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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Ah, here we go :) First I would like to quote a very recent RP post in the RP that reflects my belief here.

She rolled her eyes, she didn't care about the lives of others or what people did to eachother, for the most part anyway, but she didn't approve of people covering up their true beliefs and actions for the sake of public opinion. If you had no morals, might as well be proud of it, rather then try and hide a part of yourself.

First and foremostly, I don't care what you try to do, it's what you do. And those things aren't only cheesy, but quite ridiculous. In my eyes, there is no such thing as the "good guy" and hence by no means are you a good person. You however are someone who likes to line up worthless praise about yourself in order to make yourself seem better.

That would be my reason for 'disliking' you, someone who does those things you listed, either is aware of it and doesn't find a need to tell people that, otherwise are only pretending to do it to improve their self image. I also don't approve of the "I'm the victim here" mentality :/

I left in a huff? When? :/ I left due to another RP'er giving me false information, and because I felt I had better things to do, I also did state that I might come back :/

-Assured me when? And why would I need such assurance?

-Reika left the group before I first departed, and to it'd be stupid of you to say I couldn't have her back :/

-Helped create a character? Right a character that would work in your RP, in your setting to prevent contradiction, I really doubt I owe you anything for that, I didn't exactly push for the idea too hard anyway.

Comments like this

I've been consistently nice to her and apologized whenever I've wronged her and she considers herself to be my SATAN now.

Are an example of why I'm the horrible 'little' nuisance :/

Also, the only one that remarked positively on my comments regarding you was SuperFush, and frankly Shu's Quest has alot more RP'ers then just him.

Not constructive criticism. Not advise. I wouldn't even call it criticism to be honest because, at least with that example, it's more based on opinion than on anything factual. Please, do not hide your opinion behind the guise of criticism. No one is deceived and it makes you look like a pompous ass.

And here's another little quote for your enjoyment. From a Shuq'er this made you seem like a 'pomnpous ass' or at least I thought it did. Edited by Kanami
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I'm not going to comment on the rest of stuff, but even if Snowy leaves I plan on continuing the RP. Or pass it off to Phoenix or something.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I'm not going to comment on the rest of stuff, but even if Snowy leaves I plan on continuing the RP. Or pass it off to Phoenix or something.

... I feel so ... strange all of a sudden. Have my actions truly led to my being trustworthy enough for such a task if no other options existed?

I'm going to be here till the end. However, I won't be joining up any new RPs or starting any.

You say that now, but I will sway you.

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Forgive me if I'm remembering incorrectly, but if I'm not, he's said that exact same thing several times before.

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Silence is consent? XD


It's not your actions, well not completely at least anyway. If Snowy does leave for whatever reason though, You'd probably be my vote for a replacement. Cynthia's good and all but I think she'd make a much better 2nd, then an RP head. :/

Either way, I need to go off and fit a new table into my room :/ BBL when none of you are around XD

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I have said I will leave a RP and have often been talked back into it by several people. This is the first time I've said I would end it all together, and I will keep it. Not that it will be hard. I'm exhausted from RPing.

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I'm back guys.

Wrote a monologue,which,to your shock and dismay,contains no softcore porn,and no Hardcore Porn,before you ask,it is entirely Porn free,unless a kiss is porn...

Anyway,we can get ready to arrive at any time,basically,but I don't mind giving people a little time to talk.When we chose to arrive,I'll initiate a TS via Aiya spotting the place from Ulfy,and then arrival.

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Someone said something about multiple black horses. They're not actually that uncommon. Just sayin'.

I have the black horse (in more than 1 way) of the RP. Any more would be laem.

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Keep him/her away from Reika, plz. Also, I see a 'squee' from Dani, and a 'meh' from my other 2.

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Did I miss the conversation where Conrad explained why he's now tagging along? That's kind of crucial pre-timp skip information. I still haven't seen a valid reason for him to be here. He came to Alburny to check up on Viveka. He finds Viveka. He leaves. Wouldn't that be logical?

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Item of discussion: July 4th. I would like for it to be considered a 'rest day' for the RP. Not a day in which no activity takes place, but rather a relaxation day in which little happens.

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I think we are discussing the matter of Conrad's recruitment and our criminal status at Damian's house.

As for July 4th, I'm uh going to be bored and alone so I make no promises about limiting my posting.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Reika and Heinz: I came up with a good plot twist but then i realized that they werent my characters. If either of you are interested i'll send it by PM.

@ Snowy hate: I have to remain neutral on this. My animosity is directed towards Ether at the moment for making Aiya so bland.

@ Sequel: ^_^

@ July 4th: I might be around. Either that or im going to party

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@Lightning: Well, we've pretty well worked out that staying in town's unfeasible. If he's not coming with, have him say so before we do too much.

@4th: I'm not sure yet. I'm either going to be at work, then at my aunt's house all day, or at work cursing my family's name, my boss, and my luck. Either way I'll probably be on at night; latter option has me online earlier, with more swearing. Rest sounds like a good idea. Conversations. Such. (~Ignores the collective groan at support building.~)

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I doubt I'll be on this weekend, as I'm heading to the cottage, where internet connection is suspect, for two weeks. I guess CCs go to whoever. If there's wireless out there, I'll be on, otherwise, no access. >.<

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