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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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The place of Polygamy,etc. in the world was discussed,and Snowy said it was acceptable.It was later established that it was most common in Halton,and that it was practically routine among the nobility,as expected.

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Green text time...

This again?

Alright,may as well get it over with...

Aiya's thoughts on Esphyr are basically this:

-The idea of multiple wives/lovers is common in Halton,especially in higher classes.Due to the exposure,she is used to the idea.She knows of Damian's popularity,so she was expecting there to be someone else at one time or another.This is why she isn't shocked or appalled. The lack of shock makes sense; the resignation that it's the status quo makes sense. The complete lack of reservations? Not as much. She doesn't need to rebel against society in order to be realistic, but I don't see why she has no questions whatsoever.

-She doesn't want to cause a conflict.She is willing to go any lengths to fight for him,but she doesn't think she could take it if she was against him.She isn't asking him to find a second girl,but if he does happen to,and she likes the person herself,then she won't complain about it unless something triggers it. Not wanting to start a fight and lose a friend... ehh, sure. But the phrasing on this at least smacks a bit of "ah I am WEAK-WILLED WOMAN I cannot live without my STRONG MAN at my side and my happiness depends on his and i will do nothing, even for my own sake, that could cause him to leave".

-She is devoted to him.She wants him to be happy,as not only has he made her happy for 16 years,but had he not told the guards to take her with them and leave her unharmed,she would either still be on the streets,or dead.If he would be happier with a second girl around,then she'll let it go.However,she still wants to be a part of his life.Were he to just abandon her for this other girl,she would get angry very quickly,and likely homicidal.This is why Damian apologized for spending less time with her than usual,and has something planned for when they reach the manor. Again, her happiness is apparently contingent on his (unless he leaves her entirely).

-As was mentioned earlier,she does think that if it came down to it,Damian would choose her over Esphyr.This is reflected when she said at TISME that she had planned to do something big that night in the beginning,she wants to be the one he will choose,if he chooses only one.She feels confident enough that she is still the one,and Esphyr's submissive attitude towards her in that regard (Aiya comes first),makes Esphyr pretty easy for her to deal with. This strikes me as illogical but I'll let it go since people generally are, of both genders.

-She is Bisexually curious.Not completely bisexual,and as the story progresses,she may grow closer,or farther from it,depending on what happens.She tends to gravitate towards girls,because she has bad memories of men from when she was on the streets,Damian and Bethold being the only extensive positive male influences she has,whereas in the academy,aside from Damian,all of her friends were girls.She is still sexually attracted to men,but she is very open with other girls through familiarity. Makes sense of why she hangs onto Esphyr as well, I guess.

Overall,she is accepting of Damian's decision,but she wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if he dumped Esphyr.She likes Esphyr,however, since they have a good deal in common via ideals and such,and because of this,she doesn't mind having her around.

If there is anything glaring that I missed,ask,I guess.

EDIT: @ T-90: How did you know that the Halton Military just finished tests on Black Powder Artillery Cannons,and that Ulfhrahn is going to be equipped with one?

I guess my main point is that Aiya for the most part seems to kind of be defined by her man, and seems to care about little else besides his happiness. She doesn't really seem to have goals or attitudes of her own that don't concern Damian.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Hey Ether. Think of it as payback for all those disgusting posts last chapter

Halton: Possibly the strongest nation in military might, Halton is a calm, overall simple nation to live in. It is a simple nation overall, with little going on... except for a seeming thirst for more land. Currently subdued, it constantly craves smaller nations, though it doesn't always take them by force. It isn't evil, mean, or nasty about it; just desiring to constantly grow. RL equivalent: Rome


The Roman Catholic Church clearly condemns polygamy; the Catechism of the Catholic Church lists it in paragraph 2387 under the head "Other offenses against the dignity of marriage" and states that it "is not in accord with the moral law." Also in paragraph 1645 under the head "The Goods and Requirements of Conjugal Love" states "The unity of marriage, distinctly recognized by our Lord, is made clear in the equal personal dignity which must be accorded to man and wife in mutual and unreserved affection. Polygamy is contrary to conjugal love which is undivided and exclusive."
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Kai, that. Doesn't. Mean. Anything. The Roman EMPIRE was something entirely different; it was used as a parallel because Halton, like the Roman Empire, is all about conquest. The Church has nothing to do with anything.

Snowy signed off on the polygamy-is-legal thing; it's the character depiction that's the issue.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Okay Ether you win for now

I was hoping that it would intimidate him a little and cause him to stand down.

Doesnt matter. Ether will mess up again sooner or later. And i will be there

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Kai would have a serious point there if Snowy didn't already hand wave this. The countries are based on others from real life, but don't necessarily follow the same moral compass.

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The lack of shock makes sense; the resignation that it's the status quo makes sense. The complete lack of reservations? Not as much. She doesn't need to rebel against society in order to be realistic, but I don't see why she has no questions whatsoever.
Not wanting to start a fight and lose a friend... ehh, sure. But the phrasing on this at least smacks a bit of "ah I am WEAK-WILLED WOMAN I cannot live without my STRONG MAN at my side and my happiness depends on his and i will do nothing, even for my own sake, that could cause him to leave".
Again, her happiness is apparently contingent on his (unless he leaves her entirely).
This strikes me as illogical but I'll let it go since people generally are, of both genders.
Makes sense of why she hangs onto Esphyr as well, I guess.
I guess my main point is that Aiya for the most part seems to kind of be defined by her man, and seems to care about little else besides his happiness. She doesn't really seem to have goals or attitudes of her own that don't concern Damian.

I guess the big thing with this is that he does make her happy.She is happy with him,and this is big for her because she hasn't had a lot of happiness elsewhere.She knows that he cares about her,and that he will keep her happy,and that is something she wants to keep.If she feels that this is apt to change,then she will take a lot of action,very quickly.

As for her own goals and such,her life is decently fulfilled aside from him.She has a decently high-ranking position,and is close to a promotion.She can provide for herself,she could get a nice sized house in the capitol.She is perfectly capable of living fine on her own.If you take him out of the picture,the only thing she doesn't have is a Husband/Family.She pursues him like she does because she wants him to fill the one big hole in her life.Yes,I know what I just said,deal with it.

As for fighting and losing a friend,he is more than just a friend to her,by a large margin.He saved her life,pulled her from a life on the streets,which would have been likely spent as either a laborer or a prostitute,and gave her a home,and got her enlisted in the Halton Military Academy.He took her from having nothing to having,well,almost everything she could want.

As for reservations/questions.She has some,but she isn't vocal about them.A lot of it is placated by Esphyr's attitude,which is that Damian should do everything with Aiya first,spend more of his time with Aiya.Esphyr isn't really encroaching on her territory,as much as living on the border of her territory,and living off of the prosperities that proximity allows.

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Hehe big hole

It would be realistic if Aiya was hanging out with Irina to escape the reality that Damian loves Esphyr more then her but you dont plan for that. There are negative actions that can revolve around her if she accept the fact that Damian can have more then just her.

Edited by Kai
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Im still calling it BS unless statement one is justified.

Like you do whenever you deem it convenient? Seriously. You never had a problem with it before. I don't see why you all of a sudden change your mind. It's not the first time either.

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Hey Rein. How about you fuck off read more carefully? You have the same problem with your character. Dont interfere.

I dont remember being online when this was discussed but OBJECTION! (Im bored)

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Hehe big hole

It would be realistic if Aiya was hanging out with Irina to escape the reality that Damian loves Esphyr more then her but you dont plan for that. There are negative actions that can revolve around her if she accept the fact that Damian can have more then just her.

She sees Irina as a friendly person who has a lot of things in common with her.if she talks to anyone about it,it is probably going to be Irina.She might ask for advice,etc.

So you may very well get your wish in that regard.

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@ Hole

That implies a condition called loo-*shot*

@ LevxEsphyr

This is so much fun. I'm actually testing out David DeAngelo's material's by incorporating them into Lev's personality. Well ... I've been doing that from the very beginning, but it's never really showed due to his absence and his unestablished reputation.

@ IsoxKatie

Urgh ... must draw out more Katie somehow >_<

@ AiyaxIrina

They actually parallel one another entirely.



Both relationships seem to have similar problems.

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So you may very well get your wish in that regard.


Remember last time i said something and it came true?

@ Feenix: They are both controlled by the same person. Yeah

Edited by Kai
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Hey Rein. How about you fuck off read more carefully? You have the same problem with your character. Dont interfere.

I'm not interfering, I'm part of the discussion, and we've discussed it before. You never had a problem with it until now.

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