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Conrad went after them since apparently everyone left the town already and he hadn't talked to them yet. Got caught up in the crowd and only found out they left in x direction afterwards.

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Sorry guys but I woke up on the wrong side of the nest. It's time to play Cuddles.

First off this is total bullsh*t. Exactly how short is this time skip to Damian's place? How many whores are there? Is there a pool? You'd think the uber fast headmaster would have caught up to us before we even reach our destination if Conrad on a horse could beat us to Alburny. And another thing. Was it suddenly decided that his house is just close enough to the border that we can get there in one day or something? If this time skip is any less than two days I'm going to be a little (insert typical annoyed look here).

@ Black horses

Shut up with the black horses.

@ Cynthia

You won't be alone. I'll be here :)

We'll both be alone <_<

*Is not sharing the root beer*

@ Conrad

We should've handled the man's recruitment before we left, but once again we had to high tail it before we could get that done. How was Lev a wyvern lord able to bust up a scheme shop and leave without causing a scene, yet a small company of tier ones were barely able to avoid a scuffle with the authorities. As annoying as their sudden arrival was, Kai was actually in character ... until that 48 sh*t came up, then I just sort of waited for the whole ordeal to end knowing we were doomed to leave in our typical fashion.

@ Timeskip

Like I said, if their house is conveniently on the border I'll be a little peeved. We're going to reach the LoAF in like one month if the continent turns out to be the size of Rhode Island.

@ Support building

*shoots anyone against it*

@ Aiya blandness

There's a difference between blandness and the one quality you hate. Yes I'm sick of hearing about this. Listen, Aiya has creamed people, nearly seduced people, expressed dozens of feelings. The only thing that doesn't make sense is her devotion to Damian despite Esphyr, and that's only because we're not seeing this the way Ether does. Enough Aiya blandness. She's displayed numerous unique qualities in the rp, and even has outbursts. Let's not even get started on the fact that she's riding on a flying T-90. She's anything but bland.

@ Other Stuff

Good ... morning <_<

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@ Aiya: Not what i meant. I dont know if Ether knows this or not but from watching TV and personal experience women dont like it when you cheat on them.

Damian = Tiger Wood

@ Shop business: Dont worry about that. Ether thinks he has power. I can and will turn it against him.

Tiem for sum lulz

A lion wouldnt cheat on his wife....... but a Tiger Wood :awesome:

^ Facebook group

Edited by Kai
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Woah woah woah. ~applies fire extinguisher

@Where is Damian's house: GO GO GO MULTI-DAY TRAVEL seconded. Why we have to go there... yeah I don't even.

@Conrad coming with: Right, I think I have diverted things a bit much. My bad for diverting, but I didn't say "we're on the road nao" to start out with. If we don't get an explanation for Conrad right quick I might kill the kitten.

@Headmaster: Hey yeah...

@Explosion: ~more fire extinguisher~

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@Conrad coming with: Right, I think I have diverted things a bit much. My bad for diverting, but I didn't say "we're on the road nao" to start out with. If we don't get an explanation for Conrad right quick I might kill the kitten.

He does have to meet with them, but not necessarily there. Probably will not be directly part the group for 3 chapters or so, but will be in the general area because he would discuss what is going on with the head Haltonian authority. Damian probably has to live somewhere not too far away (maybe a few miles) if he's still part of the army, so he'd go on the same general path.

I agree with the idea of multi-day travel though. It's stupid how close together all our objectives are sometimes.

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Wait so if Conrad's not coming with then why the hell are we going there, if not because it's somewhere we can talk and (probably) not get attacked/run out of town by locals?

Did he even have another reason for being in Halton to begin with?

I'm so confused.

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@ Aiya (not sure why I'm doing this one first)

This isn't America, where all women are pissed about being a number 2 girl or something. Ether's explanation made sense, it's just annoyingfor the rest of us because it gives Damian a free pass to do whatever he wants with Esphyr with absolutely no consequences.

@ Conrad

You realize that if Conrad stays near the group, but doesn't officially join, you won't get the bonus exp for the battles he missed right? Viv's not with the group either, but she's too close to them to still receive the bonuses. I recommend getting recruitment handled sooner rather than later.

@ Extinguisher

... ow ....

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Phoenix, you're confusing "society says it's all right" with "the people getting the short end of society's bargain are invariably fine with it." Given the apparent societal acceptance of polygamy I can see why Aiya would accept the situation. But I don't see why she would embrace it.

It's not entirely alien to today's society either. I've known couples where it's (often reluctantly) been agreed that either partner can mess around with other people. None of the ones I've known lasted very long.

Ether's said that we'll see more of Aiya's opinions on the matter. I hope we do, because right now it seems like she's just letting Damian walk all over her.

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Phoenix, you're confusing "society says it's all right" with "the people getting the short end of society's bargain are invariably fine with it." Given the apparent societal acceptance of polygamy I can see why Aiya would accept the situation. But I don't see why she would embrace it.

It's not entirely alien to today's society either. I've known couples where it's (often reluctantly) been agreed that either partner can mess around with other people. None of the ones I've known lasted very long.

Ether's said that we'll see more of Aiya's opinions on the matter. I hope we do, because right now it seems like she's just letting Damian walk all over her.

I was generalizing there. I don't want to nitpick which societies today do what. I'm not really confusing the two either. I'm just saying it's a passable excuse since she hasn't objected to anything Damian's done.

As for stuff like this happening today, yes it happens all of the time, and I hate those kinds of relationships with a passion. Them not lasting long is anything but surprising.

I remember Ether saying he's show Aiya's opinion later, but I don't expect that to lead to an outright rejection of what he's doing, therefore it hardly matters.

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fdkajpwjeoejfefjew[RANT REDACTED]

I was going to continue the argument but realized that it was turning into one of my rants. Which is not a bad thing except it's completely off-topic so I'll keep it out of here.

Back to making cracks about Aiya being bi and polyamorous for me, I guess.

Just... if when her opinion is finally displayed, and has absolutely nothing negative about the situation in it at all (especially since it seems like she's being more and more replaced), I'm calling bullshit. Or possibly brainwashing.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Conrad

You realize that if Conrad stays near the group, but doesn't officially join, you won't get the bonus exp for the battles he missed right? Viv's not with the group either, but she's too close to them to still receive the bonuses. I recommend getting recruitment handled sooner rather than later.

Yeah he will.

...I think.

Either way, I'm thinking of having him tell Viveka to go with them just to be sure that they won't do anything and make sure they're not lying about demons. If the group can prove to Viveka that there's demons, Conrad would help them out gladly.

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@ Kiryn

I'm calling "Ether's going for 2 S supports" rather than calling bullsh*t.

@ Lightning

I thought you might do that. No objections here.

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I'm more concerned with People Do Not Work That Way than with stats, to be honest.

@Conrad: So you going to post this as a flashback or something then?

There's a passable excuse for Conrad helping us. The military idiots are already after him politically. If he helps us pulverize demons, maybe even stop a world-wide take over via LoAF, he'll be one of the heroes spoken of in history, and he'll probably succeed in starting his own country or whatever he was trying to do. Lightning can you clarify on that? I forgot specifically what Conrad wanted to achieve.

Point is, he'll benefit from helping us as long as we don't piss off another country in the process.


Crap! You were talking about DamianxAiya on that first line, not ConradxPower weren't you? :facepalm:

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I think you can get the bonus Exp as long as you don't participate in stat combat IMO.

WRT Aiya, this is becoming a very odd case. Sometimes people let their partners mess around with other people, but those are usually short term flings. In actual polygamy, the multiple marriages are mostly for pratical purposes, more babies and wives are useful for growing crops and such, rather than the "love" that Western culture emphasizes. In this case, Damian is actually romancing two women concurrently, which does not have a lot of real world precedent (well it does, but not the ladies being OK with it).

Edited by -Cynthia-
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There's a passable excuse for Conrad helping us. The military idiots are already after him politically. If he helps us pulverize demons, maybe even stop a world-wide take over via LoAF, he'll be one of the heroes spoken of in history, and he'll probably succeed in starting his own country or whatever he was trying to do. Lightning can you clarify on that? I forgot specifically what Conrad wanted to achieve.

He thinks that for the most part all three of the main countries have pretty bad legal systems but he can tolerate Eliyisma's to a point. Pretty sure I've mentioned this somewhere.

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I think you can get the bonus Exp as long as you don't participate in stat combat IMO.

WRT Aiya, this is becoming a very odd case. Sometimes people let their partners mess around with other people, but those are usually short term flings. In actual polygamy, the multiple marriages are mostly for pratical purposes, more babies and wives are useful for growing crops and such, rather than the "love" that Western culture emphasizes. In this case, Damian is actually romancing two women concurrently, which does not have a lot of real world precedent (well it does, but not the ladies being OK with it).

@ Exp

That makes sense.

@ Aiya quote

Maybe Aiya's just confident that Damian will choose her over Esphyr in the end. If that's the case then I can't wait to see this blow up and turn into a stat battle XD

@ Lightning

I think you did but I forgot where. You'd think that Elyisima would have the most corrupt system, but then again we haven't been anywhere else yet so we'll have to see. I'm placing my bets on Elyisima though.

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This again?

Alright,may as well get it over with...

Aiya's thoughts on Esphyr are basically this:

-The idea of multiple wives/lovers is common in Halton,especially in higher classes.Due to the exposure,she is used to the idea.She knows of Damian's popularity,so she was expecting there to be someone else at one time or another.This is why she isn't shocked or appalled.

-She doesn't want to cause a conflict.She is willing to go any lengths to fight for him,but she doesn't think she could take it if she was against him.She isn't asking him to find a second girl,but if he does happen to,and she likes the person herself,then she won't complain about it unless something triggers it.

-She is devoted to him.She wants him to be happy,as not only has he made her happy for 16 years,but had he not told the guards to take her with them and leave her unharmed,she would either still be on the streets,or dead.If he would be happier with a second girl around,then she'll let it go.However,she still wants to be a part of his life.Were he to just abandon her for this other girl,she would get angry very quickly,and likely homicidal.This is why Damian apologized for spending less time with her than usual,and has something planned for when they reach the manor.

-As was mentioned earlier,she does think that if it came down to it,Damian would choose her over Esphyr.This is reflected when she said at TISME that she had planned to do something big that night in the beginning,she wants to be the one he will choose,if he chooses only one.She feels confident enough that she is still the one,and Esphyr's submissive attitude towards her in that regard (Aiya comes first),makes Esphyr pretty easy for her to deal with.

-She is Bisexually curious.Not completely bisexual,and as the story progresses,she may grow closer,or farther from it,depending on what happens.She tends to gravitate towards girls,because she has bad memories of men from when she was on the streets,Damian and Bethold being the only extensive positive male influences she has,whereas in the academy,aside from Damian,all of her friends were girls.She is still sexually attracted to men,but she is very open with other girls through familiarity.

Overall,she is accepting of Damian's decision,but she wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if he dumped Esphyr.She likes Esphyr,however, since they have a good deal in common via ideals and such,and because of this,she doesn't mind having her around.

If there is anything glaring that I missed,ask,I guess.

EDIT: @ T-90: How did you know that the Halton Military just finished tests on Black Powder Artillery Cannons,and that Ulfhrahn is going to be equipped with one?

Edited by Ether
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I dont remember being online when this was discussed but OBJECTION! (Im bored)

-The idea of multiple wives/lovers is common in Halton

You have no say over that. Snowy never appointed you as claimer of Halton or something to that extent.

-She is devoted to him.She wants him to be happy,as not only has he made her happy for 16 years,but had he not told the guards to take her with them and leave her unharmed,she would either still be on the streets,or dead.If he would be happier with a second girl around,then she'll let it go.However,she still wants to be a part of his life.Were he to just abandon her for this other girl,she would get angry very quickly,and likely homicidal.This is why Damian apologized for spending less time with her than usual,and has something planned for when they reach the manor.

This is practically the same as the bottom statement. This fleshing it out some more

-She doesn't want to cause a conflict.She is willing to go any lengths to fight for him,but she doesn't think she could take it if she was against him.She isn't asking him to find a second girl,but if he does happen to,and she likes the person herself,then she won't complain about it unless something triggers it.

Im still calling it BS unless statement one is justified.

The Prosecution has not further questions

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