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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I don't think the entire RP has even lasted 2 weeks, and neither Katie nor Isotov were present for the first...2?

It's not just talking about food either. Half of Isotov's actions seem to involve him seeking out Katie's food and Katie's been relegated to kitchen duty whenever possible ever since we were at TISME. Food seems to take up a far larger portion of their lives than anything else.

I think I'm just bothered by this "women in the kitchen" sentiment that seems to be hovering around this relationship. at least in the last conversation they managed to talk about something else (airships?), though food was still mentioned several times.

It's fine to use food giving as a starting point, but not as the entire basis for their relationship, especially when Katie's not even the team chef or anything.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I don't think the entire RP has even lasted 2 weeks, and neither Katie nor Isotov were present for the first...2?

It's not just talking about food either. Half of Isotov's actions seem to involve him seeking out Katie's food and Katie's been relegated to kitchen duty whenever possible ever since we were at TISME. Food seems to take up a far larger portion of their lives than anything else.

I think I'm just bothered by this "women in the kitchen" sentiment that seems to be hovering around this relationship. at least in the last conversation they managed to talk about something else (airships?), though food was still mentioned several times.

It's fine to use food giving as a starting point, but not as the entire basis for their relationship, especially when Katie's not even the team chef or anything.

@ Airships XD

That was a joke about this.

@ Base of relationship

Their relationship isn't based on "food", their relationship is based on her sex appeal and Iso's benign co-dependence.

@ "woman in the kitchen"

You are clearly bias -_-

@ Kitchen duty

Dammit, Cynthia, let the girl take up a hobby. Sheesh XD


@ Kiryn

*wants to strangle Kiryn for drawing Chase with long sleeves*

Edited by Phoenix
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we are at the mansion.You can ask a servant if you want food/your room.Pegasi and Pegasus Knights are falling from the sky.Damian and Aiya are on a romantic date.

Uhh...not much else.

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@Any remark Phoenix has or might ever make about women should stay in the kitchen: ~ballista~

@Hobby: "Hobby" is me drawing in my spare time. "Hobby" is not the math homework everyone expects me to do the second I set foot in the house. (Substitute whatever for drawing, "cooking practice" for "math homework", and "Katie/appropriate pronouns" for "me.")

@That issue in general: It's not going to last. Don't kid yourself, it's based on Iso hanging around her and going "Make me a sandwich."

@The state of RP in general: Yeah I dunno. Can't stick around long, I've been sentenced to parental interrogation, followed by dinner and then whatever "fun family activity" they drag me into afterwards.

@Sleeves: Deal with it, ya wuss.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Kiryn

#1 Where do people get this idea that I think all women should cook? I'm the type of person that uses chores and cooking as an excuse to hang out, not make them do all the work.

#2 You apparently don't want to do your homework. Katie does.

#3 I'm about 60% certain that IsoxKatie won't hit S, and that has little to do with the food anyway.

#4 I already dealt with it, though I may still strangle you. A Chase based on the pic you drew wasn't quite as detailed as I'd have liked, so I left a lot of stuff on the bases that I was going to erase.

@ Snowy

... well damn.

Edited by Phoenix
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@Strangulation: Payback for you spriting things before I get to employ artistic license? ._.

@Katie in general: I kind of want to know where the rest of her mind went, really. Like, teaching and having students and wanting to avenge said students. Possible conversation topics besides food.

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Snowy's probably not bringing that stuff up because Katie would logically leave on the spot. We're clearly not venturing toward the mesh anymore. On the other hand, she may be dead set on avenging her students and she probably figures that since the mesh making bitch(Helenos) is after us, the easiest way to get payback, is to just tag along

@ Strangulation

It's not my fault you're a lazy artist. You could have finish like three more people by now.

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Haha, could have finished. I could sacrifice some sleep, I guess. I got a job and summer classes, man.

@Leaving: I just want to see her have a personality again. Oh and the fact that we keep dealing with Helenos... yeah.

Man I'm in a bitch mood right now. I need to not have a headache I think.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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...shit, I've been crossing from "generalized asshole" to "actual bitch" today haven't I...

Now to be an actual helper: Are the pegasi gonna do anything in particular, or can I calm them down without horrible consequences?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I may be able to do things today. I see things have progressed somewhat, haven't they.

I missed a lot of fun talk in chat yesterday too. I would've loved to have been there for some of it.

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What the breasts talk? That was pointless. I don't even care about breasts in comparison to legs. We should've talked about something less close to home for the girls. Terrible memories :facepalm: (except for that pic Snowy posted :) )

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I actually meant the general "swimsuit episode" stuff. But yeah, I guess breasts work too. Guess Tessa's size if you must...

Oh, and Clockwork, I don't think it's even required to read your controls to figure out what you were driving at. There were enough hints dropped around in either here or the actual RP (chapter 3 border crossing IIRC, plus a few more recent events) that it's pretty sufficiently clear. I'm pretty sure there's even enough out there that Tessa actually has a decent idea, without me OOC-ing.

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What the breasts talk? That was pointless. I don't even care about breasts in comparison to legs. We should've talked about something less close to home for the girls. Terrible memories :facepalm: (except for that pic Snowy posted :) )

... What is this I don't even?

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