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...Hm. I wonder if Conrad will show up at some point.[/ADD]

Well I do need to try that "BOOM HEADSHOT: thing sometime... *thinks about doing it just for that*


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*changes game* *3 brothers attack again, this time Rolf w/ Double Bow Oscar w/ Brave and Boyd w/ Arbalest, and all 3 activating mastery skills*

Phoenix activated "Initiative" (a skill that allows him to attack first :) )

Phoenix burns them and their sh*t to the ground!

"Thank you, come again!" :)

@ Situation

Umm ... Iso and Viv are right though, that was a bit hasty on Damian's part. Helen's too big to transform in the inn.

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Phoenix activated "Initiative" (a skill that allows him to attack first :) )

Phoenix burns them and their sh*t to the ground!

"Thank you, come again!" :)

@ Situation

Umm ... Iso and Viv right though, that was a bit hasty on Damian's part. Helen's too big to transform in the inn.

*Miracle activates for all 3* YEAH I USE CHEAP SKILLS. *Oscar shoots 4 times activating Sol each shot* *Boyd shoots twice activating Colossus both times* *Rolf finishes by shooting twice and activating Deadeye twice* *also all 8 shots are critical hits* *Reyson uses Galdrar to make it all happen again*

^Like this overboard?

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So, the way I see it, she transforms, rocks fall, and everyone dies. if not from the Inn, then from the headmistress and Jace look-alikes.

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Possibly she won't if the inn would also damage her?

It's an inn. Remember those vids of things getting bigger until the buildings they're in collapse on top of them? Then they crawl out unharmed while everyone inside is most likely dead?

@ Ether

But the job's not done ... and if she goes drako zombie on us game over.


*Miracle activates for all 3* YEAH I USE CHEAP SKILLS. *Oscar shoots 4 times activating Sol each shot* *Boyd shoots twice activating Colossus both times* *Rolf finishes by shooting twice and activating Deadeye twice* *also all 8 shots are critical hits* *Reyson uses Galdrar to make it all happen again*

^Like this overboard?

*Misses ... all of them*

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Well I do need to try that "BOOM HEADSHOT: thing sometime... *thinks about doing it just for that*


You forget, Alferis doesn't know who Helenos is, nor does he know about all that happened. They kept him in the dark, so I'm just staying in character.

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You would think the mentions of Demons and Dragons would clue him in a little,maybe?That he might not wanna interfere,since those are generally dangerous things?

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@ the Innkeeper: Christ, is she like the Volke of meat cleavers?

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@ Sage

Speaking of in character, how is Alferis tied in with us being criminals? Did anyone mention to him that we went to Ilyphina to get our names cleared? Or is he tying himself in due to his Septimus bounty? If so I think that's a separate issue entirely.

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He still is. Just, Alf is getting up there. XD

Phoenix, please don't tell me you're going to ship Viv and Iso.

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Actually I think the most hated is currently tied between Helenos and Shanice. Helios isn't even hated anymore, just ignored unless responsible for some physical harm done.

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I love how he was saying that Helios is the most hated character in the RP


Ok first of all, shut up.

@ Sage

Speaking of in character, how is Alferis tied in with us being criminals? Did anyone mention to him that we went to Ilyphina to get our names cleared? Or is he tying himself in due to his Septimus bounty? If so I think that's a separate issue entirely.

He's not only got his own bounty but he's hanging with a group of criminals, so naturally, he'll be arrested if he was caught with them.

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@ Sage

But did anyone mention that to him?

@ Snike

No. IsoxViveka is not the intention here.

IsoxKatie is my primary and most difficult task in this rp.

Viveka is still more likely to end up with any mercenary than Iso.

That's not to say they won't ever become friends, but lovers would involve a break up with Katie.


I'm surprised people read what I typed about that :/

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