going to turn in soon ... like ... now ...

Goodnight whoever's still on ... Cynthia ... Sage ... Snike maybe ...? Eh ... Goodnight ^_^

Edited by Phoenix
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Interesting. I have a few ideas, but I'll leave those for later today, when I do have a few hours of sleep under my belt. Night.

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First and foremostly, I'm glad I was inactive today, I'm not sure how many dead bodies would be in that inn if I'd been around for Snowy and Ether making love. Sick, sick, sicko's :/

@Dark Sage

Unfortunately I missed the 'cheesiness' mentioned, so I don't know if I should kill Dark Sage or not. However I will be slowly shifting control of Reika to him in the next few weeks, depending on how good a grasp he can get Reika may survive, otherwise, She's going to knife the sluts in the group, and set the entire inn on fire with you people still in it.

If not, I'll set the continent on fire :/

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Hey Kanami. Hope you had a decent day at work. I missed the questionable antics of Dark Sage as well, so cannot clue you in. I must also admit to only briefly skimming Esphyr/Damian, when it looked like they were doing nothing more than rehashing old territory/treading water, but reactions in-Chat did make it seem they were getting dangerously close to Fan Disservice, so maybe I should go back when I have the spare time, to figure out just what went wrong.

I thought Reika was going to knife Tessa first. Grudge against heals and all? Or is she willing to forgo that for the moment because she hates sluts worse?

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Morning all.

The thing with Damian and Esphyr's interaction was that she inquired about his...past experiences...

Let's just say that Damian was very popular in school,and that's what got people riled up,or so I can see.

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I only skimmed the posts as well, I just saw the word Role-playing (Which got my interest, until I read the rest of the post) and oral, and figured I didn't want to read much more, I think I saw the word "hand job" somewhere, but overall, I've decided I'm going to skip Ether's posts when he's talking to Esphyr, it most likely doesn't effect plot, or Reika, and I really don't want to know where the boundaries of softcore and hardcore porn lie.

The first and foremost person Reika wants to knife is Damian/Aiya. Reason being Halton. After that comes Tessa and Morgan, followed by the rest of the group. Damian/Aiya will most likely sue me into insanity, so I've decided I won't attack them, and attacking Morgan is detrimental to staying with the group (And getting my monthly pay from the shadie bunch) So I'll most likely make a "proper" attempt at killing Tessa, but if say.... Helios was standing by himself all alone and injured, there's nothing stopping me from snapping that opportunity up :P

I'll probably make an attempt on Tessa's life sooner or later.

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I've decided to abuse Kelas specifically less and be more equal in my abuse of my characters... thus, I find myself having to flip a coin to see which tries to get in the way of the knife...

Ohhhh dear...I suppose the general idea is "what's the fun of leaving a thing if you can't bring it down with you?"

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I've given up on reading Chat, it's seldom worth the effort and even if I do point something out, it gets ignored. It's more fun wrenching people in the RP then here anyway. As for the RP, I'm read it, but I'm going to be leaving Dark Sage to RP for me XD And then tying up things at the end of each day instead.

Either way, haha, too many posts XD

PS, you can pretty much skip all of Ether's post, and most of Snowy's

Edited by Kanami
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@ Triangle attack: You know i always wanted to bring this up. How about the mages instead?

@ Nady: I admire you. I was dying during that moment >_<

@ Stuff: I had two hours of sleep yesterday.

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Triangle attack would be cheap for anyone who uses it. I say no personally, because limiting it to 3 people wouldn't be fair to the others.

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So, I count a Brute, and I count a headmaster, of sorts.

Helenos and Co Guisers?

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@ Kai

Screw mages. Triangle attack was meant for peggies.

Group Skill: Triangle attack

Activation: Twice per battle

Description: When activated, add the damage of all three triangle attacking units to the damage dealt if the first attack hits.

If the original attacker misses, roll for the second attack and if it hits add the damage of the third to the total damage. If the second attack misses, roll for the third and if it hits, calculate damage normally.

Only the first attack to hit can can apply critical hit damage, the rest do not.

No other skills can be activated while this skill is in use.

I don't see something like that^ as very OP. It's just three attacks routed to one target. It's even potentially dodgeable.

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