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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Still,he looks like he might be in his early twenties at the oldest.Look at Damian's mug for instance,who is three years younger,but looks like he may be around ten years older.

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@Ether: He's only 30... It's Raven's face, Eliwood's armor, I dunno about the hair.

Chad hair

Let me see if i can whip up something better then Eclispe40 (Except thats impossible)

He's 30?

Edited by Kai
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@ Conrad

That'd the sprite he'll be based off of. He won't look too young, don't worry about that. (Don't whip up anything else. That's the sprite I plan to use. I'll incorporate age and anything else needed myself.

@ Old Hector

(insert facepalm here)

@ Mushroom Forest

(insert double facepalm here)

Edited by Phoenix
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@Phoenix It'd be awesome. :awesome: Helios could get high or something, there'd be poisonous gas or spores, giant bugs. The options are endless.

Snowy, Pary just healed Damian. :mellow:

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It's like one of those moments in an anime where two characters are having a romantic moment,and are about to kiss,or something,and then the group klutz trips over his own feet,accidentally kisses the character the same gender as them,and shoves a pie or something similar into the other's face. Good job Pary,you just pulled a Dethroning Moment of Suck

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